
Your toughts pol.

Other urls found in this thread:§3-3

the mind is complex the brain is an organ like a liver

idk training your brain to do some good shit is gud, trying to figure out why people do stupid shit is gud

we are not animals maynore, we need to behave like normal people , mad people are crazy an need to learn

but in the olden days the nutters would rule and no one would give a fuck how cray cray they wur so long as day brought home dat sweet sweet fried chicken

they got me on zyprexa
I'm not what I used to be, emotionally, intellectually. They've robbed me

me on venlafaxine and mirtazapine

ahh that safe bubble of the SSNRI

but if you miss a couple...Wow, RIP anyone who gets in my way

I feel sapped too bro, like a limiter has been put on me, like a BMW at 155, when it is capable for faster, maybe its for our own good?

I know that feel. I can barely keep my concentration for an hour now, completely destroyed my ability to tell when I'm hungry - I can only tell when I start getting hunger pangs.

Oh thats an antipsychotic

you must be really quite mad bro, sorry

Do you have a routine?

>you must be really quite mad bro, sorry
Not really.

How can you justify going on pills unless you're a danger to other?

What benefits do you have from them?

That and cunnilingus ruined Tony soprano

Reading Man and his symbols right now, Jung is fucking awesome. I really don't care what you label it as, his whole framework is really useful.

>his whole framework is really useful.
The problem with (((psychiatry))) is that while some of their invented classifications and systems can be helpful, on a wider scale they are harmful and create more illnesses. The mental health of the West was better when psychiatry didn't exist.

I have no choise.
I saught help because of stress and bad sleep, end up being bereft of my rights.
They say I'm a danger to myself, which is complete nonsense, and that I need their treatment but don't realize it.
Criminals in jail have more rights.§3-3

According to psychiatry I need to thake their zombification pills for my own good, if I don't I will be forced via syringe.

At least the voices are gone

>They say I'm a danger to myself, which is complete nonsense, and that I need their treatment but don't realize it.

Well that is kind of the point. If your mental illness is severe enough you will never believe you need treatment. The device you would use to determine if you need help, your brain, is faulty, you are broken.

Just thank god your are in Norway, in america you would either go bankrupt getting treatment, or get nothing at all and end up in jail or dead.

Complete and utter bullshit

Many people in your situation don't see what a danger you can be to yourself and others, I assume you developed a (mild) psychosis from the stress and sleep deprivation?

The pills won't fix that but it can be needed temporarily to get you back to normal, after that you can slowly go off them

tony literally didn't do cunninglus, junior did

Did you say yes to any questions about suicidal thoughts? What caused them to take your rights?

I know people who have been put in institutions for answering yes to that but not having any intention of going trough with it. They all changed drastically after some months with forced medications.

Went to a shrink for my depression and it worked.
Also I studied psychology for a bit.

>we are not animals anymore

This is the biggest lie contemporary society tells us. We will always be animals. We will always be driven like animals. We are no different from beasts. We lust, we eat, and we die. You need to get your head out of your ass and go outside to get some real perspective on the world.

Psychiatry as an institution does serve two purposes; it's about curing and taking care of mental illness, but it's also about containment and enforcing a normalcy in mindframe and thoughts

Different countries have different standards regarding behaviour, and contrary to popular belief, mental illness can be contagious to some extent, and it's important to isolate people who exhibit undesirable behaviour

I said no.
They say it's to make sure I get better.

Psychiatry today is like a substitute religion that gets promoted by kikes for the extra shekel.

Any anons have experience with anti-anxiety meds?

Might start on them soon, at least as a bridge to solve my other issues.

That's another name for anti psychotics. I don't know how bad you have it. As I understand anxiety can be absolutely debilitating. But unless you HONESTLY feel like it's the only option you have, I'd stay clear of it. It can be easy to lie to yourself, say you can't do that because of that and so on. It can also be truth, but the only way you're getting rid of it is by exposing yourself to anxiety and realizing that you can.

By taking away the anxiety you might feel awesome and capable. But take away the pills again and the anxiety might still be there, because your brain never learned how to deal with it. You just suppressed the anxiety for so long you forgot what it's like. Then it'll hit you hard and you're back on the pills.

I've had anxiety issues, I guess I still do to a degree, but it's not an issue any more. I've just learned to live with it, and slowly the anxiety is calming down. It's no longer an issue, it's just there.

Again, I don't know your situation. Those kinds of pills do help some people. But I would do anything to keep myself of them.

maybe you should get a clue before giving advice on any subject

I don't have a choise mate. I should have stayed clear of psychiatry, followed bad advice.

