What do you have to say for yourselves
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
That niggers should all be killed.
that all negresses should be raped and impregnated by force, then executed
Really, the justice system should be equally lenient for idiots who do these one time kind of things. Dumb mistakes that don't kill the victim can be learned from and it's too expensive to put these people prison for the rest of their lives.
The niggers on the right hand side were encouraged to chimp out for two years by a constant narrative pushed by the MSM?
It's like trying to compare it with Charleston, the part that gets overlooked is that nobody at all is calling for whites to commit crimes in the streets.
Evil shit happens from time to time. Once upon a time the fourth estate used to do its best to diffuse violence, now they promote it and endorse it, then backpedal into false equivalences when their hate speech is acted upon.
These are examples of bots/shills to post stuff like this so when Sup Forums and Sup Forums are ever looked back on for examples of hate inspired racism etc, they'll say "Wow look what these people promote/condone and treat ALL Sup Forums users with the same stereotype
Did the guy on the left stream it on Facebook and promote his mixtape on Soundcloud while doing all that?
The 4 people live captured it on facebook, thats the most fucked up part of it. If that never happend, this would have been 15 minutes and then gone.
Because noggers are not human,you do not attack your master and expect no retribution,talk about biting the hand that literally feeds them.
i don't condone their actions, mainly for the part that it is dry snitching
whether the kid is retarded or not idgaf... he must have been a blatant racist or some shit to have been handled like this
but the point I see from this video is that a lot of Trump supporters can and will match up to the violence perpetrated here... look at her fb page and how it is flooded with death threats from white people... they ain't playing around.
these kids had the right ideas on racists, but unscientific in their way of handling it.
You're literally fucking retarded. Have a nice day.
Most media in my country (working with CNN) reported the police beatings against blacks live saying that's it were "historic"
not a single fuck given about this, Sup Forums was right.
No it's just reality. At the end of it all you realize that identity politics and your own survival is the only real ethics there is and the end result of that is your people defeating all the rest. The only race I could see working together with whites is the east asians, the rest are all just not bright enough nor do they have the temperament for powerful organized civilization.
>did all that evil shit
>only got 2 years of probation
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit.
They have a mixtape? Link?
Torturing a retard is a dumb mistake?
>Nigger detected
Send 'em back!
Did the left guy stream his message and was he part of KKK? Was his victim even black?
People on right were talking about white people, talking about Trump, they streamed the video, they were BLM.
No he didn't, and it doesn't matter. What he (and others) did is still what they did.
But its not equally anything, or virtually not. Blacks get harsher to much harsher punishments while whites even sometimes get virtually nothing. This guy in the left doesn't even get a record. No black guy(s) would have been able to walk away like that. So stupid white rightwing faggots can stop pretending like anything is slanted against them.
Maybe, but that's not what this thread is about.
That's the whole point, you shit dongers.
We are aware of the shit people pull off on a daily basis. Too fucking aware.
Yet the identity politics these days make it so insinuating, even a bit that niggers could be fucking violent and capable of crime, turns you into a pariah.
"Not all niggers", right?
Then why the fuck does "Not all whites" gets villified so?
Tell you what, turning an entire demography into a scape goat turns you into the scummiest asshole in the planet, and makes you no better than the guys who blamed jews for everything.
Do you even have a link for left?
>No black guy(s) would have been able to walk away like that
Did the white kid have any prior convictions?
You're delusional if you think blacks don't get equal treatment under the law.
Is that beyonce?
One of them was politically motivated, one wasn't. That is literally the difference.
I hate this argument. So, because there was once a miscarriage of justice, then we should just say fuck it in general?
Nobody's going to say the justice system isn't fucked, it most certainly is. However, that doesn't change the fact that these 4 mongoloids were engaging in a hate crime trying to trigger a race war.
They should all be shot, white and black. I don't believe in second chances for violent crimes. I don't really care about the criminals, I worry more for the rest of the population that has to deal with them when they get out.
lmao this concern troll
>1 post by this ID
But wait, nevermind what I said.
I can't be angry at people blaming me for everything, a guy who grew up in a world of equality, getting better one inch at a time.
Except now it's hip to be racist against me.
Call bullshit. He still only got 2 to 3 years probation. His conviction was dismissed.
Left: no one saw what happened so no one cares (no evidence)
Right: everyone saw everything that happens and are disgusted. (evidence)
Not hard to comprehend friendo
Really activates my neurons
except it is proven fact that black people get harsher sentences and punishments than white people under the law.
>whites and blacks use marijuana at nearly identical rates (~14.2%)
>blacks are arrested 4x as much as whites nationally for marijuana possession
where do you think those "crime statistics" come from, you fucking idiot? it isn't because black people commit more crime (they don't), it's because whites aren't punished when they commit crime. see the above study and all the other studies on the matter, ethan couch, brock turner, michael slager, the bundy terrorists, etc etc etc.
