You may only post ITT if your country has won both World Wars

Ameribros get in here

Reporting in.

Russian autistic screeching meme in 3...2.....

Tell me, what exactly have you won?

the moon, mars, and the future of mankind

Was coming say inb4 Germans, but too late.

That hurt, user.
That really fucking hurt.

Nazi germany had no intention to treat Anglos as equals, we would have been subjugated or destroyed and occupied.
Fuck that, don't be butthurt the allies wrecked your wanna be superior country twice, if only your War thirsty élite was actually conscious of the well being of white people and not just Germans maybe more people would have sympathised.
After world war 1 nobody wanted a strong Germany, that would have been worst than niggers for the commonwealth.


>Join at last moment when end is near
>We won da war guise!



but at the cost of what?

reporting in

>being proud of being the bad guys

Red Leaf Reporting in. We were in both wars before you burgers.

You mean was goaded into being dumb muscle that fought in two wars in had no business being in? America's got a lot to be proud of, taking part in both those fuckfests isn't one of them.

Millions of dead Ivans.
So not a bad deal. Also you withdrew from WW1, you won 1 world war not two.

You first landed in Europe in 1917.
In WW2 you first landed in Europe in 1944.

That, by definition, is 'last moment'. Japan, for example, in WW1, fought from the very beginning.

>Eternal Anglo Rubbing Hands

we shouldnt have gotten involved in world war one, and as a result of getting involved we were inevitably pulled into the second war which was fought to settle the questions left unanswered by the first. as a result we were bankrupted, our empire destroyed, and began our decline to the shit tier country we are today

dont get me wrong, i still love this place, i just recognise how far it has fallen. its like watching your father become gradually older and more decrepit and more senile

oh well shit happens i guess, a time to be born and a time to die

reporting in

Quitting the server and having 1/4 of your clan join them doesn't count.


>ever winning a war

I feel this too brother. We should have peaced out of ww2 after France fell, maybe we would have still had the empire. Fucking American and Soviets are the reason we had to give up our empire.


World Wars?...2 of them?...never heard of that

lol you would have ceased to exist without the US or the Soviets or if Hitler was a dick. Germany ran through Britain like knife through butter

>Germany ran through Britain
Flew over perhaps.

I loved history when I was a young teenager
>We have this day off because we beat the Germans
>And this other one because we did it again 30 years later

Stupid burger you realize Britain is an island right? Ever here of the Battle of Britian? Germany would have never been able to conquer us. Our navy and air force was so much larger than the Germans.

by ww2 it was already too late, ww1 had already fucked us over

ww1 could have been resolved rapidly and without our involvement to the benefit of the entire continent

>Nazi germany had no intention to treat Anglos as equals, we would have been subjugated or destroyed and occupied
Yes, keep telling that to yourself. Ignore the facto that Hitler wanted peace and saw the UK as a great nation and possible ally. Mosley should have become PM and Eduard remained your king, the world would be a better place. Your ancestors fought for diversity, multicultarlism, degeneracy and feminism. You know it.

All the more reason to respect the British. Germany tried to sink that fucking island. I can't imagine the destruction that some areas endured. All the while the people were sleeping soundly underground and when day broke they came out, cleaned up, and rebuilt their shit.

Salty Krauts just jealous they were severely unlikable at the outbreak of WW1. Willhelm was worse than hitler. He genocided 3 million healthy german men in the prime of life. Not to mention all the other European stock annihalated in that tragedy

Sips a cup of freedom

This, the UK got fucked over despite winning both wars. The empire was lost along political importance and world power status.

Makes me think (((who))) actually gained something out of WW2.

We won everything.

The kraut is right. Our ancestors were tricked by the jews. Hitler loved Anglos and talked about them in his book sure some Nazis like Ribbentrop hated Anglos but most of them and more importantly Hitler liked us. If anything we should have allied with the Germans to destroy communism and Marxism.

this fact must be taught to the children

No but we should of listened to patton and finished the soviets off while we had the tactical advantage

Well, we kinda were in both war so... In first we only sent medics, but in the second we sent the FEB.

The germans rolled over Belgium to invade France in both of the world wars

Hitler was a dickhead, he just wanted a German empire at the expense of the Slavs. We were fighting for an existing empire that had seen off Napoleon, their policy was simple, no more little Euro cunts trying to conquer the world will be tolerated. The fact that Churchill turned out to be an American Jew is beside the point.


If you Euros had listened to Woodrow Wilson, WWII might not have even happened.

Bro if Nazi Germany had won London would still be an Anglo city


It was actually siniliar in WW1. Wilhelm II was good friends with his cousin King George and propagated the UK as our friend. My grandpa told me his father and apparantly many others were fluent in english because it was (self) taught in germany because everyone saw Brits as our friends. I feel linke Anglos and Germany should have never become enemies to begin with.

G'day mate.

Australia, reporting in.

