MKUltra is still around

Was this a set up?


>A law enforcement official says the Florida airport gunman told the FBI in November that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch Islamic State group videos.

>The official was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation by name and spoke Friday on condition of anonymity.

>The official says agents in Anchorage completed their interview with 26-year-old Esteban Santiago and called the police, who took him for a mental health evaluation.

>The FBI's Anchorage field office said in a statement that it was aware Santiago was an Anchorage resident and that it was assisting in the investigation, but it declined to comment further.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's got a dindu nose.

where are the victims photoshots?

from the video it looked like everyone he shot were all white.

>Forced to watch IS videos by the government

>Goes to the FBI for help


they're using anime as the trigger. stop watching anime now.

>be American
>go to school
>get shot
>go to the movies
>get shot
>go to work at the office
>get airplane'd
>be retarded
>get tortured by niggers
>go to the airport
>get shot by muslims

I've only seen a picture of one victim and he was very white, but I don't know about the rest

Interested to know if he was subjected to any medical trials whilst in the army.

By that I mean they just gave him something. You don't have the right to refuse it when you're in the army.

I found some pictures, guy on the left was killed

Woman on the left was killed

Man on the left was killed, woman on the right was shot in the shoulder

It is rather interesting that he was able to get the gun through without being stopped.


this says he told the airline and had his military ID

>Authorities took into custody Esteban Santiago, 26, a passenger on a Delta flight from Alaska to Minnesota, then South Florida. Santiago had declared his firearm to the airline and had a military ID.

As an American, I had no idea you could even do that. I thought only US marshalls were allowed to carry on weapons.

the military conducts a lot of psychological experimentation on recruits.

Thats not mentioning the ball breaking process every recruit goes through in order to "rebuild" your character into a soldier.

you may go in mentally healthy but you will come out all fucked up

dont forget goyim

the star means satan. :^)

>old white people

Tbqh that's just the majority demographic in a lot of Florida, can't really tell if he was just targeting whites

This is what the average american looks like, every last one

My husband and I brought this very subject up, yesterday. I stated this shooter that had a last meeting with FBI got his "programming" and orders.

>everything that happens is a false flag
>everything that happens is a conspiracy
>my neighbor is a KGB sleeper cell agent
>guys i think my urologist is high-level involved in pizzagate. what do?

I stand corrected, he checked the gun and pulled it out of his checked luggage, which is legal


>At Fort Lauderdale, “after he claimed his bag, he went into the bathroom and loaded the gun and started shooting. We don’t know why,” said Chip LaMarca, a Broward County commissioner who was briefed by investigators.

Also interesting, he didn't yell Allah Akbar or anything

>One witness said the attacker gunned down his victims without a word and kept shooting until he ran out of ammunition for his handgun, sending panicked travelers running out of the terminal and spilling onto the tarmac, baggage in hand.

Also this source cooborates that he went to the FBI complaining of mind control, and that he had no intent of hurting anyone in Ft Lauderdale

>The gunman was identified as 26-year-old Esteban Santiago of Anchorage, Alaska, who served in Iraq with the National Guard but was demoted and discharged last year for unsatisfactory performance. His brother said he had been receiving psychological treatment recently.

>he had been receiving psychological treatment recently

>FBI Special Agent George Piro said Santiago had walked into the FBI office in Anchorage in November to say that the U.S. government was controlling his mind and making him watch Islamic State videos.

>Agents questioned an agitated and disjointed-sounding Santiago and called police, who took him for a mental health evaluation, Piro said. He said Santiago clearly indicated that he was not intent on hurting anyone.

>not intent on hurting anyone

I think some fuckery is going on here

Well, if you believe this guy. He is basically saying as much.


Comey you fuck. Get your ass to congress and explain this right fucking now. And tell me you fuck why the day before this shooting happened why airports in the south were CRAWLING with armed police in camo gear and ARs.

WTF Comey??
Literally what the fuck?
Who knew what and when Comey?

My thinking is this gels well with the military bonus payback story and they are trying to disarm the military like when they aren't in combat.

That's classified information.

This shit mostly stopped though after comedy came in. Maybe they have increased the period

I agree with you, the most likely conclusion is that he's probably crazy. That makes me wonder why someone, who was recieving psychological treatment and was discharged from the National Guard, was allowed to own, and fly, with a gun. Especially if he went to the FBI complaining about being forced to watch IS videos. You'd think he'd be on some kind of list

Blaxican confirmed

What's MKUltra? Googl'd already but I'd like to get the 4chunz greentxt version too pls

tl;dr mind control by the CIA that was confirmed by FOIA


Unrelated to that, its interesting that a flight from Gitmo landed in Ft. Lauderdale the same date/time as the shooting..

