Redpill me on Israeli political parties. Who are they and what do they stand for?

Redpill me on Israeli political parties. Who are they and what do they stand for?

Other urls found in this thread:ש"ס

Well there's Netanyahu's party, which stands for total genocide against the goyim for blood salvation.

Then there are a few other irrelevant parties who really have no sway in the government because they have lesser intentions for bringing about the apocolypse.

And then there are the orthodox jews, and their whole thing is to demand free stuff from all the other jews and they riot about it in the streets when even all the other jews in Israel finally get fed up with their kikery.

there is the bibi party that doesnt like the arabush.
and then there are the irrelevant other parties

goyim = arabs?

goyim = everybody who is not part of the tribe

so yes that includes arabs (even though they are semitic and the majority ashkenazi jews are not lol)

This does not compute. If they want goyim genocide then how come US rightwingers always support them?

They fund them and a lot of right wingers hate the Arabs.

Israel funds Trump? This makes even less sense.

Well, some of them are literally Israeli agents with dual citizenship. And then Israel also has the biggest government lobby (AIPAC). And not to mention that people part of the tribe control our financial system, our media, our education, and pretty much everything, and they tend to cover for each other.

But the crazy part are the throngs of Christians (evangelicals being the biggest group of these) who believe that the Jews are the chosen people and Jesus totally never got pissed off at them or made an entire new testament rebuking them. It's weird.

So basically evangelicals are the religious equivalent of a cuckold?

Literally all shit

But Likkud, led by Bibi, appeals to the most, center-right. Major criticism is that he doesn't do much and is all talk.

Zionist Union (Labor + The Movement) - Center-left, led by an extremely soft, uncharismatic cuck, were projected to win the last elections and got btfo (reminds you of something). Allegedly Co-Led with Tzipi Livni, but she stepped down

There is a Future - Center. Led by a former news anchor, appeals to the middle-class, Lapid doesn't have much experience but has good people on his list.

All of Us - Led by an experienced politician, focuses on economy (mostly cost-of-living issues)

Shas (Stands for Shomrey Sfarad, Guardians of Spain) - A Mizrahi Ultra-Orthodox party

The Jewish Home - Right, religious Zionism. Led by a successful business man, a bit too extreme and religious for most

Judaism of the Torah - An Ashkenazi Ultra-Orthodox party.

Israel Beiteinu - Right. Led by a Trump-ish man, says what's on his mind. Would get more votes if it weren't for a bunch of controversies.

Meretz - Left, used to be much bigger. Full of nutjobs.

Joint List - The Arabush parties decided to unite. Get the Arabic and the extreme-left vote

In some sense. If you recall when we started throwing around "cuckservative" a lot of it was aimed at these groups who tend to just keep doing what they did in the past and keep the status quo going.

I wouldn't want to single them out, though. For the most part they're decent, well-meaning people like you'd find in any other group. And it would be just as easy to turn and point to outrages of the Catholic church, for instance, who are actively preaching paganaism, trying to build a satanic new world order, and importing the caliphate

Pretty much this

>Joint List
Lol, there's actually a party that wants more arabs? Who votes for this type of garbage?

Arbs and Alt-left

How many Arabs are there in Israel nowadays? A few years ago they were saying their number was growing. Are they itegrating or are they full kebab?

>Shas (Stands for Shomrey Sfarad, Guardians of Spain)

Around 20%

Spaniard jews who want everyone super orthodox like them, and their spanish version of it
Basically jewish shitskins

Actually it stands for Shisha Sdarim(six orders of the Mishna)

Too many. Kebab needs to be removed. The only cure for infestation is purification by fire.


Glass them Israel plz.

They should've been slaughtered in '48, '67', and '73. Our (((Greatest Ally))) keeps interfering in our internal business.

That's quite an interesting thing, really. You might have noticed John Kerry's speech last week where he was harping on the US's committment to a "two state state solution" which was being violated by Israel's continued invasion in to what was supposed to be Palestinian land.

