

have a bump

this is appalling


>saw that in normiebook
>german news say it was a retarded kid
Well, dont know what to say. But comments were kinda more redpilled as i thought.

wow that's messed up.

Our propaganda puts Baghdad bob to shame.

Praise kek let us civil war and let us holocaust all these filthy lying kikes

just when you thought they could not spin it, THEY FIND A WAY

Every single conversation I've heard about this ends with some permutation of "THESE NIGGERS NEED TO HANG".

Including one guy who quite literally said those exact words.

Every normiebook post I've seen about it makes the clear connection between these 4 nigs and #BLM bullshit. Every single one.

They also overwhelmingly point out how these 'youths' emphasized their "FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" bullshit to the point where it was clearly racially motivated and the PD taking so long to actually admit it was a fucking joke.

A good 90% of people also laugh at the nigger trying to bare his teeth to look intimidating when by all acounts he's the most DYEL tier nigglet since Gary Coleman.

The Left's feral pets are guaranteeing 8 years of a Trump presidency one atrocity at a time.

"Smek heem ageeen" Yeah, no one with half a brain is going to believe that was a white supremacist. Nice try CBS. Hopefully this will redpill some people.

Fucking disgusting

Holy shit this is a new low

The victim was a "retarded" kid

>that url

The media will do anything other than tell the truth. It's essentially now a tool to signal the position of the left.

Holy fucking shit.


CBS Radio is awful. During the election they would do 10 minute segments on Trump "scandals" and then briefly mention Hillary's email situation. Fucking awful

>he was repeatedly called the n-word, his attackers repeatedly referenced donald trump

lmao, no matter their cheeky little jew tricks of technically not lying but still misrepresenting the truth they cant hide the fact that someone hollering SMACKESASS!!! SMACKEMAGAYN!!! is obviously a nigger, made the mistake of playing audio

who cares?
everyone's forgotten about it already so it's hardly like this even matters.

Dear god

kek, that's some next level shitposting
well done cbs. Sup Forums is proud of you

This is all the proof I need to know that nothing the media says is real.

Please annex us.
Please make a pyre with all of the lying press and their financiers and roast them.

that's fucked up but this mean that the n word is offensive to whites as well now? Can we get offended but call eachother niggers?

So, realistically, what are we looking at here?

Why do you watch

Turn it off user and never watch again.

Starve them.

Are you saying: up to this point, you believed the lying media? THIS is what it took for you to realize how much they lie?
>I hope I am just reading that wrong...

That's actually fucking hilarious.

>black attack makes the news everyday since it happened
>white attack makes one radio segment and never airs on tv


Op edited this to make it sound that way.

I'm sure nobody actually watches it. But it's good to show when those people and lies are brought to light.

no but i thought some of it was just journalists doing there thing and from time to time they would get calls from above to change a story or run a story, etc. It is rotten throughout