Are you REALLY European, Sup Forums?

Pic related is what I propose we should consider Europeans to be.

The simple fact is that in modern times, North-West Europeans and even Eastern Europeans have far excelled their inferior, swarthy shitskin tier southern ""European"" counterparts. As a man who has been to Spain/Italy/Greece I can tell you that these places are utterly indistinguishable from middle eastern shitholes. They're swarthy Arab manlets and we just can't share the same continent anymore.

>inb4 b.bbut London is infested with pakis
Yes, that's unfortunate but those people aren't native to Britain. Native Spainards are pretty much arabs. Italians are arabs etc. Anything considered Mediterranean is simply an arab state

Other urls found in this thread:,_Peopling_of_Countries,_etc.

We are more ehite than you.

I addressed that. Read the bottom of my paragraph for my point on immigration.

>le arbitrary circle

It's not arbitrary. You people are just as European as Turkroaches are from our perspective. You're not European.

I'm of the medish master race.
You are free to call me european or not, it does'nt really matter.

are modern anglos even human?

I'm glad that's the way. WASPs and roaches must be kept separate but equal

>northern europeans
>not swarthy,_Peopling_of_Countries,_etc.
>All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.

daily reminder that continental europeans are not white.

We are indisputably white European. If we accept you then we must accept the Turks. No way that's happening, shitskin.

I've increasingly seen Turks/Arabs use the term "Med" or "Caucasoid" trying to get us to classify them as white and it just isn't happening. We have to cut off the dead weight

sure you are monkey

You are basically Turks. Stop deluding yourselves.

>we have to secure the existence of our people and a future for anglo children

>divide and conquer BS

Northern Euros are fine. As are most west Euros but we have to keep ourselves distinct.
You are Turkish in my eyes. Be gone, roach.

Look, you aren't us. Take pride in whatever the hell you are but you just aren't white European


why do people even reply to these spastic threads, sage it

Again take pride in whatever you are but you aren't white European.

You could have centered the circle around Brits at least. This way it looks retarded. You are closer to the French than the Finns, and yet "they aren't European" somehow. Otherwise, there is an easy solution to this problem. Start calling yourself by something unique to you, for example your language.

Only fully blue populations can be considered European.

I guess the joke in this thread is that it was started by a plumber from a country that never accomplished anything and he feels superior to the likes of Italians and Greeks.

Respond to me then. Why should I consider Italians and Greeks to be European when by that same logic I'd have to consider Turks European?

North-West-Eastern Europe is what I was going for.

Then we'll create the roman empire and own you faggot. We'll deport the pakis and we'll genocide the d&c abominations that anglos evolved into.


I don't want to start getting racist towards you people but just fucking accept that you aren't European already

be as butthurt as you want snowchimp but Basques are considered a chief European population by any geneticist standard
so use the term "white" if you want your exclusive gay club but don't use the term European


"White" is a dumb, arbitrarian unite of mesure nobody cares about outside of Sup Forums. These threads contribute to the coffin that has been this board for the last couple of months.

White is European. Stop trying to shoehorn shitskins into our category you fucking arab.

Then get out of this thread because 99.99% of Sup Forums disagrees
What would you even consider yourself? You're as European as a roach so I assume you'd just call yourself a semite and it'd be business as usual

your tears won't change a thing, whites are just a northern group


So you really are a polish plumber.
Like pottery as they say.

No. 99,99 % of Sup Forums can't even agree on a daily basis of Meds, Slavs or Nordics are "White".

>north russian

>more european than the french and romanians
yeah, no.

Italians on Sup Forums have worked so hard to fool people, specifically Americans, into thinking that they're white but I am now revealing the Arabic truth about you people. You're even less European than Turks lol

I've included some of the French but I couldn't include too much because then I'd have to also include Romanians.

>into thinking that they're white
we're not white, no need to insult us that bad now
just stop using the term European snowchimp

If you exclude Italians from the "white race" then you can't claim the accomplishments of the Classical world, it works both ways.

