What a fucking joke, theres even flying cars too
This map is based off of Iraq
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Who cares, stop playing video games you manchild piece of shit.
why are you playing video games?
Thats syria once the (((civil war))) is over and Assad can rule into a new age of prosperity, inshallah
>trusting snackbars with flying cars
This would definitely work
I remember oasis map in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, good old times.
It's pure fantasy. Did you notice the African map was a fucking highrise mega city of diversity and peace?
So? It's a fantasy game
I dont play games but I just wanted to point this out regardless as the youth will think this is a good thing
Is this Iraq part of Greater Israel?
wtf i love dovercitiy now
Have you seen "Of Things To Come"? This board is full of uncultured retards
Awful map. First played it last night. Two people on my team hated each other and were screaming at one another non-stop the entire game.
being a true pol tard must be suffering
A large amount of video gaming is just an excuse to escape your life.
I stopped playing video games. You should too.
>we Dictatorship of the Air nao
Oasis is based on Dubai, isn't it? Makes sense, given how lavishly they spend money there.
>A large amount of video gaming is just an excuse to escape your life.
yeah and thats awesome
>off of
Fuck off, Yank.
You get off the chair, you don't get off of the chair.
>based off of Iraq
>subtle stars of David
They did it again!
>theres even flying cars too
that sounds like a regular day in Irak after the daily terrorist attack.
Do they ever say why all the maps are giant stereotypes (but in the future) and not magical lands of multiculturalism?
>teammate kept killing himself because I was playing D.va
The lore behind Numbani is that Omnics took it over and forcibly turned it into the diverse utopia it is in game by expelling all humans then letting tgem back in once hostilities in the Omnic War ended. It's like the nice parts of Johannesburg.
adults should not do this on their shows
>Playing overwatch, the tf2 rip-off
Quit browsing the internet
may tf2 rest in peace
He's a contrarian faggot, but in this case he's 100% correct.
Of course a swede has to be the one defending childrens toys
>Who cares, stop playing video games you manchild piece of shit.
>I dont play games
Are these niggas for real?
Is Sup Forums actually autistic? Who the fuck dont play games in 2017?
Kill yourself faggot.
being on Sup Forums is more of a childrens toy than vidya.
They're supposed to tell a story by being superficially one thing then segueing into another. Like the whole point of King's Row Attack is to move an EMP into an Omnic Slum and commit a terrorist act by detonating it in its heart
Degenerates need to leave.
Some other objectives that might not be clear:
>Gibraltar is helping Winston put up a new satellite to monitor growing unrest in the world post Recall short
>Numbani is transporting Doomfist's gauntlet back to the Museum
>Route 66 is delivering a bomb to destroy McCree's former gang, the Deadlocks
stop watching anime
ITT authoritarian retard think vidya is the problem and not jews
You seem bitter and triggered, OP
Are you ok?