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>I have a friend who went to Swiezerland and is unemployed there he satyed there for 183 days -> making him a tax resident ->Swiss need to pay welfare for every tax resident there

>As an EU citizen he cannot be deported

>I was thinking to do the same plus get illegally employed there in building shit or whatever, so I can get money both from welfare and work there

Since I have no education, never went to Uni I dont see a better choice than fuck with Swiss system.

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or you can stay in based Poland and work to make your country better.

>get illegally employed there in building shit or whatever, so I can get money both from welfare and work there

I bet you wonder why Europeans in general hate Poland, you insufferable n'wah

Stop being a leach and start improving your home

Best welfare system to leech off, but you would have to calculate if being a dual immigrant to Sweden wouldn't be more profitable (earlier gibs before you have the requirement for Swiss mountain shekels).

i would kill myself if i was poor in switzerland


>stupid whores so easy all you need is an Italian trash car to fuck them
Switzerland fuck yeah.

Come here and clean my poopoo peepee

nonsense. you get a couple months unemployment benefits but no actual welfare. he is bullshitting you. and yes you will get deported.

Interesting plan, but how are you going to survive in Switzerland for 183 days without any ways of making money? You have to also consider the fact that everything is expensive as fuck in Switzerland. A Big Mac is like 12 euros. You won't make it polski

that's totally not how it works darek. and you'll have a hard time to find an illegal job here, if you want to pick apples or such shit for 3.-/hr ok, do it. welfare money might look like it's a lot but it's not really much if you don't live in bumfuck nowhere. in most cities you're an ultra poorfag who can hardly afford to drink a coffee or beer in a restaurant. and if you're on welfare, you'll get an apartment next to mudslimes, niggers and albanians. good luck dumbass.

>Plus flags in full damage control mode.

why should he risk coming here if he can get the same in austria?

>wanting to go to swiezerland
Why would would you want to live around a bunch of jews?

How come he doesn't get deported? I was thinking about going to Austria or Switzerland, throwing my documents away so I don't get deported.

you will

You are in EEA my friend EU citizen cant be deported.

He works for 4000 CHF a month, plus welfare. I say it is a good deal

You cant, Swiss try to deport Germans from moving there en masse and cant do shit. EU citizens are sheltered from deportation both in switzerland and norway.

Those guys are just upset.

>EUcuck in full jelly mode

yugo subhumans get deported instantly. you'll also be put in jail before your bus ride home. odabungo from ghana will make sweet love to your boipussi there.

At least in Switzerland he can have light bulbs because you are not EU... oh wait you banned them so the EU will like you :^)

How? I have no documents, and they do not know where am I from, and I will not tell them. What are they gonna do? Torture me?

1. BS, Switzerland does not have to pay welfare to EU citizens who have not worked

2. Also, EU citizen CAN actually be deported under Swiss and EU law (if they do not work nor seek work & find work), but de facto they are not deported.

>He works for 4000 CHF a month
he's lying. and you will get deported if you cheat the system, we welfare bureau has investigators for some years now. no way a freshly immigrated EUcuck who tries to get welfare won't be investigated. any criminal EUcuck gets deported. also, you can't get welfare after half a year, you can't get welfare if you haven't worked for two years legally. but i'm suure you know better, come and enjoy the being poor in a rich country.

you still need a permission. if not you will spend some quality time in prison

go to germany and say you are syrian. enjoy unlimited welfare and raping.

i thought about this what if i just show in germany and say i am refugee

>light bulbs
where do get this bullshit? from the hinterschuchtelner knödelanzeiger?


>he doesn't know his own laws
Back to Albania

no surprise your country is such a shithole if people have iq's like a fucking bratwurst

>get to germany
>say you're a syrian refugee
>they bring interpreter
>doesn't speak mudslime language
off you go back to ukrishitistan

>Swiss Jews on their high horse again

top kek

I have blond hair and green eyes. They will never believe that I'm from Syria. And I do not want to be surrounded by niggers. If I'm gonna be homeless, I'd rather be homeless in a decent country.

They always do that, it's almost like these arrogant bastards _want_ to be the niggers of Europe.

lol just bought 100w and 60w bulbs yesterday, not sure what this bullshit is about.