Here's the answer: "meds" are as white/European as Turks are. At least Turks don't delude themselves like these arabs do
If we both agree that you're not white and not European why are you still here? I've been proven correctly.
I never do because I don't give a shit about classical history. The modern world is a WESTERN European invention. Arabs/Meds not included

You're not white. You're a Jew.

>not white
>not European
nope, learn to read icenigger

Pure aryan surrounded by shitskins and left extremists in berlin here

Just nuke us please

Many Turkic people are as white as Slavs, your argument is horseshit.

>Southern European .4%

What's it like to be black?


European is white.
Turkey is as European as you Arabs are.
I am white. I just find it insulting that people want to throw British people in the same category as fucking arabs. It's insulting
They're the extremities

doesn't change the fact that your map is still shit.

In fact, a more accurate representation would be the map of the I haplogroups concentration amongst countries ( yes , i know, muh haplomeme).

I is the only haplogroup with it's origins in Europe.For what it's worth, muh r1 aryanz n shiet are just white niggers coming from caucasus

>European is white.
nope, stop shitting on Europe


The modern world is built on Greek and Roman achievements, you use their calendar and celebrate their pagan feasts under new names (Saturnalia = Christmas), you study their philosophy and their Law principles, you even use their alphabet.

Even you capital was founded by the Romans, guess you are cucked as fuck.
Northern barbarians will always be in debt to the Romans.

>They're the extremities
just admit it, your whole ideology just crumbles down if you start thinking about it.

Yes it is. When you say European everyone means white Caucasian, not arab Italian. Stop trying to dilute Europeans you (((shill)))
Insulting the whitest people doesn't help your case. You just aren't European. You're all shitskins and you have to know your place
All useless shit. English common law is supreme.

>faggot from Cyprus thinking they are white

No it isn't. I am excluding blatant shitskins from the European gene pool. Why do you think Anglos in America rightfully discriminated against the Italians?

>Yes it is.
provide a source or go back to your cuckhut

>mongoloid slav rape baby thinks he is white
toplmao go back cleaning my toilet Pavel

AND IZE LIKE O SNAP wEZ dun hittin on that bich she like BOOtAy shAKing on slaYYY.

Mr Bean has an IQ of 156. He is most defiantly white.

>Why do you think Anglos in America rightfully discriminated against the Italians?
Because Italians weren't Anglo-Saxon. Even Germans got discriminated against because they were "continental". Step up your game Pajeet

>Insulting the whitest people doesn't help your case. You just aren't European. You're all shitskins and you have to know your place

>r1 haplomeme
>the whitest people

kys while you're at it

Put two people in a lineup, let's say one is a manlet arab from Italy and another is some Nordic guy. If you were asked to identify the EUROPEAN you would say the Nord and if you were asked to identify the ARAB you would say the Italian
Anglo genius strikes again
Nope. Germans became well integrated into WASP culture in the USA. Italians really got it because they were swarthy scum.

but I thought ugly people are automatically non-white?

As hard to believe as it is there are ugly white people.

I'm getting really tired of the southern euro bitches busting my balls. Can another North/West/Anglo Euro back me up here

>mfw a man with one tooth thinks he can just make up new meanings for words on the fly

post your ugly anglo face pls
bonus if teeth shows

>Nope. Germans became well integrated into WASP culture in the USA. Italians really got it because they were swarthy scum.
Both really integrated only in the 1940s after the huge backlash against Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.



you funny

Michael Jackson was whiter than you - and that was before the bleach!
If you are French then I would be willing to include you. My image in OP could be augmented somewhat but Romanians and other shit tier people have to kept out.
False. The Germans did fine way before that. Italians are arabs and that's why there were problems

>race is skin deep
doesn't work like that Akmhed, and it's not a popularity context
I'm asking for genetics
these are all Brits btw, guess who wouldn't pass as white compared to Dolph Lundgren?