All niggers should be exterminated. The guy on the left should also die.
even when there is video evidence, white people get away with everything. see the shootings of walter scott, john crawford, tamir rice, etc etc.
Did you even read into the case you fucking idiots? There was no evidence of any of this taking place.
Howard’s attorney, Brad Calbo, also told the judge he wanted it made “crystal clear” in the court record that “this victim was not at any time pinned down, raped, or pinned down and subjected to any sort of forcible penetration,”
Do you think a jury would let even a white kid off like this unles there was a severe lack of evidence? These niggers did it on video laughing. We have no idea what happened in the case of these white kids nor were you on the jury.
STFU Jamal
You don't get charged with a hate crime because your victim was a different race, that's not how it works, there has be proven intent to harm the person BECAUSE they were of a different race.
If a black man rapes a white woman because she happened to be walking past his rape bush at 3am, that's not a hate crime, it's opportunistic.
If he targets her because she is white and his intent to do so is proven, then it becomes a hate crime.
The white guy who raped the special needs boy did so because he was a target of opportunity who was vulnerable and couldn't fight back.
It's a sick crime, but not motivated by racism.
The niggers who kidnapped the special needs boy and tortured him did so because he was white and they were motivated by their hatred of white people, thus that becomes a hate crime.
Neither of those are argument, stupid. You know the opposite is true. If the left guy didn't have an prior convictions then this obviously should have been his first. Blacks will get convicted and jailed for weed, first timers and all, but this guy does what he does and skates entirely. Tell some more redpilled hogwash about equal treatment under the law.
They get arrested more because they are questioned by cops more. Not for no reason. Because they are constantly involved in criminal activity. The possession charge is circumstantial.
Difference between A and B
totally irrelevant
>niggers smoke in the open
>blame whitey for getting caught, or yells fuck da popo and gets arrested
Actions have consequences mate.
Was he calling him a nigger the entire time while doing this?
little niglet monkey alien ayylmao
>you only go to jail if you film your kidnapping and assault! Other
sounds like niggers need to be quieter when using drugs. hooting and hollering in their urban zulu language is what directs police attention.
Fake and gay
>white boy gets mad at the truth
like fucking clockwork
no, they are not constantly involved in criminal activity. the statistics that suggest that are based on unequal application of the law. if we actually punished white people when they committed crimes, then whites would be questioned on the street far more as well.
sounds like we just need to start stopping and frisking white folks, since most of them are criminals who just haven't been caught yet.
The fact that the MSM is reporting this incessantly should be enough evidence to disregard this entirely. They're just race baiting. This is just a waste of time / distraction from real news
The outrageous thing about this is the fact that everyone keeps talking about this narrative of Trump supporters being violent, racist, commiting hate crimes ect. While we have no video evidence of it whatsoever.
But what we do have is TONS of video evidence and police reports of people (leftists) faking hate crimes, rioting, attacking Trump supporters ect ect.
Also, I'd reckon a lot of outrage comes from people actually seeing a video of this attack. Both events are heinous, and everyone involved in both attacks need to be locked away for a long, long time.
(I can't believe i have to explain this)
This right here for all the Tyrones in this thread. You developed a stigma with police for being lawless sub-animals then whine "muh oppression" when you get busted. Fuck off.
Black males, who make up just 6% of the population, commit over half of all homicides. That's all I need to know about your race.
I forgot to point that shit towards the OP, I don't even know shit about his case.
But the OP's post was totally one sided as he was describing his actions but only briefly touching up on the niggers and nigresses.
You're a nigger.
This. You're a faggot nigger.
Alright Jamal, its time to go back.
White guy did it because he's a degenerate, the black folk did it because they are racists
Nope. Another fact is that blacks are singled out more yet whites are more over "suspicion" of offenses that whites break more often, or are more likely to be found breaking when singled out. Blacks commit more of some crimes and whites for others but blacks get more and often harsher convictions for their crimes while whites are treated leniently more often and even skate quite a bit.
America was a white country founded by whites. Why don't you just get the fuck out if you don't like it?
>white kid does that
>black kid does that
Really gets the gears grinding.
>he must have been a blatant racist or some shit to
Blatant "racist" who was friends with one of the perps. The only thing he did wrong was trusting a nigger. Not entirely his fault being autistic and all. His parents failed.
confirmed never living around blacks
Whites/asians/indians/hispanics all smoke in the privacy of their own homes or garages.
When i lived in oakland niggers smoked that shit like tobacco, anywhere and everywhere. Most cops blow it off but usually the nigger is doing something else to warrant an arrest.
