>At 10:45PM HRP were notified by security at Saint Mary’s University that they were shown a picture of a person holding, what appeared to be an assault rifle. This person posted the picture on social media. It was believed to be very recent and the background appeared to be a university dormitory room. The suspect lived in Loyola Residence at SMU. Numerous police units attended and evacuated the floor. They were able to clear the floor without incident. The suspect was not located however police were able to locate him at another location and he was taken into custody without incident. After a brief investigation it was learned that the assault rifle was a paintball gun. Officers with the General Investigative Section are following up with the investigation.
>HRP would like to remind people not to post pictures of themselves with firearms or guns that appear to be actual firearms. Police have to treat these investigations as if they were firearms which could potentially lead to dangerous situations. It also ties up police resources and could result in various charges for the person posting the pictures.
Sup Forums, I live in this city and I own many firearms. This is insane to think this kid was accosted in such a way for a PAINTBALL gun. At worst, he violated some campus policy and should be dealt with on that level. Instead, the HRM set one hell of a precedent by demanding you don't post ANY pictures of guns. or gun-like objects (???) because they'll give you the hard-knock.
If you'd like to tell the HRP how you feel, and you have a Kikebook account they do have a page you can leave a rating and a review on.
Lay in the grave you built with your hands, call it your bed and sleep in it for eternety. Bump, tho.
Hunter Harris
I know the reason why your getting angry and i can relate. But really, they do have a point in saying not to post yourself or your gun collection on online media sites. Burglers often use that info to target houses when they leave for vacation etc. If this was an actual gun i guess there might have been cause for complaint but at the end of the day it was just a paintball gun.
Robert Miller
Ryan Gonzalez
No, there's no reason I can't post pictures of my legally owned firearms on any social media platform whatsoever.
The criminal in this equation isn't me, but the damn thief who breaks into my house.
Angel Cox
Nice trips but I'm not shitposting, I'm possibly the last sane person on Halifax left at this point.
Ameribro pllz ;-;
Jaxon Bailey
I mean I don't really care, barely anybody has firearms anyway
And even if they did, why the fuck would they post it online like some sort of american negro?
Jaxon Hughes
Nice bait, but we have tons of guns. I alone have 5.
Hudson Howard
Canada is fucked. You've made faggots a protected class leaving straight folks second class citizens, and now you can be criminally charged for taking a picture with a gun? Just kill Trudeau already
Lucas Russell
Evan Ramirez
You argue like a cuck. The police response was totally out of line with your reasoning. "Hey watch out with those pictures there, you might tempt someone into a crime! Better charge you with a crime!"
Christopher Gutierrez
You have no idea how bad it is.
Our National Firearms Groups are incredibly good lobbyists and work as hard as they can but it's an incredible uphill battle.
Aiden Howard
CSIS says you're now on a list.
Mason Morales
It's this kind of thinking that plagues our citizens. I don't even know where it comes from if it's built into our education or something but my girlfriend and I are surrounded by it.
Our neighbors are literal commune-hippes from Germany who do yoga in the front yard, and our neighbours across the street both work for the liberal party. When I come home from the range after a day of shooting I keep expecting to have a SWAT team kick down my door after my stupid neighbours see my skeet gun or something.
And now this shit is just out of hand, and I had to bring awareness somehow.
Parker Nelson
Facebook link?
William Hughes
I thought Canada had decent gun laws, in that you are actually legally allowed to own them? Maybe I'm thinking of the east coast, like Newfoundland, but fuck, I hate Trudeau more if it's as bad as this
Jose Garcia
This is Nova Scotia, pretty damn East Coast man. Share it around.
There's been barely any uproar over it yet, that's how cucked we are.
Mason Anderson
>Loyola residence True story: I once went to a girl's room there after matching on tinder only to find out that she was actually literally a retard. She met me in the lobby wearing pajamas and we went up to her room. She put on some video game streamer's video and we cuddled for a bit before making out. It was fucking disgusting. Chapped lips and her tits were all ashy and had no firmness whatsoever. When she took off her panties and I saw a brown stain I put my pants back on, said I needed to use the bathroom, then booked it down like 12 flights of stairs. Left my fucking quart of rum behind because there was no possible way to take it without making it obvious I was bailing.