Helped me to begin with but now it's ruining me.
My love for art, music, fellow human beings, nature,

the absolute madman

Gotta elevate that mind

Never had any

worldwide scam that sells drugs to treat chemical imbalances even tough the chemical imbalance as origin of illness theory has never been either proven or even observe, several papers released have concluded also that these drugs cause brain damage, including loss of mass.

It's mostly a scam, especially in the U.S. where they use psychoanalytic theories disproven by other fields of psychology and deliberately lengthen sessions in order to get you to cough up more cash.

It is possible to give people meaningful therapy though, and it starts with a combination of neuroscience and allowing people to self-actualise.

Its a tool to free yourself from the jew. No wonder it gets almost 100% sabotaged.

In the past, men created witches: now they create mental patients.

If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

In the animal kingdom, the rule is, eat or be eaten; in the human kingdom, define or be defined.

The proverb warns that 'You should not bite the hand that feeds you.' But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself.

The system isn't stupid, but the people in it are.

There is no psychology; there is only biography and autobiography.

-Thomas Sasz

I only told him to be certain that the anxiety he have is something that he absolutely cannot deal with without zombie pills.

You can see in this thread how others have had bad experiences from those types of drugs. I hold the belief that these kinds of medications are over prescribed by doctors and psychiatrists.

Being certain and not just taking them because it's easy is something that anyone thinking of starting on them should do.

Especially when they can have such detrimental effects as describes. At least to me those are responsible for me being content.

I would quit if I was you. Seeing as they'll force you if you do, run away for a while. Get clean and come back with a lawyer and get your rights back.

But only do that if you know you are not a danger to others.

Then stop taking them, idiot.

no amount of youtube will change the fact that you're certifiable lmao

>falling for the pharmacological jew
Get clean you fucks.

:) I'm not though

He was a loon.

Nonsense. The system is abused all the time.

Thank you. The biggest con job on earth.

Name one thing it cures.

Anybody is certifiable. Once they wanted to call the shrink when I was in the er physically ill. I told them my insurance did not cover a stay in the psych ward. Voila. I was instantly cured.

Me, supposedly. Kek

Can confirm. Went to see a psych during a very stressful period; told them what was going on in my life, they wrote down I was delusional, was thrown in a concrete cell without a matress for two months. Zero legal assistance, no coherent charges filed, not allowed any communication devices. Instead of asking critical quesitons my mom had a complete nervous breakdown and went full Millgram experiment. 'Lets just keep him here for a little while longer its for his own good trust us that will be 900 euros a day tnx plz'

They tried every trick on the book to get me on a full dose of zyprexa; denying me food, excercise, putting me in a cell with a guy who literally spent the entire night bashing his skull against a metal door, then beat you up for good measure if you complain about it. The worst part was where they would shine flashlights in your eyes every hour every night untill you are fully awake. Its especially creepy if you are conciously aware of the odds of that outright killing you if kept up on the timescale of months. Guess what: zero fucks given by the IQ 90 retards that spend half their working hours beating screaming jesus wannabes covered in their own feces into cells.

Turns out I didnt actually have any delusional ideas. That was what I was saying all along, but yeah... Never got a sorry from anyone.

They would have kept me for another 6 months if I didnt escape, found my way to some friends which I knew would have the sanity to didnt give a fuck about the outstanding police order for my arrest, got a lawyer, and then they were basically like 'if he really doesnt want our 'treatment' I guess we can let him go'.

Protip: the curative properties of prison are well documented; do a quick google search if you want to learn of the benefits. Oh yes; all of this cost about 30.000 euros; of which i was legally obliged to pay my 1k deductible. Never really talked to anyone with a psych degree during my stay.

I'll take things that never happened for 500

Are you exagerating a bit perhaps?

"Anatomy of an Epidemic" is the first book you should read for an alternative (very comprehensive and independent) understanding of psychiatric care and it's ill long term effects.

Excellent read.

Prozac is the best. It did something to my head that had me picking up girls left and right. Led to some of the best times of my life. After quitting, I was a generally more logically thinking person.

Try Prozac. It ended all unreasonable anxiety and led to a new way of thinking. The anxiety did not return after I stopped taking it.

Also, its fun to note that these prisons are privately run in the Netherlands. Like the user i quoted said, when you are in a prison like that you wish you actually were a violent criminal; then youd get some actual due process, a lawyer, and thered be a burden of proof.

Fun story: I had requested my legal right to a second opinion from a shrink of a financially independent institution. When someone finally came after 2 weeks waiting I asked her where she worked and it turned out she was just a collegue from a few doors down.
She wrote me down as paranoid delusional because I didnt feel like talking to her at all.

