Megyn Kelly gets new job after showing #PizzaGate's Alefantis on tv

As she sucked his cock on live TV...

Know what's interesting

>Alefantis goes on Megyn Kelly/Kellyfile

>She sucks his cock and talks about fake news

>And right after she gets the NBC deal

Really makes you think

Is this pedo faggot really that powerful? Or just a pawn?

he recently spazzed out and threatened to kill a guy and his family

the elites are cutting him lose to take the fall



He needs shock therapy.

That really pissed me off. I think this PizzaPie shit is ridiculous, but the balls on that guy to do that.

That idiot in the YouTube video should've recoded him and bring charges.

>He needs shock therapy.

That's why we need Mike "Shock the Gay Away" Pence in the White House asap.

What happened with him threatening to kill kill a guy and his family?

eat shit jew, there were articles even before the election saying sje was leaving fox

Ridiculous but true.
Hopefully evidence will see the light of day.


It was a video with zero proofs from a guy selling pizzagate shirts, stupid faggot

No, she wanted 30mil but Tucker was killing her in the ratings, so FOX obviously let her go

>see how nutty these people are!!!
>i'm punching out

trying to frame this as part of the "vast right wing conspiracy"

>He needs shock therapy.

And create an art depicting it!


The guy showed the text messages and filed a police report -- unfortunately the guy didn't record the phone convo where Alefantitties threatened to murder his entire family.

Alefantitties also bragged via text that he knows people (ie powerful ones) and sent him pictures of his mother and girlfriend and called her "cute". IE a threat.

Somehow I know nothing will happen to Alefantitties.

>It was a video with zero proofs from a guy selling pizzagate shirts, stupid faggot

He posted the text messages and kikebook messages -- Alefantitties kept sending him pictures of him and his mother and his girlfriend -- calling her "cute". Implying he should stop or be fucked into oblivion by his "powerful DC friends".

Brock have aids there? Or a night after a coke binge?

total bull. all that is easily faked. this loser Ryan is a failed homosexual t-shirt merchant trying to exploit child abuse victims for profit. not cool.

Is she sitting on an elevated platform or is he a manlet?

she's sitting on my dick which is berried so far up her ass it would take king arthur to pull it out

top 3 dumbest conspiracy theories ever

1. sandy hook
2. pizza gate
3. bush did it

well memed

are all the pizzagaters sleeping? that's no fun

>the dumbest shill ever


Look at his head shape.

It's a white gorilla.

I wonder if megyn kelly is really a robot. she seems so unnatural, I really don't think I would want to be in the same room with her let alone have sex with her. anyone else think she is uncanny valley creepy? like almost human but just far enough off to be alarming.

CTR You need to leave.

The truff, this dickbag could give us his FB password and let us confirm for ourselves


Guy could have easily recorded, at least part of, the conversation seeing as he's a youtube vlogger WITH SOFTWARE ALREADY INSTALLED ON HIS COMPUTER TO MAKE VIDEOS.

Seriously, how hard would it be to get that shit running and put the phone on loudspeaker.

Just so happens this guy makes money from selling pizzagate merchandise.

Fuck off Merkel

record corrected!

I'm on till midnight, working pizzagate and blm today. what shift are you pulling?