Guys?!!! What is he doing!?!? Is he doing this on purpose

guys?!!! What is he doing!?!? Is he doing this on purpose

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If we want to achieve stability in the middle east, we will have to deal with Russia. They are closer, and can more easily direct power to the region than we can, and have a vested interest in keeping their oil supply steady.

Would you rather have them as an ally or an enemy?

All these little sandnigger countries don't matter. They kill their own people for the smallest differences. They don't produce anything. They just kill westerners.

It's better instead that we work on forming solid relationships with other countries that are on our level. If we deal with them fairly, we can be friends instead of being adversaries who spy on each other all the time.

He's literally a traitor and everyone here should be in jail for supporting him
Fuck drmupf and fuck white people

I guess he has some loyalty, despite seeming totally self-involved.

Got some shit on my dick

>Wanting perpetual war with Russia.

Fuck you, and fuck everyone else that thinks this way.

Nice strawman RIDF

>Wanting perpetual war with Russia.
More like wanting Russia to not invade neighboring countries

Yeah, but user, if we start treating the pig fuckers like they deserve, then they'll stop using the petrodollar system.

Thanks I needed some salt for my fries

Tfw poopydick

I don't know pham, I do think he is underestimating Putin though


He's letting the lugenpresse further discredit themselves, they will pick up on this and run with it because they are too stupid to resist the temptation.

Trump shills are pathetic. Russia and America have nothing in common.

America's interests:
>cuck Russia
>Russia is America's bitch
>surround Russia with allies
>surround Russia with missiles
>Russia can't do jack shit without American permission
>world listens to America ignores Russia

Russia's interest
>don't be America's bitch
>break out of American containment
>world listens to Russia

Any American who supports Russia is a traitor and should be hanged.

>Only "stupid" people, or fools

literally what did he mean by this? why quote stupid and then just say fools?

Kys traitor. Move to Russia if you love them so much.

Haters see you walk on water and will say it's because you can't swim.

The money be coming in. Hey darling! We ballin. Yes we running shit.

He means that """stupid""" is a pleb term, and that fools is the classy way of saying it.

i thinnk russian and us should DP the yurops and teach them a lesson. with france its basically like invading a muslim country anyway.

he's basically referering to IYI's (Intellectual Yet Idiots)
These people arent stupid. They're actually smart. They're just completely foolish, prefering pointless geopolitical games of domination, instead of good old negotiation.
Thats how Trump thinks about this, IMO.

>the world needs to be more (((Americanized)))

There's no such thing as America's interests, only the interests of those in power

Thank you based Putin for allowing Trump[ to work with you.

>Poking its nose into other people's business as always

How are those fucking gypsies you didn't let us exterminate you faggot? Or can you no longer diferentiate between them and the rapefugees?

>Nothing wrong with American Imperialism

you idiots realise russia doesn't want to be your 'friend' right?
Russia wants to diminish America's economic, diplomatic and political standing.
The world has an infinite amount of opportunity, resources and ears you can hold.

>"stupid" people

What did he mean by this?

It's much better than Russian Imperialism that's for sure.

Appeasement against an aggressive revisionist power is what leads to war more often than the reverse.

This is what happens lads. The 5 eyes countries unite with Europe and Russia and then forcibly take everywhere from Constantinople through North Africa (old Roman empire), Israel joins as it's own autonomous state.
All hail Kek as we move into this new, glorious age

t. 33rd degree shill.

Russia just wants to be left alone

Remove army and nukes from their borders

I'd be 100% ok with it if it didn't have claims on Central-Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.

The Russian PEOPLE and American PEOPLE have plenty of mutual interests.

T. Paid kremlin shill. I earn 2 rubles a day.

They don't

Russia has more territory and natural resources than they know what to do with and they aren't capable of occupying any population wether Polish or Czech or whatever

>1 post by this ID

Sage, Sup Forums. Sage.

America has been pinning Russia against the wall eversince we started getting involved in Syria. Syria is a great ally with Russia who has an oil pipeline that benefits Russia. Without it, Russia is nothing. In reality, it is Putin that is Trump's bitch.

Likewise, we want the same for russia. We are at constant economic war with everybody. That doesn't mean we don't have mutual self interest from time to time. Most of us here are patriots (only the salty libs that come here aren't), we just want the constant warmongering to stop.

That's why they annexed parts of two neighboring countries in the last decade alone?

Woah, your so smart with your gcse level of understanding. Name another example of appeasement leading to war other than 'muh nazis'.

What, literally what is wrong with this statement? All he's saying is that he wants better relations and mutual respect between us and Russia so we can start cleaning up the mess that is the middle east.

What? Telling the truth?


T. Kremlin troll and RT journo

>More like wanting Russia to not invade neighboring countries
thats their business. not like USA hasn't been invading countries in south america and asia for nearly a century as well.

>this kills CIA

Is this the end of Western civilization?

DATS right


Russia has more of a claim to crimea than Britain does to the Falklands or France does to Polynesia. Many 'ukrainians' wanted to be annexed.

Off the top of my head:
Nasser (Suez Crisis->Six Day War)
Saddam Hussein (Iran/Iraq->Kuwait)

Arguably much of the Cold War too, especially in Central America.

I don't know what their equivalent is. Care to enlighten me, faggot?

>Be 2008
>promote Russian reset as a major foreign policy
>wheel out a corrupt Clinton with a red button
>gives russia millions of dollars of cybersecurity training and equipment
>things turn to shit quickly b/c Obama admin is retarded
>start proxy wars with Russian allies
>publicly deny it
>today Russia is viewed as some sort of bitter enemy, where any dealings are seen as treasonous.
>Communist and Wahhabiist countries are still BFFs though

fuck off buddy, two titans gotta keep fighting but not hurting each other too much. Wise minds understand this. What the hell would happen to us if they would divide the power? I admit it would be perfect for west to stand and trade together but what if russia annex? sucks balls

>iraq invaded Kuwait
>puppet state installed
>gulf war starts

How is this an example of appeasement?

