Ummm... no sweetie, he lost by a massive margin. Hillary Clinton won by over FIVE MILLION votes.

She is the true winner. She is who the American people chose. Any time a drumpf supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face, and educate them with the facts. It feels good being on the right side of herstory. Drumpf is literally the least popular candidate of all time.

She fucking won.

Other urls found in this thread:



The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

She won a contest they werent having


>leaf shilling for free

I wonder why that doesn't make me wonder



I love this copy pasta and this Serb. I always just picture him in a cold concrete building covered in blankets and clothing laughing at people who reply to his bait threads. Sounds comfy.

>only the people that clothe and feed the country dont like hillary.

wow, really?

not a democracy.

Ignore illegal votes, Soros machine stolen votes, and fake votes.

Trump won the popular vote via landslide.

>concentrate all of your election efforts in big cities in blue States to sign up every illegal, to change the law to allow felons to vote because you were worried you'd lose the popular vote

Democrats are faggots

five million? I cant believe she won by six million thats crazy

>65 mil - 62 mil = 5 mil

women only get 0.7 votes to a man's 1

She "won" the popular vote despite being by far the worst presidential candidate of all time. That isn't possible without massive rigging. There are tons of reports of Democrats voting more than once, Democrats voting in other people's names including dead people, illegals voting without IDs, voting machines turning Trump votes into Hillary votes, fake stacks of Hillary ballots, Trump votes being thrown away, Democrats intimidating Republican voters, Republican polling center workers being kicked out so the Democrats can rig away, polling centers in Democrat areas staying open longer than they were supposed to, suspiciously high Democrat vote totals in certain Democrat counties run by major DNC officials, and of course all the fake polls oversampling Democrats to demoralize Trump voters. We already have huge amounts of proof they rigged the Democratic primary. You can be damn sure there was a ton of globalist-sponsored Democrat fraud in the general election, and yet President Trump still won in an electoral landslide. Say it faggot.

He didn't lose because they weren't campaigning for the popular vote. For fucks sake. I'm sick of this brain dead and in denial argument.

it was actually closer to 6 million

rural/suburban retard detected

Serb CTR, good to see you posting again


Kiss my lawn you fuggin leaf

No, haven't you heard? it's 7 million now.



Guaranteed replies.


And yet, there can be nothing done about it.
Bitch and moan all you want, our plant is going to be in the White House and you will be our clay.
Just two weeks more...

Is that all you've got?

What a pathetic low energy shitshow /pol has become after the elections, holy fuck.

Keep believing that frosty

and 306>232


Hillary won cities. Trump won states. Trump won the election as it is currently designed. Easy as that.

>serb stronk!

Don't worry Nigel, we aren't interested in countries with Pakistanis in them.

what? hillary clinton won by 10 million votes? oy vey!

please stop using that serbian VPN

Kek will decide


>65 mil - 62 mil = 5 mil?
You sure it wasn't 150 million votes?

I thought she won by ten million votes.
Doesn't matter anyhow because you lost.
Fucking cry baby looser, face it.
You lost.

Eleven? You fucking white male, it's not thirteen, it's fifteen!

Popusi kurac srbine. NATO did nothing wrong.

drumpfkins btfo

So if I play golf and I end the game with the highest amount of points, I win?

Good slav education you got there, Stanislav.

Fuck off man. Because of trolls like you every time I try to make a reasonable post I get called a leaf. Ban trolls like this.

You still here? Thought the money dried up.

There's no debate. There's no debate. It's over.

jebote kad ces vise da se ubijes pun mi kurac tvog shillovanja
obesi se

Trump won 98% of all counties in the United States. And 70% of all states.

But does that mean anything? No. What matters is the Electoral College. And Trump won 56% of that to Hillary's 42%. Which is a landslide.

>Any time a drumpf supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face
So you're laughing at Trump supporters because their candidate will be president for the next 8 years?

but wait!

a wild treason appears

stfu pastafag

Keep Winning, Hill Shill.

Good thing we don't have a corrupt system in place. Otherwise, people would believe in the nonsense you posted here today.



WHY do people reply to bait

Does your argument have a senator's signature? No?

