How do we fix western woman?
How do we fix western woman?
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can someone post the correct pic?
>also why does anyone choose chloe over hayden?
by fixing western men
her torso is way too big for this not to be shopped
why so serious???
nice shoop, what is she a fucking weeble?
>Mexican Coke in background
Ban makeup, social media photo filters and plastic surgery
Watch them fall in line within a month
Is this the gondola thread?
kek, I'm easily amused today
1. Become a better man
2. Don't breed with degenerate women
3. Eventually it will fix itself
By taking one for yourself and marrying her.
She is accepted by everyone in her life despite her naive views or even degenerate behavior. If you can be Chad enough she feels like she needs you in her life she will be whoever you want her to be.
Don't date women who are always riding a cock carousel though. Your goal is to find someone who is fixable.
That one appears already "fix'd."
You can take the woman out of the kitchen, but you can't take the fridge out of the woman.
That fucking PC culture and that fake ass idea of love pushed by Hollywood are to blame.
they must first understand that the female psyche has been slowly changed over the last several decades via cultural marxism.
terms to know... cultural marxism, frankfort school, social engineering
Got a lotta smugness for a hired president.
>posting the shopped version
that pic, every time
god damn I feel so bad for the parents
She's a big guy
>>A fucking scarf
>>Over a fucking t-shirt
>This is the male version of the choker
Chuck Woolery on FOX speaking about the Frankfurt School and Political Correctness
That jaw is I imwgine American Dad cartoon guy looks as a human.
Hayden who?
>trying to fix women
kek. the more we try to fix them, the more they want to defy us. The more we stop them from succumbing to degeneracy, the more they race-mix.
At this point, men should just let them be, and instead of trying to fix women, spend their time fixing their country and in artificial womb. As soon as they will witness their potential replacement taking birth, they'll fix themselves.
And don't worry, its not just the western women, all women are like this.
There is NO "traditional woman", don't fall for the meme.I've seen "traditional Indian qt3.14 grill" give in to degeneracy,drink a little too much, get wasted and then having sex with complete strangers, even low caste degenerates who can't even form a coherent sentence.
>you will never look this thick. solid. tight
My heart goes out to that old man every time I look at this. He looks so defeated.
>His smile and enthusiasm: gone.
>His smile enthusiasm: gone.
after some research i found the original
Maybe adding a bit of color will help. Should be sorted by 2030
You've seen women fall prey to many kinds of degeneracy... But have you ever poo'ed in loo?
They need to go back to kitchen.
Sort yourself out!
You don't. If you want to fuck and chuck, go right ahead. They are trashy hoes anyway. If you find one that is a keeper, then keep 'er. If you are the best man for the job, then you cannot stay. The fact that women are now hypergamous and degenerate will keep you on your toes, and make you a better and stronger man, if you want to hold on to your woman, without having to resort to putting her in an islamic burqua. So, sort your own self out first!
hayden panettiere
>this one ;)
>smile and enthusiasm
Lurk more.
nice innie
I didn't expect to feel this early in the morning.
Girls with innies complain about being courted by quasi-paedophiles.
*slow golf clap*
*entire audience joins in loud applause*
*riot starts and Whites begin to lynch niggers*
Did she have a C-section? Gross.
What are you speaking of?
Reminds me of this:
The male version of a choker is a choker. Seriously, Male chokers will be a trend in 2017.
Not bad.
She has a child.
very underrated
found the low-test faggot,
if you dont want to ravage that delicious pussy then you're a homo sorry to break it to ya.
Nothing beats davidu-kun
you dont let them get fucked
holy fucking kek
start by revoking all welfare for unmarried women, and especially unmarried mothers
>can't grow beard
>if that wasnt the case I'd be a hipster like this too
What a feel
real question: is anime a jewish-japanese plot against america in retaliation for ww2?
he is balding, not the hipster
if he had hair and enough T to grow a beard he would also wear a scarf with a t shirt
or maybe he does already
I'm just baffled how being bald would stop you from being a faggot
Enslave them.
This is not accurate.
Women don't rebel the way men do.
Men rebel based on ideas and to forge their own path even if it's misguided.
Women rebel for attention.
It hurts, Sup Forums.
wtf is this real
Because I have a buzzcut now
So you're a faggot with a buzz cut, making it easier to clean the cum out of it.
What's your point?
>Grandpa: two bombs weren't enought.
i'd do this too but my sides are in orbit
Bullshit. Women are ALWAYS more attracted to a guy that's richer or more successful than you. Their brain believes the grass is greener on the other side
wtf is this real
I've given up on white women, the last year I've dated nothing but black and Hispanic girls.
Oh okay, why mention them in the same breath though? In what way does one remind you of the other, how are they linked?
She looked hot as Jessica rabbit though.
Also those pics of her posing like a slut on all fours on that table in jeans and knee high boots
the story in the pic nigger
that home looks like it could be fucking serbia
the west is evil
we should isolate
>if you dont want to ravage that delicious pussy then you're a homo sorry to break it to ya.
I'm sorry. Did I insult your imaginary wife that you will never in a million years ever even get to meet in person, much less ever touch or fuck?
Does she suffer from the same thing that this dog is?
I just... can't...
Bump for more chloe pics
My friends, look at the Statistics. 95% of women ( even in the USA) dont Racemix. Just go out and get a woman. Dont complain
Move to Russia. Or since you are already there., grab your vodka, put on a hat, go outside, and enjoy the women Putin tells you to.
Chad is a tranny.
U have more of these pics user?
The only thing they understand: shame.
Scarlet letters when?
> can't wake up
Get rid you cucks who worship them.
What sort of stench would you expect to come from Cloe's vagina?
like if you left some cheese in the sun for only an hour and then rubbed apples on it
What was the name of this vid again?
Sup Forums has to become Chad, make slutty women want to fuck and obey them, but deny and shame them for said slutty behavior, choosing only to fuck the modest, wife material good girls instead. Women were created to be subservient to men, Sup Forums just needs to become the men these women listen to.
Start by getting /fit/.
why apples though? is that first hand experience or a figure of speech?