

Our immigrants aren't building railways and schools and hospitals for us though.

I'm irish myself and you're a fucking dopey cunt. We're in the same boat.

>colonization was evil and wrong
>there is nothing wrong with foreign cultures replacing native culture, stop being racist

>t. paddy filth


Made me think


So you're saying that non-white immigration is genocidal colonialism?



You guys like baiting too much. I'm concerned.

Of course that only applies to countries in which whites are a majority of the population.

And look what those countries reverted to when we left, really makes you think.

It's an excuse....Sweden never colonized arabs and negros yet they're still invaded by them. Same goes for Finland..

>mass immigration is fine

> Congo, Indonesia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, All of central America, Phillipines, Alaska, Greenland, Thailand
> English colonies

Kill yourself

>American Education
We were once colonized by bongs, ya cunt.

Potato niggers can get fucked

At the height of the administration of India there were around 200,000 Europeans in India.
They left after the end of British rule in India.

European colonialism was most frequently an administrative affair.

Europe is being subjected to migration that will eventually result in demographic replacement.

Where Europeans have created nations, they did not occupy existing cities. They built, from scratch, European nations.

In South Africa, America and Australia, Europeans built civilisation on big patches of vacant nothing.

>considers a two year engagement in 1762 colonization

Kill yourself

hah, potato nigger btfoed

But you taught them racemixing in their countries

You're a retard

1 contributed to the continuation of its society
the other runs away from the responsibilities of the former.


The UK is a colony and a mascot of the USA.

Im anti immigration but theyre certainly working in our hospitals

And russia is weaker than the UK.

Great rebuttal loser


The Empire Strikes Back.

superior nation should always conquer inferior ones and teach them (ie russia/usa/europe should conquer satar/saud), and take all their ressources, and give them superior society they can profit on. but don't give them voting rights, they're inferior and ennemies.

Because the immigrants they get are disgusting niggers, who contribute nothing to any society. Furthermore, they are more liable to take from it.


This. Every tribal shithole that got colonized came out better because of it. Modern European immigrants are mostly just leeches looking for gibs who form tribal enclaves where they don't have to integrate; the rest are explicitly trying to destroy their host country from within in the name of Allah.

pretty much it

We didn't colonise half the world. We colonised parts of North America, Australia, New Zealand and some places in the Caribbean, and while doing it proved that mass-migration is highly dangerous to the host populations's culture and traditions and also leads to tension, violence, bloodshed etc.

The rest was just conquered, not colonised.

That's such a weird map. It not only adds places into the empire that weren't actually British colonies but it also leaves off some that were.