Kayden Cooper
I dont know i cant see the story. I was about to write a long winded message about how bitch ass and buster they all are.
William Ramirez
The story sin't there, but it's their "business" page. Fucking HRP wont even share it on their own profile page because they know how bad it would be.
Angel Mitchell
All Canadian women are shit. I dont care what the fuck ever these niggas say. For real there are very few hot women in canada.
Adrian Clark
Man I believe it, I have to work their now and again and it can be pretty bad.
Ethan Anderson
>Our neighbors are literal commune-hippes from Germany who do yoga in the front yard My condolences
Matthew Edwards
So you wanna hang out or what?
Caleb Martinez
They're all in Québec you cucks :^)
stay out k? keep your trudeau shit to yourself we'll manage the hot girls and the nationalism
Samuel Carter
Where you at? I work at SMU through the week a lot.
William Martinez
It's so fucking bad. One time they had some sort of house warming party and invited everyone on the block but us because one time my GF shot off to them about being disgusting whores or something.
We played a lot of Moonman as loud as possible. They were too cucked to call in a noise complaint.
Wyatt Long
Spryvillage, or Cowie Hill if you know where that is. Next to the school where syrians were choking kids out.
Alexander Lewis
Yes, that's true. Looks like the key word in this story is 'assault' rifle, ie, something that would be on the restricted (restricted license required) or even prohibited list.
It doesn't say anything about the student being charged with anything. This is more just hair trigger response to the guy being a student and possibly having "gun" on campus. So this is a non-story.
I would be pissed if they had charged him but that doesn't appear to be the case as he did not break any law here.
Easton Rodriguez
I used to go to that school and stayed in that same dorm building. Bizarre. I can't imagine police evacuating people out of it.
Michael Evans
>assault rifle goddammit
Nolan Butler
It's the complete over reaction to the entire thing that is totally unreasonable.
Coupled with the threatening of law-abiding citizens not to post their own pictures.
Gavin Clark
t. City boy / non-Canadian immigrant
Any real Canadian has, at the very least, multiple guns in their immediate family or back-traceable to a male inheritor that is a relative.
Jonathan Hernandez
Nice bro I'm actually down by the rotary, right on the arm! My GF works up your way.
William Wright
Either way fuck canada. This is a shitty knock off America and you know it. >protip French women look like basic bitches with a +3 to tacky makeup.
Benjamin Jones
Decent. Don't get too close, my building was overrun by syrians. My car will never be the same.
David Thomas
Man that must suck. I pick her up because I don't want her walking home alone at night. Goddamn Syrians man...I hate it most of all when they convene in their little gangs out on Spring Garden and Quinpool when a guy just wants to walk up and get a donair.
Anthony Jackson
It's not "don't post pictures of guns to social media" it's "don't post pictures of guns or objects that look like guns in places where you can't legally have them or you'll be arrested." Why are you gun nuts such fucking dumbasses when it comes to common sense. It's like if you were to post a picture of you fucking a chick in front of a daycare and getting arrested for it and then complaining that you can't post pictures of sex at all on the internet. >Tfw own 2 hunting rifles and a shotgun but have to constantly deal with faggots like you who jerk off to YouTube videos of Americans open carrying assault rifles down the sidewalk to purposely get harassed
Nolan Torres
Are you retarded? I literally copy pasted the article. And in this kid's case, IT WASN'T EVEN A FIREARM, and it is NOT illegal to have a paintball gun a dormitory, at BEST it's against the school's policies which should have been used to deal with the problem accordingly.
>HRP would like to remind people not to post pictures of themselves with firearms or guns that appear to be actual firearms. Police have to treat these investigations as if they were firearms which could potentially lead to dangerous situations. It also ties up police resources and could result in various charges for the person posting the pictures.
I'm amazed someone who can't read on at a 6th grade level has the ability to post on Sup Forums.
Aaron Myers
>"gun owner" >doesnt know what an assault rifle is
>A Kitchener father is angry at police after he was arrested at his child’s school and later strip-searched at the police station, all because his 4-year-old daughter drew a picture of a gun in class.