Montel Williams dropping truth bombs oh shit.
Montel Williams dropping truth bombs oh shit
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>F*ck white people is racist
You can't be racist to whites. Racism = privileged + power, which blacks don't have.
wtf I love finding out the real father now
Based Montel
But racism means discrimination based on race. Privileges and power have nothing to do with it, user.
the goodest goy
Lack of effort.
He just threw away his career. There will be women claiming he raped them soon
God bless Montel Williams.
Fuck off /leftypol/
>confusing Maury and Montel
He'll be catching 'coon' and 'uncle tom' on nigger twitter within the hour.
Nice definition you made up
As he deserves. Who is he playing up to? White republitards who don't watch his show and autists who browse /Pol?
He's gone full Tila Tequila. He is speaking against his own interests
shit nigga this nigga is crazy nigga
he literally used a bait picture you fucking mongs
shit ninja this ninja is crazy ninja
Montel is a republican (anti trump one but still a black R is rare)
How do we ban leafs with proxies?
He'll be ostracized from his social circle for this. Rape accusations incoming.
Fucking uppity nigger throwing his own people under the bus. And I thought whites were pathetic.
Typical leaf, maybe he just wants to speak out about whats right?
Can we range ban these faggots already
shit black person this black person is crazy black person
wtf I love Montell now?
just kidding, he used to give that fake psychic bitch Sylvia Browne a bunch of airtime
>he being punished for torture and kidnapping on top of blatant racism; SO UNDESERVED
shit montel this montel is crazy montel
>He is speaking against his own interests
Dumb leaf.
Montel Williams isn't a BLM nation wrecking nigger, He's been openly Republican for years.
shit fucking leaf this poster is a fucking leaf fucking leaf
What those 4 black kids did is bad but it is not inherently racist.
They kidnapped the white guy not because he was white but because they thought he was a Trump supporter.
Since Trump campaigned on attacking minorities and other racist rhetoric, it makes sense for minorities, specifically black people to feel intimidated by Trump's presidency especially since he said he was gonna bring back the racist practice of stop and frisk which unfairly targets black people.
What happened was terrible but its far from being a hate crime. If anything, what happened should open up a conversation on irresponsible election campaign behavior and how it should be addressed
He gave up a lot to speak the truth.
We should be happy somebody with his status (no matter how low it is, as it carries more weight than ours) would come to our side.
He hasn't gone full tia tequila until he has a stroke and makes a porn video
if he does both at the same time we can call him a double tequila
Nice proxy leaf.
He's right on both ends. It's far above racial politics, it's pure unadulterated evil.
You gotta think - Assuming his show's guests aren't entirely paid actors, this man has seen the worst of the worst. He is not a sheltered celebrity. He knows what these types are capable of. White or black. Before he did paternity tests, he was still doing his normal talk show with troubled people for like 10 years. His show ran from '91 to '08. He's pretty much legendary.
If anyone with his life experience said anything other than "they're a lost cause", he would lose all credibility.
>it's pure unadulterated evil.
I'm not so sure. Can animals really be evil? I mean I don't blame a cat for killing mice for sport.
Shouldn't you all be working right now?
>They kidnapped the white guy not because he was white but because they thought he was a Trump supporter.
This is what liberals actually believe.
Holy fuck.
So how bad is his career going to get fucked after not playing the ruin-race-relations-while-pretending-to-fix-them narrative?
But he thinks fake psychics stealing money from grieving widows is not only OK, but worthy of constant, endless promotion (as long as it got his shitty daytime show big ratings).
Life in prison seems a little much
For once I agree with him.
The more lenient the punishment, the more we can use the publicity/story as a weapon against the lefties.
Im hoping they get a slap on the wrist. That way we can whine about how biased the world is against white people.
We win either way.
They would have done the same thing or even worse to a black Trump supporter
Based Montel as always
>attacking minorites
If you're retarded enough to believe in fake psychics you deserve it. Caveat emptor..
But they didn't..
shut up, united states of the moon
Well they probably couldn't find any. Not a lot of black Trump supporters out there.
>They would have done the same thing or even worse to a black Trump supporter
You have never met a nigger. This is not some well-educated black businessman from Maine. These are inner-city Chicago niggers. Their hate is for white people above all else. Any other offenses they can tack on to that are great, but white skin is kill-on-sight because they've been conditioned that way by their entire ghetto community loudly blaming white people for everything for 60 years.
They have all kinds of privilege. More privilege than whites at this point.
I know this is bait, but please stop saying this racism= feminist garbage+SJW garbage.
Racism is racism, doesn't matter the race.
ugh I can't believe this fucking uncle tom thinks you can be racist against whites. he probably hasn't even taken a gender studies class like I have.
>making his race into actual humans
>against his interests
day of rake when
I know two Black Rs. They are very rare indeed.
These two I know are made even more rarer as one was adopted by my boyfriends white family and raised white-she just graduated college and is now teaching students.
The other married into my boyfriends family. She's his aunt.
They're whiter than us, seriously.
Lmao you faggot it has nothing to do with "your side." And he didn't give up anything. What these four did was obvioudjy wrong. Life in prison, no parole? No.
>Sup Forums caring about what's right
>Saturday night 12:48 am
yes, most people in Japan are at work right now
>What those 4 black kids did is bad but it is not inherently racist.
So I guess if a group of white men kidnapped a disabled, homeless black person, tied him up and told him to say "fuck all niggers" and "fuck Obama", it wouldn't be racist, right?
This nigga even smokes marijuana.
Based Montell.
I hope the police don't Treyvon him anytime soon
H'ed have to nig out to be Trayvon'd