Is depression a meme invented by the (((pharma industry))) to make more money off the misery of millenials?
Is depression a meme invented by the (((pharma industry))) to make more money off the misery of millenials?
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fuck you and fuck your deer
no. prozac really helped me
SSRIs are just a tool, they cant "cure" depression they can just kick people out of a rut to the extent that they can make the life changes that can cure them
that being said they are useful in some cases (not in mine, but other non-pharmaceutical treatment helped a lot)
in general though my view is that we as a society take way too much prescription medication as a consequence of our generally unhealthy lifestyles
it's real, sadly
>melancholic every day
>don't want pharma solutions
fucking sucks
You're depressed because your parents abused you.
Start lifting.
Its true but you can easily see if medication is helping or not and dump it. SSRis don't work for many people. I've heard it just makes your prick loose and everything feels grey
ask paul joseph watson
I've never had any medication other than painkillers and I can confirm it's real.
Yes, SSRI meds are being pushed on people for nothing else but profits.
I went to a doctor because of a prolonged flu, and he started talking about how it might be psychological, and suggested that I start taking SSRIs. I told him to go fuck himself and walked out.
SSRIs just turn a person into an overweight zombie, with a limp dick and possibly permanently fucked up brain chemistry.
People these days think they are "depressed" if they aren't happy and excited 24/7. Feeling blue once in a while is just a part of life.
>Inb4 "B-but when I was depressed I couldn't even get out of bed! :("
Thats because you're a weak faggot.
I hate to be self aware.
>everything feels grey
this is true
better to have massive mood swings and feel shitty some of the time than take the drugs and have everything become sludge
at least in my experience
Yes and no. The cure for depression is creating a society that doesn't depress people. I've never known someone who was depressed who came from a single, stable home with loving parents and a good community. Though some people are simply born wrong, and should probably kill themselves.
>>Is depression a meme invented by the (((pharma industry))
But indian brands can have bad side effects that make it worse.
i took Lupin brand levetiracetam got instant depression started crying for no reason.
If that's true then Sup Forums must be a pharma plot since it induces depression in me
That's some good advice, I actually planed on joining the gym to get lean and fit, unfrtuantely the only gym in my small town was being refurbished so I have to wait a few more days to sign up
>here goy take this pill to cure your (((depression)))
it will make you ten times more suicidal but you'll feel (((better)))
gas the deer fags
mammal war now
Depression is not made up. Antidepressants as a cure are made up.
No, as someone who had clinical depression in my life, those medications really helped pull me out of it. I quit taking my SSRI three years ago, been okay, I find I spin the wheels a little more, but not like I did at my worst before I ever took it.
No... what?!
Requiem for a Dream. Big pharma is no different than your neighborhood crack dealer.
>some people are simply born wrong
This is probably true. It's just hard to fathom that you could have been born defective. Certainly is for me.
>Is depression a meme invented by the (((pharma industry))) to make more money off the misery of millenials?
How do you feel about your future?
The changes our society has experienced since the industrial revolution have outpaced our ability to mentally adapt to the conditions we now find ourselves in. City living in (((diverse))) communities leads to isolation and dependence on the (((system))).
I am an educated, financially successful office worker fag and I was depressed and near suicidal for a long time. I used to play sports, but in the working world I found I no longer had a tribe to fight for.
The one thing I found that helped the most (in addition to diet, exercise, etc.) is spending long uninterrupted time in the outdoors camping, and through this I found something that I'm passionate about.
Also, SSRI really fucked me up for a long time. PLEASE AVOID IF POSSIBLE
Mood disorders are real, but real answer to them is just to take better general care of yourself physically. SSRIs have no real proven effectiveness for any objective symptom of depression. They just give you brokedick and actually increase suicide rates.
no , living with sadness is part of the human life but you always can enjoy little moments and simple things in your life.
Trust me, you won't regret it.
Best thing i ever did.
