How do we save our bees?
How do we save our bees?
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Save the bees, remove rapefugees!
Gas the kikes, not the bees!
Build dummy hives to attract bees.
Harvest and separate the good bees and bad bee.
Gas the Africanized rapefugee bees.
Let wildflowers and clover take over your lawns and stop using pesticides on your flower gardens
stop burning coal. No meme.
And stop destroying wild meadows and fields.
Bees are subhumans and should be exterminated.
Stop GMO crops. Monsanto's patented life forms are self producing insecticides and killing the bees.
How about asking Bayer to stop it with the neonicotinoids already. It's amazing how instead of investment in reaserch companies prefer to invest in lobbies and eu regulations.
Most of our crops come from bees. We'd have almost no food without bees. Also:
>projecting this hard
Stick your dick into a beehive and stream it.
Develop different pesticides that don't cause colony collapse.
Stop industrial farming and use of chemical poisen. Bonus: uberciviliszed fags starve to death
we suck their tiny cocks, that'll show them we love them and are appreciated.
The bees have an auto-save function noob.
No need, evolution will take care of it.
Daily reminder to not forget about these fluffy buggers
Bumblebees are best bees.
total bro-tier bees.
It's so fuzzy.
Entomologist specialising in apiculture here
In Yurop we mostly need to stop fucking around with pesticides but that's on the agenda of momma EU already so unless that falls apart the trend is positive
USA has a whole bunch of issues specific to US itself that are making the whole thing worse
China is already fucked
let's face it. the bees play a super important part in plant ecology. without bees most plants depending on them will perish. the bumblebee can keep some plants alive but basically it's still the end.
the jews already executed the plan to destroy humanity and it's implemented in a multitude of ways and with backups. if war and nukes wont kill us or deseases then poisionious food or no food at all will do.
Start raising bees for honey
bumblebee is a cute, A CUTE
Get rid of every cell phone and cellular device...
Give money to random activist on the street.
How would that help with anything?
yo, hol up!
we beethem up!
Popularize wild flowers and flower-trees.
That`s a bumblebee, retard.
Bumblebees are a type of bees user
Cause governments can cause far more damage to their business model than any benefit for new techonologies can make up for.
I try smoke bee dick when little bee sting in dick hurt so much my mouth all big and penis erect no like bee anymore mabye it a big bee no normal bee hehehehe
The rf from these devices confuses and disturbs them. Causes hives to break down.
Holy shit.. That sounds good.
Where are teh proofs?
That doesn't sound nut at all.
Who fucking cares!
Bee viagra.
buy products based on bees
this gives the bee owning companies reason to own more bees
>everyone eats and buys chicken/beef
>there are billions of chickens/cows
>illegal to eat rhynos
>rhynos going extinct
>therefore eat more honey
are you a fucking idiot?
this desu
if there is a demand for bee products people who have bee related jobs will themselves do more to protect the bees
Bee urself
Fuck those commies.
For the sake of equality kill the queen bees.
Come on, give me a you. This was so funny
-Hello! Wait there!
-We help them fly higher!
please give me a further explaination of the "joke". i still don't undersand it.
all good
Bees need more diversity, import more killer African bees
We have to save them indeed
Give them Muslims to eat
It's hip to fuck bees.
Just Bee Yourself hehe
t. wasp