Lost job

>lost job
>lost GF
>no real friends
>divorced family
>don't have money
>world leaping leftward & drowning in degeneracy
>homeless people on the street harass everyone every day

gimme one good reason why I shouldn't just give up & do drugs & fuck whores because it's all fucked anyway

There is none, at least you not pondering suicide yet.

because they win in the end, user

don't give up

they've won already

I've already decided against having a kid because I can try all I like but I know by the time they're 16 they'll hate me & theyll be a degenerate to get back at me despite all I would do for them. Society is rotten & there's no way to fix it.

I dunno. I feel weak.

>being an American in his mid 20s

>not having a net worth of at least $250k

you fucked up

>man this world is so degenerate
>better go ahead and make it more degenerate
This is why the world is degenerate

Cause you don't have enough money to fuck whores and do drugs

theres no real reason

brexit, trump and whatever the next thing will be all doesnt matter we are all fucked in the head culture less pieces of shits high on media and wont be able to stop the globalists from creating their one world government

sex, drugs and whatever else wont numb the pain once youve realized this. only death can give you the rest you seek

Oh fuck off

I got fired from from an aircraft company six months ago
thanks for the useless contribution
good point

Don't give up, brother.

Go to your local White Pride rally.

Get yourself an automatic rifle.

Walk into a mosque and try to get the highest score possible while yelling TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!!

Try your best to kill a lot of children and muslim babies.

You will be a fucking hero, bro.


nice try buddy

I'm not about to be a Dylann Roof cuz you told me to

atleast you didn't lost the game

don't give up, use Male Vitality

>gimme one good reason why I shouldn't just give up & do drugs & fuck whores

You don't have money

not confident in his cabinet picks, not sold on Mexico "paying" for the wall, the Fed will do everything they can to fuck him over & people will believe it's his fault & vote for Cory Booker or one of the gooback Castro Bros.

Fuck, I'm too slow

yet. I have a good amount saved tho

it's more not having a revenue stream

Crisis is opportunity, time for you to change scenery. Seriously, go get a bus ticket and find somwheeree to go. Whewn ya get there hit up the welfare office for free gibs till you can get it together yourself. Why do this? Challenge yourself. This is freedom that I see, the freedom to go and be and do whatever you want.

the strings have been cut, youre a free man now, get out of your rut

go be whatever you want to be, reshape your life to be what YOU want user

I'm just hoping for the pocsyclypse.


>gimme one good reason why I shouldn't just give up & do drugs & fuck whores because it's all fucked anyway

Because that is exactly what the Jews want you to do.

Save money
Retire Early
Clone Yourself
Pursue your true passion
Video Games and Anime

>welfare office

don't fucking touch me

and? So what?

Become an IRL Sith Lord

>I'm not about to be a Dylann Roof cuz you told me to

You sound like a liberal pussy.

I'm glad you're suffering now and I understand why your wife left your bitch pussy ass.

Kill yourself, nigger lover.

Join the military and become the white warrior you were born to be.

>He doesn't want to fight until the end
where is your spirit my friend? never give up even if you are alone against the world.


>being a good goy
>any year

Eventually you'll run out of money to fuck whores.
Ensure a way to never worry about money and then fuck off into virtual reality or whatever

The shift rightward is coming,
>join a national action group
>lift / get a job doing labour (makes you hightest and basically pays you to lift)
>find a non-retarded female

if you're going to give up, an dylan roof

I did all that shit.
I'm currently engaged and doing well.
Might be a good way to clear your head if you can afford it, you might as well live a little just be safe.


God is testing like he did to me and many others here.
Never give up!

I felt the same way too man, but then I learned that every previous generation always says the same thing about the current one. The good old days weren't exactly all that good, it's just that we're now fully aware of things that actually happen. What you want is the bliss of ignorance like the good old days. We all do, but it's just not going to happen.

But there is some hope. If you really want to be around some decent good people, then go to church on Sunday as a way to decompress.

>solid advice

If possible write a manifesto citing the alt-right and r/the_donald as inspiration.

>welfare office

t. Muslim nigger chink

Very exciting times ahead OP, I suggest you stick around.

The world will either turn great again, or it's gonna turn to shit and then we will witness Jesus' return

By letting degeneracy spread to you, you will help spread it on to others.

Hey champ.
You think you are the only person on this board with major issues and depression.. half this board is has major problems.. why do you think they are here trying to hide from their misery.

Anyway.. here is the redpill.
Your shit is fucked up.. you have hit rock bottom.. you think it's a problem but I think it's a FUCKEN BLESSING!

