This whole 'Leaf' thing is proof of groupthink and not memetics. Think about it
This whole 'Leaf' thing is proof of groupthink and not memetics. Think about it
>a fucking flag that looks symmetrical but is in fact very slightly very infuriatingly asymmetrical
>a fucking circle
Now now ladies.
canadians should stop saying dumb shit
Says the American?
Dumb redcoats.
I've always hated Canadians and their cucked "You just fucked my wife! Sorry about that, yeah?" way of thinking.
I want nothing more than to exterminate all human life in Canada.
>says the American
We can't help it, we have to lower the quality of our posts so that you retards can understand it.
lmao this thread this flag
stop posting pornography leafgenerate
How have I never noticed this before, england wtf you retards can't even get a flag right, no wonder we independence'd you.
Daily reminder that it is perfectly legal to fuck dogs in Canada.
I think its childish
Honestly flags add nothing to this board other than retarded shit flinging and tired int memes.
I always thought Canadians were like Americans but with better manners, instead they are the Australia of the northern hemisphere.
Awful, awful people. Americans are far superior.
Cheeky cunt,kys go fuck an emu
Canadians need to die
Only oral sex, if I may correct the record
that's the sun, something your inferior nation rarely sees
>Buthurt leaf is overseas and interrupting his holiday to post on Sup Forums about how butthurt he is
THIS is why we mock you
Exactly- for what purpose were they even added? "Being from X, I say say Y" was a terrible excuse.
Petition moot to get them revoked, its diluting this boards potential for proper discussion and just causes shit slinging and 'Oooh rare proxy node' posts/derail
le poo in le loo XD
a fugging wagon weel!!!!!!
>mfw I never noticed this
wtf dad?
>600 hours of sunshine a year
That's an understatement
we do it because it continues to get a response as seen here:
I thought aussies could handle banter?
>Petition moot to get them revoked
dude how fucking new are you?
>Limeys cannot into geometry
thanks for the informative and cultured post, frogger
We do it because Canadians are the most obnoxious cuckposters in the world.
>Canadians offline
>nicest person you will ever meet
>Canadians online
>twisted fucking shitposter
Why does this dichotomy exist? What is it about computers that cause Canadians to turn into drooling retards?
You're supposed to be able to tell when a flag is upside down. How else would you know about pirates or pillagers etc.
My flag is pretty nice.
The blue stands for peace and the red stands for war.
There's also a sun
Muh pretty stars
Still using our colours cuck
Nice proxy leaf
The sun you fucking retard
Show respect before it rises
The sun never sets on the British empire :)
This isn't the case I'm afraid my burgerbro, young city leaf kids are fucking annoying online and offline.
Toronto not too long ago actually wasn't a bad city. However this SJW/PC agenda has made the place pretty fucking terrible. I despise going to any University in the city these days for work related stuff.
You're just unable to understand our nuance, or you group in all Canadians when you read a post by one or ten.
>why don't all leafs post how I want them to
Welcome to the world
Canadians say the most idiotic remarks and cum up with shitty ideas
Why would any of that matter to us, we are the pirates!
Honestly, the only reason you fucks hate Canadian posters is that some of us don't blindly drink the reddit/Trump Kool-Aid.
If only /pol could see me now
>wearing moms push up & heels
Saturday night here I come
>going out for a movie with Sven
The whole 'Leaf' this is proof of how obnoxious and stupid most Canadians are. They don't just shitpost, shitposts are supposted to be funny. It's more of a turdpost.
>shitposts are supposted to be funny
No, they're not. This is reddit-tier logic.
Canuckalucks may or may not be poor posters overall, but the 'leaf' meme is certainly groupthink.
The whole thing wasn't even an issue for eons, there were no complaints - then suddenly it *was* a thing and all of pol jumped on the meme.
All of a sudden posters in Tzazikstan and Albania began posting 'condescending' insults as if this was the natural thing to do!
Of course the Trudeau faggotry deserves ridicule, but no Canadian posters on pol voted for that nudnik.
Anyway, carry on pol... I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
First, we had CTR shills using Canadian proxies. Second, actual leaves with very few exceptions have been shitposting like retards ever since Trudeau got in.
Good leaves exist, but are less frequent online because they are outside of the metropolitan areas. City leaves are scum, 9 times out of ten.
Seriously leafs, your shitposting confuses me
What the hell is going on through your heads? It's not even funny. Stop writing dumb-shit. NOW
your grandmothers sucked arab cock for 500 years, you have nothing to contribute.
Sorry for shitposting. Oh wait, no I'm not. Fuck you all.
>petition moot
Leaf sluts in Toronto are sucking Dicks of every group that comes