Dear trump supporters, watch this

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But user trump has extreme pro israel views


>Supporting trump
>Not being zionist

Pee pee poo poo

Please do yourself a favor and watch the video for the sake of getting out of the echo chamber

Poo poo pee pee!!! Wee wee doo doo!! Smelling stinky!!!

Not watching this. Can someone sum up the argument Shlomo is trying to make here?

Are you drunk

What? Did Olbermann get fired again?

user, if you will never get out of the echo chamber by yourself, you will never be able to change your mind about anything.

Be brave, and watch the video. if you disagree with it it's fine, but at the very least, listen to what the man has to say.

He provides "visuals" to help with his argument, so you should watch it

That poo poo and pee pee are funny!!

>Be brave, and watch the video.
No. Bye.

So you are not smart enough to let yourself get out of the echo chamber? nice.

You know what's an echo chamber?



It's when someone refuses to seriously pay attention to arguments from the other side of the spectrum

too long didn't watch + its from kike

No my butt is an echo chamber because there isn't poo poo in it because I poo poo pee pee all over myself!!!

>8 minutes
>Too long

Come on user.

is this you in the video

I will ask it again. are you drunk?

But it someone who presents a very articulated and well thought-out argument.

yea he brags about some shit trying to get more view minutes instead of getting to the point straight away. not happening

stop shilling your video kikestein

I'm only 5 I can't drink :(((

He does not brag. he starts the video by saying that if you watch it, you are probably smarter than him , because you are open to listen to opinions of other people

i cant listen to this guy he so patronizing calling me smart to make me listen more.

I'm smarter than you!

I don't care what he thinks about me, this is where brainwashing and trickery comes from trying to please my ego to watch fucking video. PRESENT ME WITH FACTS and I will make my own decision.

TFU kike

>presents self as rational/earnest, trying to reach out to trump supporters
>Goes through various Trump tweets
>fundamental argument: "there is something wrong with him"

I appreciated the approach, but still felt the arguments were weak. His grandslam is catching him in a lie about whether he himself thought he was going to win on election night. I can think of a billion more significant inconsistencies of other politicians, probably even trump.

Overall, good effort, but they are deluded into thinking their arguments are as powerful as they actually are.


He is making a point in the video claiming trump is not mentally well, and present an overwhelming amount of evidence to prove his case. he is saying that at some point, he will have to do a sensitive decision, and his mental illness will put his family and your family at risk.

>israeli flag
>keith olbermann

I'm going to need two trash cans for this one.

Do you honestly believe trump is mentally well?

So he's a professional doctor or some self diagnosis fag?

If you would watch the video, you would understand his viewpoint more clearly.

>overwhelming amount of evidence
>tweets and personal opinions


This is not how things work. You understand it, I understand it and majority of pol understands it. Trump does not RULE alone, he can present people with ideas and his ideas are triggering white supremacy. This is what you don;t want. You are seeing things getting out of control and white people chimping out like it was before 3th Reich.

He posted that as a private citizen.

I believe "mentally well" is a pretty loose term. I would imagine that most people in positions of power are fairly unique and would be psychologically aberrant.

He is petty and narcissistic. So what?

Do you think a person who is mentally well makes a tweet like this?

The video only includes tweets he made after being elected for president.

>it's literally 8 minutes of tweets

More still, he is expressing empathy that I truly believe is something like "genuine". It is GOOD to see people as failures if they are. It does them no good to inflate their self worth - they will never seek to better themselves. He says it crudely, but I don't care about that. He was a 70 year old man, a private citizen.

>more tweets

That's the main method trump use to communicate though user.

Hell, he even used twitter to talk about the north korean nuclear crysis as if it's nothing.

This is not a joke

Trump was bombarded with hatred, do you actually realize the amount of hate he received from liberfeminigercucks and the reason behind these tweets?

people are still in the hate trump bandwagon?

The problem is not that he is using twitter.

It's the content of what he is tweeting. he is mentally unstable, and one day his mental instability will effect the life of you and your family.

Trump should be impeached and replaced with some other republican

> There is something really really wrong with him.

Thanks Keith, wouldn't of ever figured out that someone who thinks they are the best person to run the free world would not be a little self important and narcissistic.