But what would happen with a "one state solution?" Demographically, the Jews would be outbred and outvoted by the Arabs. So we can imagine that's kind of scary for Israel to see that they really could be in their claimed existential crisis without continued expansion and help from its greatest ally.

Cant you just let us remove the kebab and eat hummus in peace?
We only want the entier middle east

Don't most Israeli parties last an election cycle then get absorbed or disbanded?

From what I've heard, the ultra-Orthodox are exempt from military service, breed like rabbits and always lean towards the militant right. Can a Hebrew-bro confirm or deny this?


Most do. The stable ones do not.

Well I doubt they would ever be "outbred". I mean they've survived much worse in the past. But it's still fucked up that they shouldn't have a small piece of land for themselves like any other nation on earth (except the kebabs who apparently want the whole planet to themselves).

Sorry, that wouldn't be diverse enough.

It's not clear to what extent you're removing or stirring up kebab, so it's a little difficult for either side to say the other one is guilty for messing with internal affairs. That's kind of one of the main complaints we have. What makes the US work well is that it can support various groups of ideologically different people on the basis that they understand some common ground rules and leave each other alone.

It becomes interesting to contemplate what Russia's future involvement in the containing Middle East problems might be. I understand there's a pretty good relationship between Israel and Russia, and maybe better kebab containment could come out of that.

Am I correct in assuming that the left/right split isn't really the best way of looking at Israeli politics, and the position they hold on religion and what Israel actually means is more important in who votes for them?

They know the state is bs. Next question...

Outbred only in the sense that the demographics would shift to putting the Jews into a minority status. I think we can see that Judaism has a pretty impressive track record for maintaining its own survival.

But really it speaks to the same sort of thing we're seeing throughout the Western world. The now-native populations (even though they're almost all foreigners, historically) are dying out and being replaced with culturally-questionable people from foreign lands. That can be pretty destabilizing.

>what was supposed to be Palestinian land.
reminds me of something, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HER TURN!!!!!!!!!!

Absolutely. This is why integration is KEY, be it in Europe, USA or Israel.

Hey, that was the original UN agreement we all backstopped, even though it violated the UN's own charter to do so.

Unfortunately it turned out that adding more Jews to Palestine was not quite as economically useful as anticipated in order to build a bridge Eastward because they really just don't play nice with Arabs.

Yeah, and kebab don't integrate.

Is that an Israeli Jew complaining about US Jews?

I saw a neat bit of footage not long after 9/11 of Palestinians in NYC complaining about the Jews. They were mad that Palestinians don't help each other out the way that the Jews do.

If by US jews you mean globalist kikes, yes. Henry Kissnigger was a mistake.

Have you seen the footage where they hand out candy on 9/11?

>babbyshitstains unable to take responsibility
Well colour me surprised.

Didn't see the candy footage, but I did also see the footage of Israeli agents on that Israeli talk show saying some pretty alarming things.

But then again I also saw the footage of Zbigniew Brzezinski radicalizing Al Qaeda, and also that one French interview where he bragged about having used them to take down the USSR in 1978, not 1979. So I don't think it's a very straightforward situation.

True. People in the west are finally realizing this.

What do you think about David Horowitz? He's a pretty cool jew with the right views imo.


David Horowitz is one of our prominent neocons in the media. He does a more passable job than most at not being outright insane.


You might like him:

Almost all of our parties are a fucking joke and corrupt as fuck. They collapse and recreate themsleves eveey election under stupid names.

Right Wing:

Likud- Netanyahu's ruling party, supposed to be moderate right wing but in reality is just a populist party devoid of any real ideology, filled with retard Arsim barbarians, corruption etc.

Jewish Home- a right wing party popular with settlers, nationalistic religious, and Youngsters. Led by Naftali Bennett, a former high-tech buisnessman with good intentions but mostly populist empty words. Pushes for annexation of the west bank C areas.