>Forced to watch IS videos by the government
>Goes to the FBI for help
>They don't help
>Terrorists win

It really gets the ol' synapses firing, doesn't it?

>be the government
>have the power to brainwash people into committing mass shootings
>be controlled by democrats for a while
>during that time, want to push anti-white, anti-gun, anti-male, etc. agenda

>0% of mass shootings by people claiming to be brainwashed are committed by conservative white men at gun ranges


no it isn't, you're just a yuro looking into a free country from a comfortable prison. or underage maybe and never flown?

you can walk into the baggage claim area from outside. it is outside the secure zone.

in texas, you can open carry there.

>they're using Sup Forums as the trigger. stop browsing Sup Forums now.

I think he was under the impression that he had the gun on the plane and brought it out to baggage claim. The media wasn't very clear on that at first, but they have now made it clear that he checked the gun and pulled it out of his checked luggage

Guns are legal because having guns prevents shootings from happening. I would expect that at least an Iowan would be smart enough to know this. You're a pretty based state overall.

Look at Switzerland, where everybody HAS to have a gun and they have no gun crime. Almost all mass-shooters are cowards (this guy surrendered without the police firing a shot) who would hesitate long enough to change their mind, if they knew they might be killed.

There's a reason the average mass shooting happens in places like schools and not a shooting range.

I heard that he watched CNN non-stop for days before carrying out the attack

could be, sure. but that would again be the reasoning of someone who has never flown. there are no circumstances where you're allowed to bring it on a plane. and i believe they've stopped the sky marshal program for commercial flights, so there's no federal police onboard to wrestle one from either.

>t. flown with an AR-15 a couple times

>and i believe they've stopped the sky marshal program for commercial flights, so there's no federal police onboard to wrestle one from either.

That's dumb. How would anyone know who was a sky marshall? It's not like they wear their gun on their hip.

Kill your neighbor and urologist

You're all fucking idiots. The Star Wars shirt made him do it.

Who were the victims anyway? to me it seems like he was after someone important but Media is saying "blah possible terrorism" but the modus operandi of this guy is really weird.

Seems incredibly officially especially how officials lied about the Air Canada flight.


Dear Allah please make a meteorite strike australia

please please pelase please please please infinity please

and and could one also hit leafland?

thank you





I'm no expert but I believe he had it checked in his bag under the plane, hence why shooting happened in baggage claim.

Please KEK, make Poland disappear from the map for the millionth time.

they really over extended from what I have read recently they have well over 1000 active terrorist cases going on domestically alone!

>be controlled by democrats

Because if the CIA had a secret mind-control program they were using to kill US citizens, they'd definitely show it to another bunch of elected officials every 2 years. Come on m8, this is the deep state we're talking about.

It's suspicious. I hope some has time to dig on this.

>Local ABC affiliate reports:
"Official: FLL shooter told FBI that gov't controlled his mind"
"His maternal aunt, Maria Ruiz, who lives in Union City, told reporters in New Jersey that he wasn't the same when he came back from Iraq. "


Every single affiliate I've seen is now picking up the "Government was controlling my mind" story

I wonder if this is the narrative their pushing

I hate that the MSM has become so Jewish and skewed that it's impossible to tell the difference between what they want you to know and what the truth is

Has Delta actually confirmed that he was on their plane? Media was reporting Air Canada before they said they had no one by that name/no checked guns

Anonymous5 said that it was 100% straight terrorism but he didn't indicate what research he had done.

look at this subhuman- is everyone blind? p.s. yes, there is rampant mndcontrol- demonic possession is the working theory.

Stephanie Schumann and I are under MK Ultra, but she's rekting these kikes because she was raised Jewish even though she never knew she was adopted until recently, when she can take destroys these kikes whenever she gets the chance. She loves Aryan man, but she is conflicted she doesn't know how her Satanic Jewish handler parents will react to her dating a NeoNazi bf

They are saying he got into an argument with people on the plane too. In Nov he was involuntarily held at hospital so prolly a drug reaction on top of crazy. Doesn't seem like a planned out thing.

she destroys*

Also suspicious was that Homeland Security arrested him for kiddie porn and let him go. Ii think this has MK written all over it.

He wasn't arrested just investigated. There wasn't evidence to charge from what I read.

Probably because its an expensive program that hasnt actually stopped any incidents. Especially given how preflight screenimg has been stepped up.