No, depression is very real. Animals can be depressed so its not caused be drugs just to sell more drugs.
pharma conspiracy is real though, I grew up on a cocktail of drugs, my childhood was ruined and I have severe side effects from being drugged every day of my life from second grade to high school.
Hey I have one of those in my freezer.
depression is literally a chemical imbalance in your brain. that's why people who have everything will still end up depressed, it's a disease
I was a neuroscience and psychology double major in undergrad and I've had a lot of time to think about these sorts of questions.
I'm by no means an expert but I'm coming around to the point of view that depression is rooted as much in psychological issues as it is in neurobiological deficiencies and that both of these can be fixed without pharmaceutical intervention.
Dr. Stephen Ilardi has a number of excellent talks on the subject. His research has been really promising and I highly recommend you check him out. Reducing isolation, eating healthier, getting more exercise and sunlight, etc all actually produce significant beneficial effects some of which match or exceed the benefit provided by pharmaceuticals.
On the more "internal" side of things I think we've created a culture that venerates feelings of depression as almost being good (the tortured artist, the somber poet, etc). People see their depression as part of their self and they identify with it. I know that was the case for me. I eventually had to ask myself when I said I was "struggling with depression"...was I really struggling? Was I actually fighting against the negative thoughts and feelings? Was I living a healthy life full of positive reinforcement? I was not, and when I changed my life for the better (I don't drink, I exercise daily, etc) I began to feel much much better.
Dr. Ilardi says it best "Depression is a disease of civilization."
Depression is a sign your body NEEDS HELP.
There could be many causes, but start with the basics:
1. Nutrient deficiency (can happen even on good diet if you have too many parasites)
2. Vitamin D and Vitamin C
3. Regular, consistent sleep
4. Limit caffeine
5. Regular exercise
Address those five and you will get a LOT closer, you may even cure your depression 50-80%.
Because people are fucking lazy and don't give a shit, pharma sells magic pills. SSRIs can be effective but also dangerous in several ways (I took venlafaxine) and the way they work is basically a Gameshark for your brain except with life altering side effects.
The other medical angle nobody pays attention to is the methylation process - people's bodies fall on a continuum here on how effective their process is. It seems to be largely genetically influenced but can be influenced over a persons life - and interesting case of epigenetics.
Actually, many mental illnesses like schizophrenia and BPD can be almost nullified by supplementing this process - if you are too slow at methylation, take 5-MTHF, if you're too fast, take some other supplement that can retard the process.
Of course, finding specialized doctors that will listen is the problem here. Good luck, this stuff is helping me and I'm SSRI free and my boner works again.
Look into fasting German deer bro. Eat raw foods. Get rid of your TV. Get rid of social media. Read philosophy and engage your brain. Go out and talk to random people. Go to a church and talk to people. There's so much emphasis on people being free and having freedom. If you are a slave to all your compulsions, you aren't free.
I used to be in that demographic, then i remembered to actually be a useful human being and to stfu, and i now couldnt be happier
most depression is just caused by lack of exercise, get off your ass and maybe you'll feel better about yourself, who knew
I'm going to start saving each and every one of these deer pictures in a folder called "German deerposter".
I just wanted you to know that.
literally this
a year ago I had a gf, stable job as a manufacturing engineer for Kodak, got my own first place, on top of the world etc.
it was a build up of a few years but last year I was spending every day with overwhelming suicidal thoughts. I wasn't even sure why, I had everything I wanted but every day at work I was on the edge of just throwing myself into some of the film finishing machines. I thought all my coworkers suddenly hated me even though we were all good friends and invited each other to BBQs and such. There was literally no logical reason I was feeling this way.
stop deer posting. Those fuckers go thorugh my property every day. once every two or three months one of them gets hit by car over by the highway, undercover to my yard and dies. Blood smeared all over the place and i have to drag the deer a few hundred feet to my compost pile and bury it in the frozen ground. If i leave it out in the yard some one _usually ranger) will tell me to "clean it up or they will call the town" Fuck deer.
I'm going to clue you in on something:
Everything is a meme.