>False. The Germans did fine way before that. Italians are arabs and that's why there were problems
Your arguments have been nothing more than "muh Italians are shitskins" until now. Stop being a fucking retard Pajeet, have a nice evening

This is the same shit Turks/Arabs pull to pass as white Euro. They say shit like b.b.but we have Caucasian skulls. No way Mohammad, you aren't included.

anglos became successful only after they got raped by Romans and received superior med genes

it is no surprise that the smartest british people ever born were all racially meds

>not a single counterargument
don't make me laugh akmhed
half of you population is shitskin compared to Finns

Well they are and the Germans were not as attacked as the shitalians were. Germans have done very well in the US. Italians had a reputation of being low iq criminals.

>Michael Jackson was whiter than you - and that was before the bleach!

What does MJ has to do with anything?As far as i know, he was against your best ally, the eternal kike. They probably killed him while letting people know he was a pedo.

>I have no knowledge in genetics whatsoever so i will draw a big paint circle on a "very intelligent" graph to define who is European and who is not

>If you are French then I would be willing to include you.
Faggot, I would prefer to have as little association with you as possible. I am in favour of people like you having their own containment group, just don't call it European. When the term "Europe" was coined by the literate, civilized world, people didn't even know your shitty island existed.

Get over it Arab. Nobody in Britain accepts Italians/Greeks as white and it certainly wont be the case in Northern states.

You were the original Syrian refugees of America
Michael Jackson was black and I'm saying he was whiter than you. It is as we call it, a joke.
Excluding France was a mistake. Sorry m8. I only did it to exclude the Romanians as well

You aren't even Conservative. Europe was never some pan-European lovefest. Western Euros despised Southern Euros for being vermin and that's how we need to do it. Keep being liberal crybabies

>Nobody in Britain accepts Italians/Greeks as white
nobody cares

most of your vaguely humanoid citizens would also pass as mixed in Finland, my point still stands

Why are you keeping this up? You are as European to us as Turks are. Should we also welcome the Turks with open arms? Of course not.

you have 0 counterarguments and you are getting BTFO hard, it's fun

You aren't doing it at all. Europe is white. European = White. Everyone knows that so as long as we keep the whites in the circle then everything is fine. Italians certainly don't count.

>You aren't doing it at all. Europe is white. European = White.
>still hasn't provided a source
>keeps repeating it like a dumb nigger
loving every laff

Why the fuck do I need a source? Italy might be on the European continent but you aren't EUROPEAN people.

>but you aren't EUROPEAN people
source: my arab ass


italians don't count?
im guessing you are not a renaissance fan?

Because you aren't white. I don't need a source for something that is common knowledge. For as long as 99.999% of the population think of a white man when someone utters the term "European" then we are European. You are an arab shitskin

>Because you aren't white.
as I said, I'm happy we are not white, just stop using the term European, some random almost always irrelevant periphery of Europe doesn't define Europe

European is white. Turks are more European than you are.

>he keeps repeating it like a dumb nigger
it's clear by now you have no genetic arguments, so I consider the argument closed and your worthless opinion discarded

Italians certainly do not count.

You're the dumb nigger. The term European only has its charm because we are white. If we include poopskins like you then we have problems. My analogy holds up perfectly fine. If we must accept poopskins like you then we must accept the turks.

the term europe was invented by greeks, create your own identity you inbred paki stop stealing from meds

We are the true Europeans. You shitskins should know your place. Even if we decided to restructure the minds of every person on the planet such that the word "European" evokes the imagery of filthy shitskins it would be meaningless because North-West-Eastern Europeans will identify with WHITENESS more than the silly made up "European" term, which means European = Shitskin which is a no-no. You roaches fuck off

so you admit you aren't real european?

threads like this are created by the (((enemy))) to divide us.

We are the real European. If European = Shitskin then the word is an insult. European only has the charm it does because it is associated with us. What is so hard to understand about this?