How does he make money?
If he doesn't, does he grow all his food on his own? How does he get stuff like internet, electricity etc?
How does he make money?
If he doesn't, does he grow all his food on his own? How does he get stuff like internet, electricity etc?
Other urls found in this thread:
Youtube. He's essentially a camwhore.
MYFAROG and Burzum sales.
He doesn't get enough views to support himself through youtube.
black metal betas buy his records. from what i can tell they have a big thing about actually owning physical copies of albums
stupid fans give him money.
If he gets a cut of all the merch sales. He's set
he's on french welfare as part of his probation terms
His wife sells books on amazon
He sells bruzum merch, and a rpg game called "Myfarog"
This basically. Also living in the rural area like he does is not essentially expensive. Plus they don't spend money on useless tech, etc. (at least I believe so).
But yes, most money he probably makes with his music. Burzum is still very very popular and especially in the BM scene the people tend to buy the records.
Burzum, black metal sells very well.
Is it you Famine? Can you finally please store up your merch store jesus fucking christ
>his RPG
>his books and his wife's books
>low living standard (rural)
>no taxes because they don't have normal jobs
>poverty masquerading as enlightenment
They have a name for people like him. Poor broke losers.
His books and burzum sales.
certain secret organization pays him.
No it's not me, but you can come to the Lyon Peste Noire concert on 28 january
I never got black metal
I try to listen to some of it but it just hurts my ears
I like agalloch though with that deer album I don't really remember bands very well also opeth is great
Any recommendations on good albums I can listen to?
He's a literal snownigger and gets refugeebucks.
no, fuck off, normie
The poorest countries in Europe are the most homogenous.
If everyone stopped growing the economy we would save the West from Globalist rape.
I reckon if you want to "get into" it, start with Rotting Christ, Impaled Nazarene and Watain since they mix in elements of death, doom and grind. Then if you like those try Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky and Bathory - Blood Fire Death, just because those are two of the best black metal albums ever made
No Metal is not for you
As far as I know, his videos are not monetized
You dont know what doom or grind is. Those bands have nothing to do with doom or grindcore and grind core is shit.
All true Black Metallers hated core including everybody from Mayhem, Darkthrone and Burzum
He looks down upon atheists and atheism
I heard he got into a longship every summer and raid the coast of England, like his ancestors
>murdered a guy who was planning to murder him
Even better than Burzum
To my ears, anyhow
Murder was not necessarially evil in old Europe.
>Satanic Warmaster
My nigger. Best NSBM project and one of the best BM projects alone.
He sells RPG rulebooks
Satanic Tyrant Werwolf says its technically not NSBM though
I bet hes on welfare
Or we could grow the economy, be prosperous, and tell shitskins to fuck off back to Shitstan.
Best of both worlds.
>planned to murder him
Isn't that what all of them say?
He said in one of his vids that all his money is from music royalties.
why is satanic warmaster considered nsbm?
This and he probably doesn't make much money but have 5 children which means he doesn't have to pay much tax at all if any.
He talked about that once, with his income and the amount of children he have, he does not have to pay much tax at all.
Euronymous was sick as fuck, completely disturbed. Even Ohlin saw psychological problems in that guy. Other hand, Varg Vikernes always shown a clearer positioning of ideas, a racionality that Euronymous hadn't. His version seems reasonable tho.
>tfw vargs books were actually decent
Just ignore the fact he includes imperative sentences as directions for the reader to take at the end of each chapter. Don't mind those and it's worth reading.
Mainly with the taxes that I pay
"If someone becomes a “nazi” just by working with or hanging around “the wrong kind of people”, should it not be true in all possible contexts? Unless it is all about the effort of trying to sand down the sharpest edges of modern music. Personally, I could never tie Satanic Warmaster down to the concept of NSBM for the reasons that have been there from 1998: It would not coincide with my conviction and the thoughts I want to convey through my music. To see me crush all the chains of an Abrahamic religion and proclaim my victory in the most insulting way possible, or me seeing good, evil, or lies where, according to political correctness, none should exist, it takes a twisted mind to see all this as a reflection of some political dogma. As I have said before and will say once again: The ideology behind Satanic Warmaster is Satanism and the musical style is black metal. Those, who claim otherwise, do it on the basis of their own feelings and resentment"
which one did you read?