It's over.



There is no debate.

>8 years

My nigga

The argument has Putin's signature. On Trump's presidency.

because it's saturday and we're too lazy to go outside.

More like a guaranteed nigger broad

Proofs or gtfo

No sweetie, no matter how much Commiefornian beaners, SJWs and trannies voted for Hillary, all their votes still count for 55 grand electors.

Hillary won by 3 million votes and she won the counties that actually have an economy.

Trump counties just leech off successful, prosperous liberal blue counties.

She won by 5 million votes?What do you mean she won by 10 million votes?I thought she won by 20 million votes.

call the CIA

Why do all you foreign shills give a fuck about our election. Why not educate yourself about our system of government you ignorant Soviet rape babbies.

True. Too fucking cold to go outside where I'm at.

Plus it's funny to watch these try-hard shills claim something they didn't win.

There's no debate.
There's no debate.
There's no debate.

>Why do all you foreign shills give a fuck about our election

good question

First thing, you glorious, winged faggot: The vote for Hillary in alone was twice that of her much-vaunted lead in the national popular vote. Even if the illegal immigrant vote in California was properly eliminated (you know damn well that is where this "lead" in the popular vote comes from), Hillary still would have won California by half a million votes while still losing in the Electoral College.
Second, the Electoral College worked flawlessly! It keeps American politics from being dominated by only a few population centers. The Democrats just can't import enough indentured peasants to enough States to buy the national vote (BTW, this was the real reason for the 3/5 compromise, so that antebellum slaveholders would be discouraged from doing the same).

There is no debate on the fact that the Obama economy created 15.8 million jobs and the unemployment rate is 4.7%.



>Russia did it guise I sware!!1!1

Please just an hero.

Yes yes
and Al Gore won against Bush and 9/11 never happened

You need to let it go. You lost. It's over.

>Trump makes a joke about Russian hackers
>Putin then actually gets hackers to do shit because then it looks like Trump is a traitor

I would believe it. Putin wants a divided, therefore weak US, so he can keep waving his cock around in East Europe and eventually cum on all the slavs and take back the USSR lands.

Don't ever trust a Ruskie.

>counties that actually have an economy.
Counties without other counties wouldn't exist. Just imagine California and New York secedes and isolates themselves.

There's no debate.

Not a debate

You should fucking kill yourself, fucking leaf

He's one if the few nerdvirgins who escaped The Vault.

Is your claimed backed by the signature of a senator?

>But I am a leaf

There is no debate.

>CTR shill BTFO
>Bow to Trump, your new president.


He probably has brain damage from some NATO bombs that Clinton dropped. We should pity him.

If we do favorable rounding it is 3 million votes, and the Delta between the voters was 2%. The election was close and besides if it was based on popular vote campaigning would be different.

It literally is a democracy, don't be an idiot. It's just not unbridled democracy. We elect the leaders of our Constitutional Republic via a democratic process.

europaco trying desperately to join the meme

She won by 3 million. The US is not a democracy. What a fucked country.

"The results are now final: Clinton wins popular vote by nearly 3 million"


How many full time jobs did he create? How many full time jobs were lost? What was the actual real percentage gain of full time jobs? And don't forget to account for the increase in population.

Part time and casual stuff is useless.

That's like saying a football team wins because they got more yards but less points

Here too. Lotsa snow.

Have a good one Ameribro cuckslayer.

>Just imagine California and New York secedes and isolates themselves.

There goes a third of the American economy!


There's no debate.

It's actually closer to a billion, after you tally the votes from major cities like Detroit.

This pasta and the people who think like this are so close to the basic redpill that people don't lose all faith in a movement instantly just because it's candidate didn't get elected.

Honestly they're completely welcome to celebrate Hillary as the woman candidate she was, and whatever that means for their liberal minds. If you can still be happy with Hilary after she lost the election then good for you, because that means you've moved your goalposts away from the presidency.

LOL Obama leaf you actually believe this? Lurk more faggot you'll find out the Russian hackers are people you're very close too.

The United States government declares 60% as a majority. It doesn't mean more.

95% full time jobs.