>tfw no granny cummies
The Jill Stein "Voter Integrity" beach house project is now complete.
Thanks for the shekels.
No wonder Jews gravitate to the left...
But they're rich
Why are liberals so stupid? I would wager that if she asked for more money for an electoral recount she would get more free money.
Based (((Jill)))
Jews gonna jew.
if we block the roads on the 20th we can stop trump from making it and he'll miss the inauguration and obama will remain president for the next 4 years
i need money to accomplish this
nice source, false-flagging jew niggeer
This. Every one knows that air planes and helicopters are fake news. Metal CAN'T fly
>takes money from butthurt progressives
>recount campaign reveals massive democrat voter fraud, legal intervention almost happens before (((they))) yell SHUT IT DOWN and cancel the recount
>puts the money into her nationalist party
I want to tenderly fuck Jill
>Why are liberals so stupid? I would wager that if she asked for more money for an electoral recount she would get more free money.
she should name her new french villa, "Electoral Recount"
>nationalist party
>her nationalist party
Literally wants open borders with a welfare state. No two things more quickly destroy a nation.
>stealing money from buttmad losers
I don't see a problem with this
the green party is the most nationalist party in the USA, the only non-nationalist policy they have is open borders
>Literally wants open borders with a welfare state. No two things more quickly destroy a nation.
the leftists are always zero-sum illiterates when it comes to economics as it pertains to themselves, but think unchecked mass immigration and welfare can always be paid for.
>the only non-nationalist policy they have is open borders
The only anti-nationalist policy they have is wanting to completely destroy the nation. But if you ignore that they are the closest thing to my nat-soc LARPing.
Not with that 2 million they arent. I expect to see them give it away to the homeless.
Truly we live in a capitalist society
And I love it.
There's no difference between a nationalist and worldist besides the size of the landmass they care about.
If you were this fucking stupid to donate for a recount (I'm sure these can be requested by law without needing funding) you deserve to be jewed.
>It's YET ANOTHER "we laugh at lefty retards" episode
>most nationalist!
>open borders
O boy
We've got a genius here
Based GILF
I unironically voted for her with no regrets.