Agalloch isn't even close to black metal and anyone who says it is should kill themselves. Agalloch is actually good.
What the fuck. Everything he does is pierced through with national socialism, even the goddamn booklets. And I'm not even talking about the song names, lyrics and his visage alone.
>"Sieg Heil! The sign of our cross rises The age of fire and retribution is upon us Shadow resistance, the order of hate Against the cross that has oppressed us for so long Torching the jewish creation Laughing on their despair when they cry Blood shall be our guide - On the battlefield Where the churches burn bright in the night"
Of fucking course he gonna say that in public. Don't be a tool.
People with nigger tier music taste buy his shitty albums i guess.
Burzum is still pretty popular.
Then he has his books and his RPG.
Also his family is loaded.
He has said in his vids though, that he tries to be as self sustainable as possible, reducing the need for money, rather than trying to make more of it. This is why I am a fan of him. Self-sustainability is the ultimate redpill.
The one where he advertises his other book about sorcery three times.
It did actually have a bunch of interesting stuff but it is clear it was written by Varg.
That doesn't mean he is a national socialist just because he respects and is inspired by warriors from the dark past. Those lyrics are completely Satanic
If you watch Until The Light Takes us it is not just Varg saying it, all of the other musicians confirm Euronymous was a mental patient who wanted to kill Varg.
Watch any interview about Euronymous from the remaining BM guys of the time and they all sound pretty happy Varg killed him.
Meant to quote this instead:
>Torching the jewish creation
He has explained that he was obviously referring to Christianity as the jewish creation in these lyrics.
Though, he does sing about killing kikes as well in other lyrics
He's still an athiest he just reasoned his way around it. He maintians the pagan traditions but doesn't acutally beleive in anything transcendent
source is wikipidea but they probably link an interview or somthing
Varg says in his videos that they get about 10% of their food from farming.
The land they are living on is too shit in terms of nutrition and it will take few years before they can properly start to cultivate anything on it (the land they are living on is primarily ex-grazeland for cows or something etc. that´s why the land is so depleted
Pretty sure he believes your soul will be reincarnated in another body if you lead an 'honourable' life.
I'm not saying I understand his lyrics the best but once you start to appreciate how spiritually complex and occult his lyrics are, it makes sense that it can't be restricted by any political labels
I personally I side with the axis when it comes to the war, that doesn't mean I'm a national socialist
SLayer sings about ww2, that doesn't mean they are ''Nazis''
This 100% I spend up to 60$ to obtain some cassettes and albums.
They have pretty wacky beliefs with their wife and they share both this same worldview.
Basically ancestor can incarnate to your body through password system and memorizing some objects found in ancestral graves.
>denouncing theism as "mental enslavement" fit only for "inferior races
he is a staunch athiest
> Vikernes goes on to say "If it is supposed to serve a purpose Paganism needs to be an ideology, not a religion".[97] Despite accusing mainstream theists of holding onto "Stone Age misconceptions", Vikernes still holds that religious myths should be turned to in areas where science has not yet achieved a complete understanding of the natural world — such as the origin of life and where we go after death, if anywhere at all
so basically he might beleive in reincarnation because richard dawkins hasn't said concretly we know 100%
(A key to understanding him is his irrational (but also understandable in how he aquired it) hatred of Christianity.)
This will turn him against any actual proper religous beleif
Dorian der Ubermensch? Have you heard from Lance lately?
Goatmoon and m8l8th are more NS then Satanic Warmaster, really their first album is the only NS one the others are about vampires and other Mutiilation esque shit.
>Self-sustainability is the ultimate redpill.
Bennies - he's a communist.
If you would know these guys IRL, you would know that the whole NS thing is nothing more than edgy imagery
Goatmoon even plays gigs in fucking Kebab places owned by immigrants (not joking)
It was one of the surreal gigs ever, a fucking immigrant kebab pizzeria and whole crowd sieg hailing
holy shit that's hilarious
i need sauce on this
He believes his ancestors would lift a ton and run much faster than Usain Bolt because they understand about magic, alchemy and stuff.