So what you're saying is some none professional doctor is saying trump is mentally ill over tweets? Like seriously I was just being stupid because I watched the video and wanted to bump it so Sup Forums can see how fucking retarded you are.

>Liberals are full with hatred!
>Those liberfeminigercucks, i fucking hate them!!. how dare them hate trump.

exactly, the problem is what is trying to be achieved here you know what I mean user?


I know. I didn't vote for Trump or trust him, but why not use sources besides Twitter? The majority of his arguments in the video are "that's not morally right to me".

Reminder that trump has extreme pro israel views and he supports greater israel

This fucking kike is still at it.

Open your borders to the refugees kike

Just watch this.

This video was made about an hour after trump said not paying taxes makes him smart during the first debate:

Yea, we will see how that will turn out.
Remember kikes, we are playing 4D chess here.


Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP

Trump picks a soros worker for treasury secretary

Soros gives trump a 312 MILLION dollar "loan":

Which is something you hate?
Are you an Arab?

>don't vote trump because he posted a picture of himself on christmas
>You don't support the corrupt anti constitution left that may have been exposed by Russia? TRAITOR

Someone kill this faggot

I just point out the hypocracy, because poeple in Sup Forums keep attacking me for being an israeli while they support the most extreme pro-israel candidate in US history.

I was born to a jewish family but i'm an atheist

you need to somehow protect trump lock him in fucking dislocated most secure basement and get orders from there, otherwise it can turn out bad


Those Trumps shitposts on twitter are the best.

That's not what the video claimed.

In fact the video did not even talk about the russian hackings, it just talked about how trump is praising putin over and over again.

Also, the corruption of the trump campaign is much worse than anything in the DNC emails and that's just from what we know about, without any leaks


Trump picks a soros worker for treasury secretary

Soros gives trump a 312 MILLION dollar "loan":

Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP



We'll see. Hopefully he doesn't end up like this guy.


Trump picks a soros worker for treasury secretary

Soros gives trump a 312 MILLION dollar "loan":

Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP


Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:
Trump faces felony criminal charges for bribery.


WTF Russia hacked and stole my hug!

So they've gone from insulting and belittling Trump supporters to trying to stroke their egos about how smart they are?

A bold move, let's see how it pans out.


I hope you realize it was the LEFT who voted in favor fence extension between the US and mexico. go and google it, it's in hillary clinton's voting record.


>Commits fraud and ruins lives
Just pay fines :D :D

>Violates payment agreements
Just pay fines :D :D

> Violates charity laws
Just pay fines :D :D

>Commit Bribery
Just pay fines :D :D

>Poison the american public with disinfo
Become president!!!

Keith Olbermann was a fucking sportscenter anchor. Anyone who takes his political opinions seriously should blow a hole through his head


what do you mean him praising Putin? Why he should see Putin as enemy in the first place? Where is that meme coming from?

He did not say you are smart for supporting trump.

He said you are smart for exposing yourself to arguments made by the other side of the political spectrum


i love how you keep posting this picture, although its a prison wall


>What does he mean by praising putin

>they still think this kind of stuff works



I will repeat this.

I hope you realize it was the LEFT who voted in favor fence extension between the US and mexico. go and google it, it's in hillary clinton's voting record.

You think logic and reasoning does not work anymore?

What kind of argument should i make then, if logic and reason don't work on you?


You didn't understand... Why they should be enemies instead of having a banter? Why you want Russia vs US?

I hope you realize no one in the left actually supports open borders, at least not in the israeli and US left.

You know that, right?


>you need to be prepared to help *hush voice* remove him

the amount of delusion is getting to be unfathomable


>I won't judge you if you like Trump, but really how can you support him, THERE IS SOMETHING. WRONG. WITH HIM, he tweets about the election after it ended and supports dictatur putain, SOMETHING. WRONG. WITH HIM, he won't even post a picture of his family on christmas eve!!!@!

>Also I won't judge you and I don't want you to say anything, just think about it, I'm clearly smarter and more well informed than you, who supports a candidate WITH SOMETHING WRONG. WITH HIM!@!@@!!!22


He proceeds to tell a story about liking Anthony Weiner, thats about where he lost me, knew that kike was a fuckface from day one. What kind of kike disappoints his jewmom by marrying a mudslime woman. Shameful.