To think there is this grand conspiracy of racist cops when a lot of these communities have over representation or 40-50% black officers is fucking laughable...
should i link you some AEI or Hoover inst?
Yes they used some racial slurs. Kicked his balls too. He had very sore nuts. This wasn't the only time they assaulted him, just the incident that finally become a legal matter.
Post the fucking sauce on the dude on the left, and I want real sauce, not some leftist muddy the waters bullshit
No they don't. The reason why blacks get harsher sentences is because they almost certainly commited a crime in the past, that's the reason, also the crime may seem the same, but it's the severity that matters.
>stop and frisk whites
Do it, you will find nothing...what were the hit rates in NYC 1 out of every 10 blacks had something on them?
Face it blacks are more criminal due to lower Iqs, high testosterone, low agency and time preference, and a prediliction towards r-selector behavior.
Those policies especially for crack cocaine were created by black politicians due to how bad the crack epidemic is. It is also a lot easier to distribute.
The idea blacks are racist to their own kind and punishing them more is hilarious, but then again you people did enslave yourselves.
please fuck off with your basicbitch salon tier arguments lol
You left out the niggers trying to scalp him.
It was also recorded by the niggers themselves that they did this specifically because he was white.
Most of what I've read so far isn't blatant racism, but common sense. The "nigger"s in at least a couple of these posts are extemporaneous, and could be replaced with "people" without changing the context of the message.
kill yourself shill, read the god damn thread before posting your ignorant shit.
Does anyone else hate the concept of hate crimes? Why should the motive come into relevance? srs...
Person on the left didn't have substantial evidence against him, as is the case with most rape cases.
It also wasn't proven as a hate crime.
First, tie an anvil onto a rope.
Next, tie the other end of the rope around the ankles of one of those pricks. It doesn't matter which one.
After that, attach a rope between the neck of the prick tied to the anvil and the ankles of the next one. Repeat this step until a daisy chain of assholes is created.
Finally, tie yet another rope to the neck of the final dickhead and attach the other end to a very strong and heavy anchor, like solid rock, or a big truck.
Load the four into a giant slingshot and launch straight into the air. When the end of the final rope is reached, the problem will be eliminated.
Repeat as necessary.
For the best effect, do this over the neighborhood of the offenders.
If a person is found not guilty of a crime, it means they're not guilty. Your emotions don't matter.
and that's why they need to be made an example of.
I actually agree with this. Violence needs to be more strictly punished. I think violent criminals should deforced to perform hard labor for the rest of their lives. They should become slaves, spending their remaining years only able to benefit others.
But non criminal violence is okay, right?
>"But why you mad though?"
That's such a loaded as statement. I'm sick of people relying on "you mad" as some sort of pathetic defense for their argument.
wrong again white apologist fuck
whites are proven to get lighter sentences than all other groups, including asians and middle easterners (despite asians and middle easterners having more education and income than whites and committing less crime). white "people" need to be punished for their crimes or just exterminated outright.
Hate crimes include differences in ideologies also.
White people are just better people.
I don't have time to read a bible of excuses for black crime. If anything, Negroes need to be sentenced MUCH more strictly than they currently are. The Jewish/leftist practice of blaming supposed "white privilege" for blacks being in prison is the exact opposite of what really needs to be done.
Which is to admit that Negroes commit more crime per capita than any other group and impose much tougher punishments on them. Or better yet just start using Liberia for what it was originally set up for, to repatriate negroes to their land of origin. Starting with the ones in prison.
>facts and logic are "excuses"
trumptards are in full fucking damage control
>to think there is this grand conspiracy of racist cops
No one said that although there was government reports of white racist groups infiltrating the police force.
>when a lot of these communities have over representation or 40-50% black officers is fucking laughable...
Big overstatement, too few black cops, and nearly all black-heavy areas are policed almost entirely by white cops which is a load of bull. Still, blacks cops don't have anything to do with sentencing, or the policing done by non-black cops.
Is this chart counting repeat offenders?
how do you explain the "other" group (non-white, non-black, non-hispanic) committing less severe crime than whites, having less criminal history than whites, having higher income and education than whites, yet whites still getting shorter sentences for the same crime?
oh right, you can't you fucking retard. because the only explain is the one you and your fucktard trump-loving friends can't admit to - that the justice system is biased in favor of white people.
yes dumbshit, that is what "criminal history" represents. learn to read.
>recidivists who commit more serious crimes get more time
you're too fucking stupid to even understand the data you're trying to use to support your argument
Fuck off, faggot OP.
High school football player privilege, not white privilege. It's been used to protect blacks, whites, latinos and pacific islander players from the law. Is it right? Hell no. But call it what it is, not what fits your agenda you subversive faggot.
Shit. My fault on that one.
this is a politics board