They should have thought of that before they made agreements to the status quo throughout the nineties (Budapest Protocol et al).

If you want to pursue that ethnic line they have a claim for "unification" with the Russian minorities in Estonia and Poland too, too bad those are existing states.

Neocon warhawks, now in multicolored liberal faggot flavor.

Iraq throughout the 80s was an aggressive player that was appeased, got an appetite, invaded Kuwait.

>russia will become our greatest ally

what a time to be alive

Calm down Ahkmed before I put some bacon on your doorstep.

When those of the Northern Pole are united,
In the East will be great fear and dread…
One day the two great leaders will be friends;
Their great powers will be seen to grow.
The New Land will be at the height of its power:
To the man of blood the number is reported.

Trump's right, you know.

The big problem i see with you idiots isnur trust in putin.. like you seriously think thisbguy has anything but russias and his best interest in mind.. fact is putin wants america weak and to burn.. ifnyou really think otherwise youre a fucking shill cuck faggot moron. Putin is not a good person.. he is not a foool. And hes not to ne taken lightly or underestimated line trump is doing... theirs a reason obama is a cunt to russia.. hes well aware of their ambitions and plans.

So what do you propose? Another Cold War or an actual war footing with another super power as clinton wanted.

Wtf fuck is going on i'M just sitting here and then I get this alert
Putin is trying to hack into my phone dudes help me

I don't agree with their actions. Its just not as cut and dry as you're making out. You're talking as if this is neo-hitler trying to reunify Germany. It was an opportunistic land grab, nothing more. Not the start of WW3, he did it because he knew he could.

sounds like your problem, not mine

Delete this

>They should have thought of that before they made agreements to the status quo throughout the nineties
The West was the side that broke the status quo by backing an illegal coup you fucking retard.

I could understand your arguement if iraq had taken the land in the 80s. As soon as he started taking territory, war was waged. Not appeasement

Thats right homo, lets not keep together at west, sure that will solve all the problems when its ww1 situation all over again

Jews are superior.

>Anyone who doesn't want a perpetual and pointless war with a (((Democratic))) Russia is a traitor

Its the current year,Soviets died decades ago

who cares about west and east. I only care about trading partners and defensive pacts.

Can't argue with that. Not physically though

Holy fucking shit I for one bow down to the USA and Russian alliance. Please spare me but kill my yellower, darker and browner Australians wink wink nudge nudge.

cucktalk from cuckland homo leaf

No-one is Hitler, but national sovereignty is important, especially in that part of Europe.

You know, people like Kissinger say, ok, let Russia grab it all since it would be more stable in the long term, and we know more or less where their ambitions end (Baltics, part of Caucasia, maybe a few Slavic communities elsewhere).
The problem is Russia proved it's not a stable country. The USSR was incredibly centralized and had to deal with revolts and protests all the time including in "friendly" regions like Ukraine. Now that the world is a lot more multi-polar, not to mention Islamic fundamentalism, this type of arrangement could lead to actual chaos. A Greater Russia along the lines of Peter's Empire in the 21st century would make current day EU look like a paradise of stability.


You moron, the real problem is China.

Russia cannot afford any arms race or compete with the USA in any way. They lack the industry and economy for that.

The only country right now that can seriously fuck the USA and Western Europe is China. Trump knows this and he understands that it's China that will start shit.

He wants to unite the USA with Russia in order to stop China from becoming a world power.

You faggots just don't see it yet.

be a better a trading and military partner than fucking russia, then we'll talk

Don't you worry, Finland. We'll annex you first, and lure Russia south with some prime real estate in the former Yugoslavia.

You might have to help us get rid of some trash that's been piling up in Sweden though.

you guys desperately need to meme putin and russia visiting fatima together

>other leaf

It wasn't a coup by any means. You should learn what a coup is, it's tanks occupying the capital, not civil protests.

Regardless, it has no bearing on the territorial status-quo and on national sovereignty. France saw an actual coup in 1958 by an anti-NATO President, it didn't mean Britain could come in and oust De Gaulle.

People are so unused to a President being Presidential instead of being party centered, that they have no ideal how to react.


Agreed, russia is not in a position to rule an empire effectively. They barely manage to function as a country. That said, I don't believe its an empire they want.

I seriously hope that he's on our side and not another jew puppet


Based medkit

Drumpf is going to start nuclear war with Russia and kill us all but lol couldn't vote for Hillary she accidentally deleted an email xD.

This message board is so behind the times. None of these world problems would be happening if we had Hillary as our president.


Reclaiming land is not invading.

You're aware that Russia LOST TERRITORY post-Cold War, right?

Of course, if you're going to argue that "X lived there first!" then by all means, give America back to its original owners.

It's not about who had it first, but who had it last. Who has the power to have it at all.

>Trump knows this and he understands
I don't believe this for a second. Trump's an idiot. I want to know what Pence says about all this.

Won't stop them from trying

Opposites sometimes attract. Friendship with the UK is over, Russia is our best friend now.

>Military hardware in capital
>Its not a coup guys, we are just on vacation

what is with blacks and emojis?
black people have like their own system of memes on soc-media.

black people meme list
-pineapple new amsterdam
-overpriced mass produced liquor. does not exist if it hasnt been namedropped in a rap song, or is not marketed by a rapper.
-ralph lauren hoodies, bonus points for big pony
-fuck it, ralph lauren everything.
-poofball hat with name of city's sports team
-packable down jacket
-crying laughing emoji

feel free to add to the list

What do Canadians think when they see other Canadians posting?