Amrika BTFO

>Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

Using the language we use. Never once did he claim to invent it

Try harder Brown Boy

You probabily smell like curry.

You're a faggot.

KEK we are living in a meme country.

you guys still only speak the retard version of english



>Calling something or someone retard

you will never be an American.

You speak a retarded version of English, even British slang has more of a personality than your hillbilly slang.

This isn't a worthwhile thread topic, did mods across all boards just give up a month ago? Since the election it's been wall-to-wall shitposts on every board, like someone is purposefully destroying all of Sup Forums out of spite.

>any image is now called a meme

i'm too old for this shit
i understand why elderly men are perpetually grumpy

>retard version of english
you mean dutch?

He said he's speaking that language, he didn't say it was American. He said he was speaking the language that Americans speak. Which is English. American-English or Normal-English. It doesn't matter. It's English.

Anyway, OP is wrong. Americans also often speak languages such as Spanish and German due to the need for the former and the latter due to generational shit.

We don't need to assimilate for the world.

The world caters to us. And will continue to do so.

I can go to any country in the world and get a coka cola.

Based Ghurka

>Amerikans BTFO

He says.
On the American Internet.

Really makes you think...

Tbh American-English is closer to Middle English than modern English, as it's without the French influence in words such as colour, grey and amour

>I love it when comments top the meme

who the fuck talks like this FUCK YOU

>uncommon flag

But like... Americans are technically English people.

>using meme arrows anywhere other than Sup Forums
Cringe every time.

Leave our mart sharters alone

How's it going sherpa? Mt Everest good?

Anyone who isn't an English speaking native will never actually be fluent. That's where all this anger comes from, Eurocucks and third worlders are just upset they were taught a completely worthless language by their shitty parents.

Every single non-native I've come across has been flummoxed by grammar that a 10 year old would know. It's very sad, they spend so much time on the English side of the internet, and they still can't even learn the language.

Its actually closer to the original english. They(the brits) changed it, not us.

Why is facebook discussing a Sup Forums post?

I'm offensive and I find this Dutch.

I've been thinking about learning pancake language because it's apparently very easy.

>Green texting on Faceberg
Gives me heartburn.

The English claim that American English isn't English though because we bastardize everything.

>retard version of English
actually American English is closer to pre-modern English because the English in the UK shifted to RP where as in the US didn't US English is a more pure form of English.

That's just not true. I mean it isn't in any way. Also which american accent would be closer?
The accent of the 1600's sounds like this:

The accent is very similar to the west country accent. A farmer sort. Definitely not American

can confirm. Nederlands makkelijk af.
Utterly useless tho, they all speak perfect english

Why would you learn a language because it's "easy"? I've never understood the appeal of learning something you'll literally never use, because everyone in the Netherlands will just switch to English on you, and they haven't produced anything worth watching or reading.

Learning a language for the sake of it is something normies do to brag, because stupid people are impressed by stupid things like how many languages someone knows, even though a literal retard can learn enough of any language to communicate. Spend the months you'd waste on something that might be useful instead, maybe build some defences against man-eating spiders or something so you'll last the winter.


>Why would you learn a language because it's "easy"?

Because as I've been told, once you learn one language all other languages become much easier to learn. It's that initial learning curve of becoming bilignual


Jesus no if that's literally your only reason you might as well go straight to the one you want to know
Don't waste your time user

So 1600's English sounded like modern day Irish?

Sounds like bullshit written by an ESL. You'd be far better off spending the extra 6 months on whatever language it is you actually want to learn, instead of half-assing it through Dutch first.

I said it was closer, not exactly like the original. Neither american nor brits are using actual old english. But from what you posted it sound like americans are closer. But i skipped around because most of it was boring and it was hard to find a good part were they are actually reading off the script in proper accent.

It sounds slightly irish desu.

You had more change than we did

Look up west country accent. It's much more similar than any other american or British accent

Well, yeah, I mean, yeah...

The USA is a meme country.

You are right sweden. Can we borrow your arabic pl0x

There's a McDonalds opening at the Vatican too.

Can you please call your shitty relatives and tell them to leave my country? Thanks gandu

This is a bullshit meme, and has been debunked on several occasions. There are literally 100's of dialects in England.

Although we did use fall before autumn came into popularity.

Stop reminding me

O phuddy, bhen luna its your duty to deport them, those fucking immigrant rats we don't even consider them Pakistanis, those cunts leave the country in difficult situation. We don't them, do whatever you want with those rats.

you also used candy and diapers before going to sweets and nappies.

American English > shit > British English

>British English
Now I'm mad


It's your fucking duty to maintain your own shitty society or just simply stop breeding. If your country weren't a 3rd world shithole people wouldn't go away.

Well you'd know all about shit, being a u bend engineer an all

Piss off.
We don't give two flying fucks about the people who leave the country.

Do what we did with all the fucking Afghan roaches, deport them.

>not taking responsibility for the shit you're responsible for

Just wait until our country becomes as shitty as yours. They're all gonna go back themselves. Either that or we bring them to you via helicopter ride

>it's a paki post

Don't worry sweden, I hear more of the word speaks arabic than swedish anyhow so that'll help you in 2020.

how'd you get on a computer without getting your hands cut off?

Learn Spanish. it's the easiest European language, possibly easier than even English.

Why would we speak heathen monkey languages that's for you inferiors

The Brits are worse at speaking English than us

>dropping vowel sounds
>puts multiple soft consonant sounds in a row in your local vernacular (e.g. crisps, maths)
>most common slang involves adding -er to the end of an existing word

Our shit? Lol no it's your shit foreign policies. Because of that you goys are facing this shitshow.

And let me tell you one thing more German bro, young guys they don't leave the country because its a 3rd world shithole they leave the country because
>Dat white juicy European/American pussy bro

I think you're confusing the British flag with the American flag, Ahmed...



t. newfag

>mfw when every kid here takes French at school, but no cunt speaks french

Oi I fkn ate you yank knobbers, can't even into the sovs own lingo

You know what, its sound like some spanish people just reading the test.