I just found this scene really heart warming when I watched the film the other day. It was nice to see the vast diversity of parents from single to interracial to same sex.
Children's movie "Storks" shows all types of happy families
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In reality most of those are extremely miserable.
>ghoulish idiot cunt detected
spic family is the best one imo
>none of the kids match their parents, especially towards the end
>Liberals will excuse this as being just a cartoon
>Liberals will then fawn over it because it has interacial couples
>They still ignore the dyke babies.
so where's the asian man? even in cartoons these faggots won't give us representation
>literally every combination except a straight white couple
>single mothers
Fucking lol.
I kinda wanted to see this movie. Thanks for helping my money op.
also not white man with black woman, only like 2-3 couples with nigger dad and white mother. lmao kikes.
Fucking jews...
You're crypto-whites, you don't deserve tokenism you privileged bigot
this is a post by the CIA trying to manipulate through emotion, nice try jew boy
>So SJW they dye their fucking babies hair pink
>All the interracial ones are black male and white female, no asians, or even other way around
>All the gay ones are white
That face, kid is high as a kite
Where is the white guy/shitskin woman family? Why aren't they pushing that agenda? I want me some nigresses Sup Forums
Nah, man. CNN proves this to be incorrect.
>Directed by Nicolas (((Stoller)))
>Go to wikipedia page
>Stoller was raised Jewish.
>Starring Andy (((Samberg)))
>Go to wikipedia page
>He is Jewish; his maternal grandfather, industrial psychologist and philanthropist Alfred J. Marrow, served as the executive chair of the American Jewish Congress.
>His fucking grandfather was basically top-jew of the united states
>Also stars Stephen (((Glickman)))
>Check wikipedia page
>Glickman was born in Ontario, Canada and is Jewish.
>Also has the niggers from key & peele
Is this the most cucked childs film ever?
>Movie with a redpilled anti-abortion message
>It encourages racemixing instead
No thanks, please abort
Audible kek.
Well the lead is Andy Samberg. The writer and director both Jews. Pol was right again.
>Every family has 2 parents
Hollywood drifting farther and farther away from reality with every release.
why do you faggots get triggered by movies that came out last year and bombed?
shutup sweden
> all types of happy families
Then where is a pedosexual family?
They deliver babies to parents that can't have the, - Single parents, same sex parents and even inter-species parents that can't make a baby.
>old man and his 6yo wife is the only white couple
stop trying to look behind the curtain goy.
>Everyone is thin, young, and conventionally attractive
Kill the kikes
>muh liberals
Its kikes
shutup sweden
>Warning coloration hair
Writers have the easiest fucking job in the world and sjws will call them pariahs
shut up Sweden
sweden shut up
Literally third couple
>every single combination but white male, black female, or white male, white female
fucking wow
im starting to think everyone in the entertainment industry should just get fucking gassed
Shut the fuck up swede
Even a cartoon nigger dad won't stick around.
>hollywood movie has jews
Jews made hollywood.
You are like sjws crying for diversity where it doesn't belong
This lol, they have really started tipping their hand. It's becoming obvious to even the most normie goyim.
While the pandering was awful at the end. The overall message of more babies and more families was a good one.
There is literally nothing wrong with this
american media needs to be outlawed
This. You kind of have to read into this movie to see any jewish tricks.
>Skin color of the man is always darker than the woman
The fuck you mean you keepin it
What a coincidence
>promoting favela tier mixing
>promoting dyke kids
>promoting single mothers
the creators shall be gassed
Laughed hysterically
Bad goy. How can normies not see the connections? You point it out its "ANTISEMETIC." Even when it's true they don't argue about it; Just they think it's anti-semetic. Fucking kikes
>White woman x black man
He dissappears and leave the woman alone with the children, is weird to see the black daddy not running away.
>All gays are white
Of course.
Also most of these pairs live leeching welfare from healthy white families.
god damn, I just realized...
What is this movie actually about?
>blatantly ignores that the biggest, happiest, most loving family that appears on screen in the entire movie is a traditional, stable, nuclear, White family with twelve White kids and the entire extended family living together as a support system in true conservative style
I think I'm getting too old for pol. The movie was fine and promoted family living
>b-b-but muh white families
Literally the whole movie centers around bringing 2 kids to their white families and you're complaining about half second shots at the end of the movie?
