"Dad...Mom...I think it's time you met my girlfriend.."

"Dad...Mom...I think it's time you met my girlfriend.."

what do you do?

get rope

Wow shes a beautiful girl congratulations son.

Where is she?

its 2017 i dont care

Masturbate furiously in front of everybody.

Ask to see the feminine penis.

You WOULD have a trap GF you slant eyed hentai reader

divorce my wife and marry my sons trans gf

is that a girl?

Slap her straight. If she doesnt stop trying to piss me off then legally disown and further my genes through other methods.

Well who am I in this scenario, you autistic fuck?

I breed the GF FOR GERMANY !

Oh hey! Don't just stand there come in!


if you like feminine penis

She looks like a man, son. You sure you aren't getting tricked by some pervert?

>being a normie

Get the fuck out of my house.

I'd wonder how I got married when I've never even held a girls hand

"If her dick's bigger than yours you're not a real man"

youre obviously the dad you fucking retard

why would you have a trap gf, or be the trap itself

"lol son that's a 35yo man you faggot lol"

this one is just like that warmfreshpaint it's just a weird fagboy that dresses as woman to fuck another traps

Ask him why his (((girlfriend))) has a bigger dick than him, then summarily execute both of them.

Now this is a woman not this


do it, faggot.