Imagine all the shit you can do when you don't give a fuck.. you are imagining drugs and whores.
You know what I imagine .. I imagine you starting a business maybe something like sales or anything really. If you truely don't give a fuck anymore then that means you don't give a fuck if you knock on 100 random doors selling your shit and 99 of them think you are a fucken loser and tell u to poss of ..
I mean they gonna call u a loser if you are a druggie in street anyway so at least you might as well be a loser while trying to achieve something.
You see reality is fear stops us from achieving our goal. Having no fear of what ppl think is what makes you free.. you have the ultimate redpill and power and now you can use it to succeed.

Source: ME
Was a pretty important guy moving up corporate chain.. had some bad luck.. went insane and acted a bit fucken loopy.
Lost my career, lost my misses cause of it, lost my house.. was dead fucken broke.
Woke up and aw opotunity. Did what I did and now I fucken sit at the beach drinking beer when the fucken 9-5 cucks work.

Here's how you win:

>join the armed forces
>serve your country
>go home to then mooch off your country
>find good, clean yourself up
>work for friends, save money
>invest money well, I recommend fruit companies
>catch yellow fever, get married
>live life in happiness

Only way to TRUE happiness desu senpai.

This! Don't give up, faggot. Teenagers fought the fucking Red Army in the Battle of Berlin to defend their fatherland and you want to give up your life, our world because a few bad years? Fucking hell, grow some balls. The world is fucked and degenerate - CHANGE IT!

Schlomo pls

This is a board of peace

Christians are fucking retarded

>gimme one good reason why I shouldn't just give up

you already have


You should try and burn down a prison with a flamethrower.

Then, when they arrest you, do the same thing from the inside.

Be sure to target niggers.

You have legally and easily available guns... you are far from powerless.

Quite bitching and do something, or just kys.

>If possible write a manifesto citing the alt-right and r/the_donald as inspiration.

Perfect. He should also make a YouTube video talking about how he is the perfect gentleman.

Do mass shooting, the kek is with you

>and then we will witness Jesus' return

You're literally no different from a retarded Muslim who believes in the virgins in heaven fairy tale.

I gave up any hope of achieving anything meaningful or worthwhile. I'm spending all my money and time in drugs, prostitutes and shitposting. In 5 years or so, if I'm still alive and well, I'd reconsider my options.

>t. 16 yr old transgender suicidal bipolar muslim

Dose dxm Daliy
Drunk Kratom nightly
Meet the one true God

>>A man who has nothing left still has his life to give.

t. God Emperor

>>lost job
>>don't have money
>gimme one good reason why I shouldn't just give up & do drugs & fuck whores because it's all fucked anyway.

Well for starters, you have no job and no money. Drugs cost money. So do hookers.

Isn't this a contradiction for lefties? You hate the right wing so much that you'd see innocent people die to further your case?

If that's the case, why do you hate the right wing?

Make yourself desirable
Focus on working hard
At the end of it all you'd be proud to be a self made man. Girlfriends are nothing.
Something better will come to you as long as you don't give up. Hard times come to us all, but it's how you tackle the situation and your inner demons that make or break the man you will be.
Man up and stop being a pussy. Rise above

>Was a NEET for a few years
>Went to college and graduated with a STEM degree
>Got good grades, but had no idea how important an internship was
>Just wanted to work and live on my own
>Can't find a job over 6 months later
>Increasingly depressed
>Can't even find motivation to apply for jobs anymore

Help me Sup Forums.

If that happens, then I'm fucking forcing them to finish the rest of their education in Vietnam, where my wife is from. They are mine until they are 18, the little cunts.

>gimme one good reason why I shouldn't just give up & do drugs & fuck whores because it's all fucked anyway

What field

Electrical engineering.

Fuck.. yeah you needed an internship for that. If it was coding or some shit I might have been able to help.
I worked in a R&D company that was full of elec engineers making shit and looked like something u can't exactly do at home for profit.

Maybe your only hope is to make some fake device running off a dev board and market it on one of those "fund me" sites .. take money, don't develop it and then start a new life with profit.

That's why got gotta use reverse psychology. When they get to that rebellious age pretend to be degenerate so that they do the opposite.

Because you're better than that. Have a bit of self worth and be a step above the rest of the bunch.

I was there last week, they would be killed in a motor cycle accident within a day

Lol what the fuck are u guys doing on Sup Forums
One of you guys has a chink mail order bride
And the other visiting a 3rd world Asian country which only degenerates do for you know what type of things..

Fuck of pedos.

>check those tripsevens
pastabros are based
potatofags don't deserve to be close to your flag

If you have no money, good luck trying to fuck whores and do drugs.

Because just like lieutenant Dan, you can get your legs back.