So why should we have gotten involved with that? Let our enemies fight each other who cares what happens to them. If we stayed out we would have still had the empire today and millions of Anglos wouldnt have died for Jewish interests.

I'm jewish so i literally won every war.

so far.

>Nazi germany had no intention to treat Anglos as equals, we would have been subjugated or destroyed and occupied.

Are you retarded?

France reporting in

must be a rhetorical question.

It was Britain's policy not to let another Napoleon rise, or another empire of any sort. They saw themselves as protectors of the status quo against exactly what Mussolini and Hitler represented. This policy was all (((they))) needed.

You're making me sad Häns. I'm so sorry for what we did to you and to ourselves.


Do I have to remind you of 1940 Frenchie?

Ouch, right in the feels
>being this retarded
Yeah he wasnt cordial to king edward viii or anything, he totally sperged out at the sight of all anglos...smfh

We could've been neutral but we stepped in to SAVE YOU

Your inability to build a defensive border is what fucked France over twice, waffle boy.

Is it ok if we just blame England? and Australia dindu nuffin coz we just followed their cuntiness?

Good lord aint it the truth, if Russia had just let Serbia get fucked off, thered be no treaty of versailles and therefore no ww2.

>ITT: amifats boasting about doing fuck all in Europe
> Euros realising the only thing that could of destroyed there world dominance was themselves
> And they did it twice

It always astounded me in these pictures just how many people turned out on their own free will, not like USSR turn outs where if you weren't there 6 hours in advances with a hammer and sickle you got shot by your local commissar or Best Korea where you have to bring flowers to Kimmy's statue or you go to intergenerational slave camp.

>literally overrun by niggers.


>that image
Holy fuck, consider that there has never been a crowd of black people that large without a chimp out occuring somewhere in it, in all of humab history.

Hello, we did stuff in both WW. Not a whole lot, but yeah it's something!

>Italy, Germany, and Japan were still in the war

before you continue gloating amerilards, was it really a victory worth having? Did our grandparents succeed in saving what they felt they were fighting for or are we worse off?

>Lards still think they won WW2
>Literally they were fighting conscripts pushovers and the Hitler youth while the russians mowed down the veterans at a great cost.

You lost your empire and stayed on war rations for years. Come on now

This is now a leafposting thread.

you want me to get my rake?

>but Hitler loved le Wyatt race xD
No; his interest lied in perpetuating the *German* race. He "respected and admired" the British enough to try and bomb, invade, and subjugate them, which is exactly what that user said, and which history reflects. Keep your false notions of a heterogeneous "white race" on the shelf, where it belongs. We're multiple races, not one, and Hitler was entirely possessed with this fact.

t. spic

build the wall paco, you can't hide behind the flag, we see through it clear as day

prove me wrong cunt
>you can't

Maybe if we weren't an island defending 33 million km from an entire continent alone for 2 years, we would still have an empire, but the rest of the world were too scared to stand up to Mr.Hitler.

>resorting to strawmen because you have no arguments.

If Hitler didn't want war with the anglos he wouldn't have went to war with Poland, yet he did and he knew what the consequences would be. Hitler wanted war, and he would have subjugated and oppressed us, much like he did to his own people, the very same people he claimed to love.

Feels good. Who's ready for a hat-trick?

>a country whose military history consists of waving german divisions through at the border

am i allowed in here?


Me tbqhf, but I want colonies and land from it. No more losing land from wars.

Of course he bombed them after UK declared war, dumbass.

Then don't fight for jewish interests next time.


Americans really are bro tier

You mean after he invaded Poland after we had warned him not to, and then refused to leave when we tried to sue for peace?

We didn't fight for Jewish interests. We fought to protect Poland and stop Germany from becoming the European power. Of course we underestimated them and failed in both, but we didn't go to the war for the Jews, we went to war for Britain

Russia won the great patriotic war aka 2nd world war.

Loosing excess of 20+ million people beating nazi-Germany and hitler and de-facto was the main reason the allies powers was victorious.


America didn't fight in WW1 though

>We fought to protect Poland

Nice job, I like how they repaid you! lmao

you better leave then

You lost both world wars and Anglo countries still dominate the world

>We fought to protect Poland
That's why the contract with poland was only for the case germany attacked them? That's why you didn't care for Russia invading them the same moment? That's why you literally send zero troops and barely any support there? That's why you didn't give two shits about poland after the war when they GOTY buttraped by the soviets?

If you didn't fight for foreign interests you wouldn't have lost all your glory and your empire. Churchill was a kike sucking shill and Britain and the whole world would be better if Mosley would have become PM.

Reminds me of the London Blitz :^)

He probably meant WW1.

>you wonder why the people hate you.
all it takes is one generation.

and you will be fighting your own wars against the mudslimes.

Literally the anglo version of "muh dik". You have no arguments left and know that you winning the world wars was a win for multiculturalism, diversity and degeneracy.