The gun was in his checked luggage, not a carry on hence the shit going down in the baggage claim. It's perfectly legal to fly with a gun checked. It just has to be in a hard locked case and you have the TSA inspect it at the check in to make sure it's not currently loaded. As a matter of fact a lot of professionals that check very expensive camera/video/technical equipment as luggage will often put them in a case with a small cheap gun, so that the airlines have to pay extra special attention to the luggage. They cannot risk "losing" your luggage or theyre looking at inter-state firearms theft issues.

Why are all white people named Esteban Santiago?

Don't terrorists usually try to go out in a blaze of glory?

If this was just ISIS terrorism, why did he lie down for authorities to arrest him when he ran out of bullets?

I think this is more than likely mental illness rather than terrorism, but I still think it smells fucky

what, officer wilson and george zimmerman? bullshit. no one is this preposterously incompetent. the mission is easy- i can pick out an enemy of the state with an interview, and in most cases, photographs.

He's fucked up in the head though. Like PTSD at least. They did interview him and turned him to local cops who got a involuntary hold for hospital. It means he wasn't in control of how fucked up he was in the head.

I just searched Gab for "MKULTRA" and found that there are a lot of woke people out there. Some glorious fag is going to research the hell out of this.

In my opinion the key is who were the victims. They must be someone important and MSM is focusing in that he was controlled or something.

Well he's a mestizo scum so some nigger slave probably got raped somewhere in his heritage

Why are all white people so evil?

His family are Puerto Rican.

Nobody is suggesting he was evil.

Bwahahaha. "Ball breaking" process. Boot camp nowadays is a fucking joke. World War 3 is coming. All the millennial snowflakes will be turning tail crying for the salty old veterans to come save their arses.

Good thought. Did he take out a target???

how is someone forced to watch anything without being strapped to a chair with your eyelids pryed open clockwork orange style?


This article has pictures of at least 3 victims on it, I'm assuming thats where OP got these
They just look like old white people, so far those are the only victims I've seen

who cares? you don't think a terrorist can be both a. a terrorist /and/ b. fucked up in the head?

this reads to me as a classic gun grab psy-op. he is a dupe, but he himself chose to identify with isis. he bears responsibility.

side note, his cousin is probably who he was to visit, and she is 6.5/10 i'd might bang if i weren't married.

These are three of the five victims:

I think he just sperged out on the plane. Prolly crazy ass some skitz episode.

Probably bought the gun before he declared his insanity to the incompetent Federal goons.

Here's a little redpill for the MKULRTA doubters.

"A brilliant student, Kaczynski moved up in school and was accepted to Harvard University at 16-years-old. At 17, author Alston Chase says Kaczynski signed up for a psychological experiment lead by Dr. Henry Murray."

no- reads more like an operation. he would have turned the gun on himself if he were on a break. this is a gun grab psy op.

>MKUltra is still around
It's called Monarch now.

>Probably bought the gun before he declared his insanity

What makes you think that? There is no suggestion that he would have failed a background check, he could just buy a gun from another person anyway. There is no confiscation mechanism for fruitcakes with guns in the US. He could have bought the thing the day he got on the flight.

>World War 3 is coming

do you guarantee it?

it is absolutely guaranteed- read the bible.

Michael Oehme is name listed as a victim. Wonder if its this guy who is a "senior researcher"

the bible has let us down before.

dont pretend it hasnt

Well, if he's not in mental control of what he's saying it isn't a very worthwhile interview. Hence hospital. You can't charge people who don't know what the hell they are doing. This is reported that he has had serious issues since being discharged.

I tend to think it's more to do that we have a mental health problem discussed as a gun problem. You know they prolly put him on psych meds at the hospital. That makes a lot of people even worse.

mind control/possession.

you are a liar.

GOOGLE SITE INTELLIGENCE BY RITA KATZ THOSE ARE THE FILTHY KIKES THAT STAGE THIS STUFF. French intelligence got caught with isis flags and film equipment

I am a liar

u r a liar

all of us are liars

do not pretend were not

please take roleplay threads to >>/x/ together with pedowood and pizzagate, thanks.

nice job btw mods, seems you really doing it for free

China, Russia, N Korea, ISIS guarantee it. Naive much?

and here come butthurt hans in all his serious internet fury


The fuck are you on about m8? This is a thread about how a Muslim guy who went to the FBI complaining about mind control and being forced to watch ISIS videos was allowed to board a plane with a gun and kill people in Florida

Is my cousin right, Sup Forums? She lives not far from there btw.