Remind me again why we gave rights to females

Remind me again why we gave rights to females.

The same reason we give them everything else. To shut them up for a little while while we play vidya.

It's males that encourage this behavior. Males created the slut.

Remind me again why no woman can ever protest anything without nudity or bodily fluids?

Women aren't the problem, white women are

>Sweden blames something on whites
Why am I not surprised?

Have fun with whores putting crosses up their asses whilst I chill with my liberal but not degenerate iranian gäri then

>t. Ahmed

am i the only one that really gets turned on by these kind of degenerate women? i'd really like to fuck and then dump them.

They have no other intrinsic value.

I don't support feminism but cucktianity, specially cucktholicism is garbage and should be removed


Kek, I'm sure I'll enjoy my whores a lot more than the government doing massive cover ups to hide the fact that the boatloads of rapefugees are having a free-for-all in the streets and there isn't shit you can do about it

exactly, and males are driven to encourage this behavior by the secular entity they accept as the state. It's illegitimate (brought by rebel coup d'etats) and given they accept this secular entity as the state its liberal values are reminded to him to accept to be in line with him accepting the secular entity as the state rather than accepting a legitimate monarchy as the state the values of which are conservative.

Every secular state liberalises and the society under them becomes more liberal until it fails, conversely every white monarchy conservatises unto a degree of strength equal to its ethnic identity's characterial role of strength in the community of nation and the degree of its conservativeness

You're probably quite alone in that yes
Lol as if I give a fuck what happens in the streets? I care about my family and nothing else and all that shit happens far away from me

Don't see the fault with swedish girls/boys getting raped desu they voted for it

so (((they))) could tax them

you know what the real problem is?
there are no young catholics who walk by this scene and beat the shit out of these women.
let's see them get away with this in the coming caliphate.

consider for a moment the position of what you're advocating. The european societies under paganism were complete and total failures, and then they Christianised and became strong. You're calling upon taking away the very thing which keeps them strong.

my people survived the turks only because of christianity so its very cool actually

We didnt do shit
I didnt do shit
I fucking hate the internet

Well, I guess that would be a viable strategy if you didn't leave the house

>implying I'm advocating any religion
Top lol, go back to your cave


It's not so hard to segregate here, I'll be able to raise my family in peace


Because a few hippy men thought that by giving rights to women it would get them more sex. If only they saw the damage they were doing.

Is there any realistic way we can take their right to vote away again?

So the Romans, Greeks, Macedonians, Illyrians and Celts were complete Failures. That is actually far from the case. The megaliths of old europe were quite advance the only problem is the weather destroyed alot of the old monuments while in the desert of the middle east all of their structures survived.

im not saying you're advocating any religion. I'm saying you're calling for removing the only strength the society has. You specifically mentioned Christianity which helped build europe. Learn to read

What about Russia?

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

We need to bring back the rule of thumb.

I hope someone has a real suggestion

We may have to wait until after the collapse . Then hope enough remember to not repeat the mistake

Literally every argument boils down to sex, and losing arguments ends in insulting the male sexually. Once you supercede that power with will, instant triggered

so what exactly are they protesting?

Russia was a monarchy as well.

It's becoming better as it conservatises in resisting the liberal west which is against it.

The west is for gay adoption. Russia saw the homo proselytization of the west and reacted saying it banned gay american "couples" of adopting russian children and it banned homosexual propaganda in russia.


Too much tolerance in christians these days, sorry its true. Not enough nigger beheading.

>pic related
These people are christians.

nice pasta

Its one post by this meme.
Falling for it.
How new are you?

>ill be your ceo one day

Won't change the fact that you'll need validation that you're still desirable, and will be doing camshows from your empty apartment.

Show us your tits now, just to get used to it.


just because a clueless monkey fucker like you is too much of a repulsive bitch boy to land a woman doesn't mean that THEY are the problem. it means you are.

fuck off and take your fedora tipping with you.

Because of Germany.
Germany a country full of barbarians can't stop shitting up Europe and the rest of the world.
They started World Wars were men were sent off to die and women, for the first time worked outside the home. The entire women's movement began because of fucking germans.

lol, okay guys there is one smart woman here, that means we cant use our assumptions because they are only correct 99.9% of the time.

stale pasta is stale, #lrntocook #backtothekitchen

Lmao fag

>I'm a marketing major
>I'll be your CEO one day

Nice copy pasta. You have no power here.
Tits or GTFO

>Remind me again why we gave rights to females.
because the vaginal Jew has some strange power over us.

Jokes on you; I just want the (You). Did you see how I orchestrated that? It was so perfect. I just memed the same meme everyone here memes, but I put it out there so gently you couldn't resist.
It's like asking a slut what her sign is. It's a horrible line, of course, but she can't help but to roll her eyes and answer anyway. And that's all you need. Once she responds you both know she will be yours. The door is open.
And in that same way, you are now mine. I have you and your (You) and there is no way for you to change that. You have been dominated, used, and soon will be discarded.
But you knew this would be the case when you responded. It's the silly game we play here. We pretend we're actually conversing but it's all really just a ridiculous dance. One partner leads, the other follows, and neither has truly gained nor lost anything.
We carry on, and we know we'll do it again and again. Probably not with the same partner, but that's ok. It's the thrill of the hunt that keeps us coming back. The thrill of hunting and, if we're being honest, the thrill of the vulnerability of being hunted.
Thanks for dancing with me, user.

7 internships? so you've been in college for 7 years and your only a sophomore? wew lad that's alot of money, oh marketing major

You mean Jews

Our strength is in our High IQ population sustaining the low IQ negros and mestizos. Without them it is game over for civilization. Christianity existed in the middle east and ethiopia long before europe and they sure as hell weren't civilized

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Well yeah you're a nigger

My wife's IQ is 1 point above mine. She repilled me.