>importing light bulbs from the US
You can get them from Belarus here, too (they are shitty, though).

Reported to Interpol.

oh fuck i need medic after this roast MEDIC MAN DOWN SEND A FUCKING MEDPACK

nice geotag

You are looking for support from /pol - a board that hate immigrants.

Fuck off you opportunistic piece of shit.

you think it's my first day on the internet?

The problem with Swiss people isn't even that they act smug about the memes they invented but that they actually believe their own bullshit. They are in full denial.

He's Ukraine refugee...

The Swiss hate cars though. Its really unfriendly to people who speed or even drive in a sporting way. I'm surprised Ferrari would even go there.

It is too late faggot we have it. I bet you are shitting your panties right now

From what I hear you never deport anyone. Most pf your population is now immigrants and you have lots of illegals. I think you need to take another look .

Cockholes will certainly pass as syrian easily.

Better leave now - we are coming to get you boogaboogabooga....


sure do darek.

>From what I hear you never deport anyone
you could be wrong.
>Most pf your population is now immigrants
yeah, 20% is most in russia. if you don't have a job before you come here, you go right back.

isn't Switzerland fucking awesome anyway? If you get a job, great. if they are going to pay you to stay there? great too. Switzerland has an excellent government system and virtually zero fucking problems. If I wasn't American I'd consider living there no fucking doubt.

I don't get why Swiss pensioners don't just go live in Russia or Ukraine, they could live like millionaires over there with their 4000€ retirements. Or someone who's working from home - imagine getting 5000€/monthly where the avergae wage is 300€, Jesus Christ, Swiss bros what are you doing with your life - you could be swimming in prime Slavic pussy and live in your small personal mansion.

>less than 6 months per brutally raped kid
>insults the judge "lol, it's normal you have sex if you meet somebody"
>no deportation
Switzerland fuck yeah

Moscow isnt cheap + other bad things in Eastern Europe

if you have a niederlassungsbewilligung they won't deport you. now stop grasping for straws and get ready for merkel sending you mudslimes.

>60% of Swiss: YES we want to keep criminally insane Turk rapists in our country

>Why other europeans hate us?
Gee man i don't know.

Only real estate is expensive here.

>thinking we are so stupid that we will give free welfare to everyone forever

that's it, its funny already


I want to live /work in Switzerland or Austria (expat?) when I finish my Msc compsci degree.

Is it even possible to live frugally in Switzerland? I know the wages are high but the cost of living as well. Id love be somewhere comfy between country and city (driving, with car or bike, to work).

Im done with the city life desu

It's a basic human right to live and get gibs in Switzerland.

"Dieser weitere Deliktkatalog von Absatz I.2. umfasst unter anderem die einfache Körperverletzung (Art. 123 StGB), die öffentliche Aufforderung zu Verbrechen oder zur Gewalttätigkeit (Art. 259 StGB), Gewalt und Drohung gegen Behörden und Beamte (Art. 285 StGB), falsche Anschuldigung (Art. 303 Ziff. 1 StGB), falsches Zeugnis, falsches Gutachten, falsche Übersetzung (Art. 307 Abs. 1 und 2 StGB) sowie verschiedene Verstösse gegen das Ausländergesetz.

Konkret heisst das: Wenn jemand ohne Schweizer Pass einmal wegen Beschimpfung eine Geldstrafe erhalten hat und innerhalb von 10 Jahren etwa wegen einer Drohung gegen Beamte verurteilt wird, so erfolgt nach dem Willen der Durchsetzungsinitiative zwangsläufig eine automatische Ausschaffung ins Herkunftsland der Eltern oder Grosseltern.

Der konkrete «Mehrwert» der Durchsetzungsinitiative gegenüber dem geltenden Gesetz wäre es also gewesen, dass Secondos und Secondas sowie weitere Ausländer/innen bereits wegen zwei Bagatelldelikten oder leichten Straftaten hätten ausgeschafft werden müssen."


delet this

sorry, dont speak that dumb german


Your stats are out of date swissbro. Your country is rotting.


also this...

