Why are Celtic people unproductive, under skilled, and generally drunk dullards?
All they do is drink ale, mine coal, and always talk about how beatiful the land is
Why are Celtic people unproductive, under skilled, and generally drunk dullards?
All they do is drink ale, mine coal, and always talk about how beatiful the land is
>Argentinian says "I'm white, I have 30% white DNA
Everyone laughs
>Englishman says "I'm Germanic, I have 30% anglo-saxon DNA"
Everyone nods, agrees, refers to him as anglo
Average European IQ: 100.
Average Celtic IQ: 95.
They drink lager the imbred heathens and it is a beautiful place tbf
Pic where we hold a yearly rave
Scots aren't really Celts. That's just a bunch of 19th century romantic pish.
I hate it when people call us Scots Celtic.
We are cucked as hell but we are not Celtic. We're basically the same as English people.
They're celts, just not gaels. Celts are a culture that span most of europe, geals and britons are the main races within the celtic culture.
Only the irish are really gaelic, but they raided scotland and then the picts took their language.
Most people in britain have brythonic dna, even after the saxons came.
All the productive Celts moved to America.
Yep, celts used to run all of Europe basically, before the Romans and Germanics came in and conquered almost all of it.
Even then, Scottish culture is basically the same as English culture. Regardless of genetics, we have been influenced much more by Germanic, French and Nordic cultures.
Scots itself is defined as being a Germanic language
>Why are Celtic people unproductive
We spent hundreds of years fighting Anglos. We forgot how to do anything else.
serpent seed of Canaan infests the British Isles.
hopefully there are still Celts
A more interesting question
Why were the Celtic people the best pirates of all time?
Scots is just drunken english don't even start that shit.
>drink ale, mine coal, and always talk about how beatiful the land is
I'll give you that. Gaels seem to be the feckless lazy ones that never accomplished anything.
Cornwall has a movement like the IRA?
anything Celtic about Scotland is Gaelic you thick cunt
>It's another anglo who doesn't know where the celts truely lived episode
The celts lived from the Iberian lands (spain) up towards the southern borders of the germanic lands in the nord (belgium, the netherlands, switserland), towards the slavic lands to the east and towards the british isles to the west.
Don't cry paddie, try reading a book.
probably also worth mentioning that much of the scottish coastline was raided and settled heavily by scandinavians, so that's in the mix too.
honestly anyone trying to pretend that any european country as we define their borders today is pure one thing or another is pretty retarded... the amount of movement within the continent (when it was all one continent) was yuge
They are Gaels with Norse and Germanic admixture. Less than 10% of Scotish men have Pict DNA. The Scottish in the highlands are the most Gaelic and even most Ulster Scots have Gaelic surnames.
Had. They vandalised a few things, made them selves known and got scared when the law came knocking.
>pasty in face