Do you realize civilization (especially prosperous, comfortable civilizations) has a domesticating effect? You know how dogs aren't wolves any more? Well people are devolving in a similar fashion as a result of civilization. Building civilizations is the art of people-herding and we are being domesticated; weakened through our genes as a result of being exposed to easy living standards for long periods of time.
Urbanites, after living in cities for generations become genetically inferior to people who are happy and capable enough to live in more rural environments. Unless you have some kind of eugenics program in your civilization to counteract the domesticating effects of civilization the people will devolve. That's just nature motherfucker, soft, comfy environments dont make good warriors. Making everything so easy that you barely need to think about it will make people dumb.
Environment is a crucial factor in evolution.
Das mit Lance fersteh ich nicht
Sensational Helsinki Nazi gig was transferred to a Turkish pizzeria: Owner says "I'm just doing business"
was meant to reply
''I do agree with the NS ideology to a certain point, but I am a warrior, not a politic.
So Goatmoon is not a NSBM band.
He has no reason to lie just look at how un-PC his lyrics are"
''The shattered star of David will see no light again.
The time of peace has reached its end,
The Third Reich rises once again.
The time of Nigger sympathies is over,
Our legion marches strong.''
haha thanks, made me chuckle
well sometimes it's hard to find a venue
>The time of Nigger sympathies is over, Our legion marches strong.''
Then he goes plays a gig in Turkish pizzeria.
see: Goatmoon is a fucking joke. They are just drunk fucks.
Lol if I was in a nsbm band I would say the same shit in interviews too.
>no taxes because they don't have normal jobs
I got triggered here.
Do you know how fucking vicious states can get about taxes?
I think they were more serious with their first two albums after that they just kinda run around.
These are lyrics from his good friend Werwolf from Satanic Warmaster (who he often collabs with):
''The birth of death, in 1456 when you, the son of the night,
son of the Transylvanian plague, started to impale the inferior Turkish race. ''
We hail your grim art of misanthropy!
Both bands are awesome though
He probably-played there just to make an insulting statement
Our welfare depends both on your income and overall wealth. I doubt he's entitled to any welfare given how much money he likely makes from music royalties, merchandising and youtube and how wealthy his wife's family is. Although given that taxes depend on how many kids you have he probably pays little taxes too.
If even Goatmoon isn't one, then what band is actually one?
inb4 absurd
Werwolf or Late/Lauri, as I´ve seen him, the figurehead of Satanic Warmaster is like 160cm tall midget. Extremely small midget guy singing about aryan supremacy?
This is his shitty glam rock band:
He is 5'2? I'm pretty sure height doesn't really matter at all because if shit hits the fan it's the little guys that can hide easier and consume less food. Really being tall is a result of having it easy growing up and an abundance of food.
He could probably fuck your girl either way because girls love talented song writers who can shred and play awesome fast drums
and your cuck memes dont really mean shit compared to that
>girls love talented song writers who can shred and play awesome fast drums
Would probably be butthurt, but I actually did play in a (death metal) metal band and think that some of our released stuff did sell even more than some of the records of Satanic Warmaster (which releases extremely limited editions in the fist place)
There is really good Finnish Black Metal, but you fucking foreign cucks listen all the fucking wrong bands. Satanic Warmaster, Goatmoon etc... they´re like the literal edgy boys of the scene.
Try some: Archgoat, Beherit, Barathrum. These are the true Legends.
He's a welfare parasite. I have no idea why Sup Forumstards give this bearded fucking zero so much attention.
What is MYFAROG?
Of course I've heard those bands. I listen to a shit load of Finnish bands and Satanic Warmaster did a split with Archgoat so obviously they dont agree with you
Fimbulwinter entered Finnish charts though. Don't know how much that means, don't it couldn't have been such a limited release then.
but thanks for the music tips
Another Finnish Black Metal fact:
Lord Angelslayer and Ritual Butcherer are both of Romani descent.
Satanic Warmaster true NSBM indeed.
Both guys founding members of Archgoat.
He raids christian churches.
Isn't he entitled to some kind of norwegian child support welfare?
Agalloch is the band that made metal accessible to hipsters. The actual music is derivative horse shit and the ANTIFA types love them so that's the audience