Also, I got thrown in solitary because one day while i was trying to isolate myself from the madness in a chair in a corner, Christ the redeemer surprise jumped on my back, and I bit his arm to get him off me. He was in there to protect himself form the reckless unprotected sex he was having with men. I asked christ, and he said they never gave him an std test. They never gave me one either.

Later, they beat Christ into a pulp because he didnt want to give up his phone to them. Sat down on his back with a group of thugs. Met the guy once since, cant really walk anymore; dont think any of the thugs that did that got any prison time, let alone solitary, while I handled the guy a lot more professionally.

So, if anyone tries to sell you on the curative properties of prison time for a very reasonable 900e a day, stay the fuck far away. The only purpose prison serves is to keep unwanted elements out of society (and i approve of it as such, with a little due process); sure as fuck never delude yourself into thinking its for the good of the prisoners.

They took away all my communications devices, but i managed to get a hold of an ipod and an earpiece with a microphone. Recorded pretty much every single second since I realized that was possible. I cant really bear to listen to much of it since ive got pretty bad PTSD from the experience; but yeah, im pretty sure thats only a small fraction of the stuff that actually happened.

bro do you shill for pfizer?

Nah man, I'm a human.

you've never been in a psyc ward.

This is is exactly what it's like

> We are no different than animals
That's where you're wrong, burger.

Btw, did you read that recent article of the journalist that went undercover as a correctional officer in a private prison in the US? (ironic sidenote; im an ancap so I dont think that public prisons are any better per se); but yeah, read that, and then ask yourself why dutch private prisons would be any better. Protip: the Stanford prison experiment is the Stanford prison experiment. Rethoric about concern for your wellfare doesnt make a prison suddenly not a prison.

There are some big differences however: At least prisoners in US private prisons are not kept indefinitely and without trial. Ive met people there who were in the system for years. Their lives completely destroyed, but otherwise not too crazy. You think a that a guard that hated them wouldnt make up a false charge of being attacked? You think the institution as a whole will try its best not to use that as an excuse to file the paperwork to keep them for another year?

Nah, europoors wouldnt do that, only crazy burgerclaps of course.

Did your brain get damaged because you went psychotic or was it because of the pills ?

Considering the pills are quite likely to induce psychosis even if you didnt have it in the first place, both interpretations are certainly possible.

Which is all the more reason not to take this kind of medication lightly. They have their use, but id stay away from them myself unless you are actually 'chasing your family around the house with a kitchen knife' psychotic tier.

Overprescription of this kind of stuff is pretty rampant. If you end up on wellfare staring drooling out of the window, it may be a step up over killing your family, but it will go into the statistics as a 'successfull treatment' regardless of whether you ever had such plans.

>This is is exactly what it's like

No its not lol .... Been there 5 times , 1 time i was this crazy they put me in isolation for 1.5 month

I will likely be a psychiatrist and I was skeptical of it but I ended up really liking it. I also plan on treating really sick people not just medicating everyone. Things like schizophrenia and many other disorders actually have distinct neurodegenerative features we can measure now with MRI and EEG and biochemically we already have a good idea. There are some fucked up people, that would be going on killing rampages because God is telling them to do it without psych. It sucks.

I also think gender dysphoria is a true mental illness and not something we should normalize.

Side effects?

Psychiatry is an excuse for people who want to get high but does not have enough balls to buy from a dealer.

It's science as much as astrology.

>1 time i was this crazy they put me in isolation for 1.5 month

And what is the evidence-based reasoning for that treatment?

Protip: there isnt any; and its not for a lack of studies on the mental health effects of solitary confinement. The Netherlands is one of the few signatories to the UDHR (yeah not a fan of top-down globalists moralizing, but fwiw) that hasnt banned the practice.

I read this article in Vice a few weeks ago of some journalist chick writing about her experience in france. TLDR: lots of misery and people risking their lives to escape, but a great experience overall... somehow. I dont want to devalue anyone's experiences or needs; but yeah when you are manic-euphoric and every kind of sedative under the sun will be handed out like candy, you could literally be placed in auschwitz and youd experience it as having a blast.

Just saying; maybe your experience is only a limited one as well. In any case, all the stuf I wrote here happened quite literally.

What about skinnerian radical behaviorism. Stuff emperically observable and rooted in classical and operant conditioning relating to stimuli and reaction?

Also, one of the most important things I can do is know when people aren't actually sick enough for meds, and many times the treatments are temporary. Most psychiatrists are awful and this is pretty well known so I get the hate it gets like in this thread, but hopefully I can improve it. I am pretty red pilled, which is why I want to do this and bring some respectability to it.

Depends if you're talking about a benzo or SSRI. Which is different than an antipsychotic. I've been on xanax 10 years and it is a heavy drug but it's more something that is abused than something that is going to make you go crazy like an antipsychotic which can cause horrible side effects.