So the media got really pissed about Pepe and marked it a hate symbol, right? So let's do the same to another one and hopefully they'll try to ban it. Let's start with the feminist symbol.
Let's ruin a new symbol
>the notorious "punch women in the cunt" pro-wife-beating symbol
If we can get this banned that'd be too good
this a good start?
Too obvious.
I think we need to stray away from nazi symbolism as much as possible, at least the mainstream ones.
Is this more subtle?
You know the "poopoo peepee" Pepe meme?
Literally replace Pepe with an anthropomorphised version of that symbol.
Nigga everyone knows the SS.
We could try memeing up feminist heroines with antisemitic, racist stuff. Hell, plenty of first wave feminists were racist as fuck.
The symbol has to be offensive to other people, not the feminists.
Forcing a meme is like communism
You can't show me an example of it working and people ever having a good time
To make it offensive we post the femist logo on racist websites until the normie media notices
Anything factual that is related to feminism, real YRYL stuff here, should be stamped with the symbol.
You need to keep the symbol the same but change it's association dipshits.
Make it linked with female fascists or something, but don't alter the symbol itself
What about a pepe puppet dressed on the fist? With tongue pointing inside the circle?
The main contradiction in modern feminism is that they defend Islam. We need to work on that for divide/conquer.
I thought it was a symbol for fisting desu
Add some militaristic symbol to signify that feminists are in favor of conscripting women and putting them in front line combat roles.
Invert it
This will work.
Here spread this.
I always though since moon man's American white nationalist, we Brits could use homepride mascot but we could call him white pride.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
~ Lenin
Invert the star
This is a fantastic idea, user. Our meme goal of 2017 should be to make feminists nazis. Start spreading that the regime populated the feminist movement in Germany and shit like that.
oh my god i want this to happen. how can i help?
I like this one the most
We have to convince them that the movement started as an influence by the nazis or some other bad goy group without altering the symbol.
Here you go guys. Glad I can help.
These are great. especially could work very well with some racist quote from a sufragette. I'm too busy to look for one at the moment tho, some user could get to it.
Divide and conquer with transgender.
Make them consider that having their own bathroom is a right, And that a (((woMen))) entering their bathroom is RAPE.
Or just let them do it themselves desu
Reminder that anyone who memes feminism and islam together are aiming for the collapse of the West.
Nah, just fuck with the western media
Someone should link a tumblr feminist this thread in a URL shortener so she gets upset. That may trigger this to become the new Sarah Andersen because more than likely she'll make posts or articles about it. Kek, 4D chess anons.
>a tumblr feminist
>being this vague
>but not me
>new Sarah Andersen
>he's out of the loop on that old meme
>4d chess anons
>not if you resume your plan in two sentences and give the link to whoever you're playing against
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day
Bump, this has potential.
saved and keked
Official Kremlin-sponsored "Feminism is degenerate" thread.
The former Soviet Union can easily fool conservatives into hating America because they are so gullible.
>Guess what: I'm a woman
Stopped reading there when I saw there was no pics of your tits.
Show us your tits.
Hey look! A shill!
See how badly it blends into it's surroundings?
No tits = no read
>7 internships
Way to get internships after year 8 of grade school.
We should make it a symbol of physical abuse against women
It had the fist and everything, it'll be so easy
Don't change the symbol, just use it in a "racist" way. We have to appropriate it in a way that will make it synonymous with Islamophobia.
Probably play on the rape culture angle, then conclude that this symbol means "no Muslims allowed in our feminist countries!" or some shit - if possible, add some shit about not race mixing because all women are entitled to have their daughters look as powerful as them. Idk, this was a bit of a ramble. Consider.
The fact that you have to state all of these things proves youre an insecure fuck.
Guys, just post the symbol on instagram/twitter and hate islam in the caption.
Brilliant and underated
>implying anyone will read after first sentence without tits
>I'm a woman
>no tits in sight
Made me think
Nice pasta
Make the fist punch a black dude, Fox News will love it
Ho does it feel knowing that society supported you for free and capitalist feminism tricked your gender into working only to increase family income?
>IQ of 146
Fucking brainlets, I swear.
If you're a CEO, how will you have time to raise your kids?
The alchemists were misogynist, the symbol of the woman represents the binary gender and the idea that women must submit to man.
The symbol of the closed fist represents to put the fist by the ass like means of torture.
So the feminist symbol is the anal torture by the heteropatriarchy
No pic infuriates me more than this one. I unironically don't understand how college people have sex in the US with posters like that.
It's like every woman paid bail for you before you went to bed and could take it back if she wanted.
Not bad, I was thinking of lowering the balled fist below the circle, while putting an image of a full term fetus inside the circle, while labeling it "4th wave of feminism, incoming!"
>I'm actually attractive as well
> Pretending to be a successfull woman, but cannot help mentioning their looks
>Revealing yourself to be a standard tool woman
Why am I not surprised that you would bring up attractiveness. In thirty years your husband will be sleeping with girls half your age and all because of your looks.
Copy pasta
Stop falling for obvious bait you retards.