Please do not live in denial. Your country needs you to be aware and do something about it.

fuck off. official BfS stats says otherwise you dumbass.

>Swiss BTFO of their denial
>Deny even harder
Easily the most cucked bunch in Europe, yet the Americans think they are some kind of heroes.

>Please do not live in denial. Your country needs you to be aware and do something about it.

the thing is, the country is already lost because the nationalist/right wing/populist/whatever party is too radical, and their proposals are too strong for the public
like the one about deportation of foreign criminals. you'd have been deported even for a speeding ticket. and who is gonna vote for that?
but they are a little too stupid to understand that they need to be softer

I would have voted for that. Too bad no Swiss would :^)

Seriusly though, considering how many young people die in traffic, why do you want disgusting BMW shitskins who commence their little races on your streets?

>bows down to mutti
>calls others cucked
top kek

>>As an EU citizen he cannot be deported

Sup Forums will simply accept a blatant lie like this without calling OP out.

Funny thing is, most of these cars are being driven by Muslims from Saudi Arabia.

Why not just claim that your a victim of the current ongoing crisis between Russia and Ukraine? Tell the government or some stupid western media outlet that you lost your home to shelling or that you lost a family member in the fighting and they just might pay you for it.

Oh man I hope I can visit the swiss alps some day. Where was this image taken?

It's fake, today it looks like this to reel in more Saudi shekels.

That's still absolutely beautiful. I actually have it as my lifegoal to become rich just to be able to visit the swiss Alps regularly :^)

I just noticed the muslim moon. disgusting

Too bad you can't read German, the commends in the Article are hilarious. Butthurt "Swiss" complaining about how crosses on mountains are inappropriate, too.
Too far gone to be saved, especially since they are in full denial.

Wasn't there a news article of a leftist getting BTFO on national TV for saying that the swiss flag shouldn't be flown on school campuses?

From the posts on Sup Forums about that article I assumed that the only faggots living there were its french speaking population

Switzerland is a poor and violent third world shithole with sharia law.
We have no jobs, no infrastructure and no gibs for anyone.
Please stay away and don't come.
>pic related

> German
> dumb
Ey froggo, watch it!

>The Swiss hate cars though.
[citation needed]

If you are a rich shitskin you can speed and run 19 year old Swiss girls over all day long without even getting a fine.

wtf i hate switzerland now

im coming

Why do the poor countries always talk shit about Switzerland. Is it Jealousy? Just enjoy your poverty, diversity and no guns EU cucks

>right to have rifles without magazine
Baseball bats are more effective tbqh. These plastic rifles make terrible clubs.

We have every right to the magazine you retarded no gun cuck.

Attach the magazine to your rifle, leave your property with it and be a criminal.
Not like in Austria where you can get a carry permit reasonably easy or Czech Republic where it's shall issue.

You can get carry permits here quite easily depending on the canton.

Sure thing mate. Enjoy your hard-left eco government you cucked faggot

>why should he risk coming here if he can get the same in austria?

Why even go Austria, when you can just throw your passport away, go to Germoney
>cry "refugee! Murkel told me to cum here"
>get tons of money, especially when you do this multiple times in various cities
>get to rape womyn
>won't be put in jail because muh refugee
>can even kill a few
>judge will say "don't do another oopsie"
>deal drugs or some shit, everything is allowed when they see use as a refugee

fuck off we're full

>has to use toothpaste proxy because Switzerland is watching you commit hate crimes on the internet
Feels good to live in an actually free country where this stuff is illegal.

>Be western pensioner

>Go to Maskva to exploit cheap prices and the possibility to buy starving slavwife

>Ivan who was born from a drunkard prostitute mother and has alcohol fetal syndrome( pretty much teh avg slav) finds out you have money.

>Bring his cheeki breeki gang buddies and burgle into your new house

>They beat you, they rob you then they torture you to death by shoving a screwdriver into your eye socket.

>Then they squat over your dead body for the lulz


Swissbro, I am an American who knows german pretty well and has good education/skills. Can I into Switzerland? Easily the most beautiful place ive been.

you know what is funny? I was a shitskin in germany, i could have tossed my passport and pretended to be a refugee easily.