Hey goyim

wanna hear a jewish secret?

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spill it

Nah I'm good. Thanks anyways

>inb4 OP leaves his paypal


I'm sure I already know it.

Jews are superior.

tell us greatest ally

>kek magic and zohar kabballah are literally the same fucking thing


we already somewhat knew that we became (((you))) not literally but magically

What's your angle?

You make me want to watch Big again. Also, wtf do Jews have a their own version of everything?

Wanna hear a german secret?

We still know who the enemy is and the occupation is going to end sooner than expected

I'll believe it when I see it man

we the Illuminati Jews now

fear us

itt: babbys first Israel proxy

>pay to read the article
i got jewed again

Okay round two
Wanna know a secret about the israeli government?

stupid drumpf supporter kys

Hmmm.....maybe I should read my copy of the Zohar then.

Coincidentally, I once let it slip I was going to read it and this lefty jewess was like, "Why read that? Only Orthodox Jews do and after they study for like 20 years of Torah. Religion is gay anyway..."

You don't get it, we're the Jews now

please Deutschland, save us

and thank jew

>current year
>Being a drumpfkin

Jews taking credit. Surprised!

Bibi is secretly funding anti (((globalist)) operations for roughly 3 years now
(((media is))), sadly, well aware


Does this have any influence on Alex Jones recent Israel "shilling"

lol That's not surprising since every Israeli that I've encountered has said they couldn't care less about (((them))) in America.

Tell us something new chosen one, for instance, what are the rites of the Kabbalah to summon demons using goyim blood?

>paywall on first article ever
Jews are so damn jewy.


depends on how you'd define a demon, I suppose

Are you saying ... the present government of Israel is "one of us"? What if this is a Jewish trick?

"Israeli government funds have been secretly transferred to far-right organisations leading a smear campaign against groups opposed to the occupation, investigations show.

The right-wing groups have received tens of millions of dollars in state funding, either directly from the government or via Israeli local authorities representing the settlements in the West Bank."

How does pol get some of these sweet Israeli shekels?

>Jews predicted that anti-globalist, right wing parties were on the rise and decided to join the winning team well in advance
I don't know how I to feel about this t.b.h.

ha! don't you get it goy? it IS a jewish trick, and was one from the very start. Just not a (((jewish))) trick as much as a nationalist israeli one

prepare for massive amounts of kebab removal. I suspect grandpa Trump isn't keen on letting his jew daughter and grandkids deal with islamic stabbings

>here's the proof goys, oh woops you have to pay to in order to view it, never mind, bye!

They are trying to get civil wars and feel safe because of all the anti-nazi indoctrination

It was the exactly same situation in germany before the rise of the reich, but secret socities took over (himmler/goebbels/hitler/others) and used the situation to get rid of their eternal enemy

please elect a second fuhrer kraut-kun.
just don't make him a pro islamic cuck this time

copy paste some text from your original article you cheap kike


,,Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[5]

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

the kikest of them
he said alot of things

OH shit, Sup Forums was right again.

He was trying to convince christians and moors to join his ideology. In fact he was pagan and admired buddhism/tibet

So are you /ourkikes/? I would gladly remove kebab with you guys

>zohar kabballah
sounds fine to me, when do you get started?



Germany is way to cucked.

Why are they leaving Russian "footprints" whenever they hack?