Israeli Home- a right wing party led by Avigdor Lieberman, a huge Russian guy who speaks his mind like Trump but fails to deliver. Popular with Russians and authoritarian fascists. Infamous for many corrupted party members. Their main agenda is putting Israeli arabs in Palestinian control in exchange for settlements annexation. Hates Israeli arabs and regards them as traitors.

Small right wing parties:
Yahad- a radical right wing Kahanist party led by former Shas leader Eli Ishay and former Kach leader Baruch Marzel.
Their main agenda is kicking all illegals out and no negotiations with the arab enemy.

Zehut- a new tradionalist-Libertarian party led by former Likud member Moshe Feigelin. Their main agenda is protection of jewish national intersts, protection of freedoms, weed legalization, ending forced conscription, blocking socialist populist policies and separation of religion from state. Currently the only liberatarian party in Israel.

Left wing:

Zionist camp- basically the Israeli version of hillary. Led by Tzipi Livni and the cuck Herzog, the party consists of many corrupt officals, socialist retards, feminists, anti-zionists(irony), SJW and moderate arabs. They get funded by Soros affilated organizations, the EU, Obama and others.
Their agenda is a two state solution, secularism, democratic socialism, globalism, anti judaism etc.

If he's for kebab removal and giving us a few aircraft carriers, he's a cool jew.

He hates anything pro-kebab, and with class.

Meretz is best party if you dont agree your a KEK and Zionist pig

lel I remember that video

The guys a super-kike, but that dumbass girl just did not come prepared to take him on.

>t. token kebab
Wash my car.


Meretz- a radical left wing party filled with insane feminists and pro arab SJW. Nobody takes them seriously.
Their agenda is extreme liberal left, green policies, socialism, feminism, secularism, peace solution etc.

Joint arab List- a hotchpotch of rival parties unified to pass the election percentage barrier. Consists of radical islamic terrorists, pan-arabist fascists, communists, and pro palestinians.
They openly support the destruction of Israel as a jewish state, the only reason they aren't in jail is vecause of leftist supreme court.

Unaffilated parties:

Shas- a religous mizrachi party. Filled witg primitive corrupt shitskins.

Judaism of the Torah-religious Ashkenazi non zionist party.

Yesh atid- a populist center party led by a reatrded news anchor. Middle class agenda, popular with women.

Kulanu- a centerist party that aims to decrease the cost of living. Popular with people qgo dont know shit about politics and plebs.

Interesting. Why do you say he is a neocon? Doesn't seem like it from what i've seen of him thus far.

To add up, the kike parties are literally political prostitutes who are bought every round of parliament.

>hi why is this bad
>because the people doing it r nazis
really maeks you think

>Zionist camp

What is it with leftists that they always do the opposite of what they claim to stand for? It seems to be a global problem.

I wouldn't be too quick to blame the leftists. Most of them just are easy prey to be duped by people who are in essence Satanists who believe in screwing over other people to gain power, and that that's OK.

Take George Soros for instance, who ratted out on his fellow Jews to the Nazis. Literally. What does he have to say for himself?
>well if I didn't do it somebody else would have so it's fine

So it's effectively a system of mind control to lie to people and get them to do your bidding while they believe they're involved with doing something that's the opposite. Not only lefties do this, but they just tend to be more easily manipulatable due to what often turns out to be a combination of moral debasement and cognitive dissonance.

They can't get elected unless they lie.

>Lapid has good people on his list.
Joke of the year

>Take George Soros for instance, who ratted out on his fellow Jews to the Nazis. Literally. What does he have to say for himself?

This seems to be a pattern. The zionist camp member radical feminist Merav Michaeli is the granddaughter of Israel Kastner, an Hungarian jew(like Soros) who collaborated with the Nazis

In Hebrew, you don't write vowels usually, so Shas becomes SS.
Mizrahis are originate from spain


Fuck off Worst Korea, don't you have a porn folder to delete so the cops don't arrest you?


Attention: OC commin in hot

OC Drop complete

Changed my mind. 2 more OC inbound