The problem is not tolerance. Liberals have it right because they conform to the value of the secular state: equality. Secularism doesn't distinguish between ethnic nationality and recognizes all citizens as equal in status. This is the problem, not those who point to conservatives and say "hey why are you against this ethnic person wanting him out of the country". In other words they are saying "hey that's not very egalitarian (derived value of secular established state)" and they are right. In fact adopting ethnically different babies is a good thing as it bring about the manifestation of secularism in society in all its splendor (irony). Secularism isn't currently manifested, the proof is that society isn't done liberalising. Anyone who harbors refugees, helps them in, pays for them, calls ethnic nationalists out for resisting the liberalising of society through immigration etc is only conforming to the value of society.

It's medecine to further this system to its end, not poison. The decrying of nationalists today is conform with godly values, and for this they would need to pivot in accepting this rebel revolution of a republic as a state to calling for the heir to the throne of their nation to begin ruling them again.

>no answer

that's what i thought

kek hates leafs

That's where their value lies.


They didn't christianize they Romanized.

The rediscovery of the Classics is what Made Europe Great Again. The Christian Dark Ages were as shitty as the pagan times. Only once the works of Aristotle and Socrates were rediscovered could European society flourish.

>The european societies under paganism were complete and total failures, and then they Christianised and became strong. You're calling upon taking away the very thing which keeps them strong.

The key factor is date, not religion. A society in 500AD all things being equal will be less safe and backward versus a society of 1500AD

>Is there any realistic way we can take their right to vote away again?
No because women exist in an advanced society where they earn their own money

>We may have to wait until after the collapse . Then hope enough remember to not repeat the mistake
(1) Tired old Rightwing collapse fantasy (1) Women have the vote because society is safe and advanced, not because men decided spontaneously to make it so

>Russia saw the homo proselytization of the west and reacted saying it banned gay american "couples" of adopting russian children and it banned homosexual propaganda in russia.
Russia has backward attitudes to gays because it is 2nd world, not because Russia is enlightened. The treatment of gays is largely related to the advancement of a society. Poor people are more superstitious and religious.

They always had rights. Now they just have extras.

We had the same high IQ population before Christianised europe and the continent wasn't developped very much. Christianity brought about the change in europe. This can't be contested.


The pasta was bad.

Time for Anschluss aquafresh. I won't take your bullshit anymore.

>you will never sniff those crosses

it's the logical decision after removing the monarchy.

everyone gets a chance to prove that they're competent.

the problem is that women dont suffer consequences for their actions right now so they continue to do stupid shit.


Because white males are easily manipulatable pale nigger cuckolds that call themselves the master race for doing some cool stuff for a few hundred years (mainly killing each other in more and more brutal ways)

Im not even guilty about us white dudes, just objective about our group.

Now give us our countries back so we can continue helping the jewish banks conquer the world.

That's because the person asking for more rights looked like this

>atheists and bagans will come to this thread and find a way to make it about them

Every time.

Damn, someone high/delusional af

It didn't work. They only got louder.


How did you find a woman with 80 IQ?

you might as well show them now cause i am going to see them bouncing when you spread your legs for me

Rome was influenced by Catholicism when it tried to merge paganism with Christianity in catholicism. The Christian elements of it is why it prospered and developped the way it did.

A more important point in fact is the fact that take for instance Gaul which the Franks took from the romans, they continued to build up because they were in part Christian (Catholic). The roman empire ended a very very long time ago

>when we had them under control
Each one has a male dedicated to her, and the whores are ridiculed and shamed.

You're going to lose it all because you have no actual skill that is useful.

Anyone can do your job.

>The key factor is date, not religion. A society in 500AD all things being equal will be less safe and backward versus a society of 1500AD

Date has nothing to do with it all things being equal. The fact a society may live in 500 BC or 1200 AD brings no intrinsic change to it. Time is where we are in history, not an active force upon society (again all things being equal).

In comparing a society from 500AD to it in 1500AD why would it be less safe and backwards before than after all things being equal? If it's a society that had the time to mature to its conservative values then they should be equal (meaning from the time it was pagan to 500AD isn't too long so society perhaps was still maturing in Christianity at that age).

Mine is 148.

All this text to say basically nothing. You're a woman all right.

>Russia has backward attitudes to gays because it is 2nd world,
No, sodomy was accepted in the ancient roman republic at its peak (right before the fall)

>not because Russia is enlightened.
Christian enlightenment - Christian values.

>The treatment of gays is largely related to the advancement of a society.
This is true in the form that it's a measure of the advancement of the society that's secularising (republics), NOT one that conservatises (divine rights monarchies)

>Poor people are more superstitious and religious
Europeans were poorer under paganism than they were under Christianised europe. Religion comes with life, they were religion before and after Christianity came.

I struggle through life as a 132. My wife helps me since she's a 133. :)


My wife is on Gab right now getting the word out.

Any pizzagate women in here?

t. Ahmmad

t. Hammad

Can we be friends? I need a wingman to tour thailand, Philippines and Colombia with and people from your country are mostly based.

I want a smarter wife too.

You know what my odds are. =\

What do you hope to gain from a trip like that?

Lots of men died in ww1.

Fuck all man, I just have some cash and need a break from it all.

>Marketing major
get a real job that actually produces something for the society instead of baiting into a purchase

Official Kremlin-sponsored "Feminism is degenerate" thread.

The former Soviet Union can easily fool conservatives into hating America because they are so gullible.

i bet this triggers you too fagget


Rent a house in the French countryside far away from Paris then... Time moves at a different rate in places like that.

And you won't wake up on ice in a bath tub with a missing kidney.