There is NO white woman in the world who wants to stay single with a black child, literally means the end for them, they just go to websites, hide that they have a black kid and look desperate for a white daddy with job.
>4 years ago I would've applauded this movie
I want to thank pol for redpilling me to not stay with that libshit mentality
> Children's movie "Storks" shows all types of happy families
every time: youtube.com
>(((Kinky red hair)))
eww what is this ireland?
I'm not worried about young kids being affected by this and neither should you.
It's not going to fucking brainwash them. Kids like the familiar. They may not notice that there is something odd about an interracial couple.
But their brain will.
No one asked you
And that's coming from a leaf
Beside this propaganda bullshit, the movie was funny tho.
>being this goddamn picky in an age where the very existence of the White race is threatened
You're like a man dying of thirst, turning his nose up at a bottle of water he finds because "ewwwww it's store brand!"
Why Barbosa?
I think this movie is a very important milestone for the kikes. They've been building up to something like this for a long time now.
Finally they can just let it all out, dyke parents, interracial parents, and pump it straight into the kids brains.
The wolves actually reference alpha & beta males.
how can you still find it funny when you know the intentions behind it?
Again wtf
>the only blonde haired kid is a single mother
yeahhh right
You can´t deceive instincts though, most woman now don´t want to marry a black because they end alone and with debts, it´s not like little girls can´t see those abandoned women getting ugly and fat because with a black son they can only stay single, lesbian or going with more lazy blacks.
Come on, you just have to look at how normies leftists avoid going to Africa or to black countries, or how all those "white supremacist are eeevil" chose Canada, or how the famous chose to stay with Trump, you can´t fight instincts.
>yo bro just turn ur brain off xd its just a novie XDD
Morgan Freeman reincarnation, duh!
The only intention for movies is to make money
Don't you see that films like this are designed to re-write the mainstream narrative?!
The 'alone and with debts' thing is just a meme that mean Nazis say! (The fact that its true is irrelevant).
Besides, 50% of families break up, single motherhood is normal, faggots raising kids is normal. Its about normalizing the screwups and making the 'normal' families look abnormal.
This film takes us one step closer to normalizing fucked up families.
tl;dr version
>Storks used to deliver babies
>It wasn't very profitable
>Now they deliver packages
>Before they shut down, one baby got left behind and is now orphaned
>Years later, orphan finds another undelivered baby
>Orphan and stork go on journey to deliver the baby and maybe figure out where orphan belongs
>Adventure, friendship, discovering the true meaning of family, wolves forming a suspension bridge
>Orphan is reunited with the family she always dreamed of
It's a decent movie, the comedy is mostly good, and despite Sup Forums's freakout about the three second montage, the message of film is very much about the importance of having a real family.
Also giant happy White family is the centerpiece of the film's resolution
The main character also said if she was boss of the stork company she would introduce quotas for different kinds of birds.
Except for the social justice faggotry and a few bad jokes that movie is pretty neat though desu
How about you fix your immigration before shitposting on Sup Forums
to be fair tho, even within the same race and ethnicity men tend to be darker than women
So? they can´t fight reality. See some cases from my country:
Before we were so invaded Media told the women how cool was to have a black boyfriend, the generation of women who fell for that propaganda are now ugly, single and with debts, not to mention the mixed son.
These women are avoided by white men like the plague. and new generation of women see this.
Another example: Media is lying about how cool the refugee men are, yet in reality european women (except the desperate ones) avoid going to refugee camp. No one eat that shit anymore.
It can get "fixed" alone with the age in some cases. My problem is that they intend to mix kids against their will with that. I don´t care for homosexuals anyway.
The better medicine is to explain kids what propaganda is and to be smarter than them. Make them ask teachers why can´t they talk about sexuality with muslims, make them ask teachers they can be replaced by muslim teachers.
the pink haired baby has white parents
I meant about homosexuality with muslims.
I would add that if white kids can have an harem when they are adults.
>All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy, opening of Anna Karenina
Why do liberals always project their shit and involve children.
We had a Cartoon on our "State television" that ended by saying "Thanks to all the refugees for enriching our society" i shit you not.
>stork delivers baby to single mom
found the future serial killer
Shit, where does this sheep come from?
They kept it real here.
A guess - art style looks like Garfield and Friends
I think that had a sheep.
I didn't see any single fathers.
Which one.