This will be more popular than ever this year.

Corporations are setting up the stage behind the scenes.

This will lead us to the ultimate degeneracy.

VR Porn is here, it will be the new norm.

How can we stop the spread Sup Forums before it's too late?

Other urls found in this thread:


what is this?

I didn't know porn was still allowed in France.

>using vr for 3dpd
They need to step up to the next level of 2d waifus.

Are there vr stocks we can buy?


2016 was the year of dead degenerates!

H-Hitler? That you?



>He doesn't know what monster girl island is

Uh oh


delet this

You're a cold guy

Vr for the mean time is a meme, 8k resolution will be needed for human eye level, then it's waifu Paradise.

I like tits

Can anyone tell me what it's like using vr porn

delet this

i like her feet

That might be the thing that finally sells me on that gimmick.
Why is porn always on the forefront?

Sven bringing the bantz.

I can't believe it.

It's the most watched medium, we could have had HD vhs but porn wanted to go other way, let's hope this drives down the cost. Maybe (((they))) will see all these posts about waifus and make games so we all just fuck our waifus.

It's at 4k now, and it was at 8bit when I was born and I'm not that old

Still a screen door effect until it's perfect which will be about 2020 we won't be able to tell the difference.

Nigger, what are you talking about. Each eye in the rift has a resolution of 1200x1920


>implying anybody that isnt an ultraneet or an ultrafedora will pay for a quality VR headset.

This, but when it's mainstream and we can have every fetish with realistic Immersion then we might even see Stacy's panic

>Watch VR porn
>It's like having a scrambled cinemax signal from the 90's strapped to your face because it's so low resolution and blurry

Biggest disappointment for me in a long time.


He's in france dumbass look at the flag

Sorry user but that's what happens when new tech hits the market when it's higher res which HTC and oculus are still not doing this year, it's a meme


I feel this, getting oculus was a disappointment, expensive yet very low resoulution and the 'screen door' effect is still very apparent.

Vuzix (VUZI)

Got it on the Vive.
The effect is good but im not satisfied till there's roomscale porn.