I have a question I have been pondering. I heard that the so called "alt-right" is the most intelligent community around, so surely, you guys will have no trouble solving this problem
>a thief steals 100$ from a store >he later returns to the store and picks up 70$ worth of groceries >at the cash, he pays the cashier using the stolen 100$ bill >she gives him his 30$ in change and the thief leaves the store
the question: how much money has the store lost?
feel free to answer, as different viewpoints expand our world view
Matthew Jones
Dominic Taylor
explain your reasoning
Caleb Garcia
David Allen
The store lost $100.
$70 worth of groceries and $30 in currency.
Xavier Hill
Meaning who's?
Sebastian Campbell
so is your answer 30, 70, or 100?
Jeremiah Evans
I solved your Moms problem last night.
Alexander Howard
>how much money has the store lost none, it all came out of the cashiers paycheck
Austin Jackson
100 dollars this is a closed system and their are no donations money is transferred and changed in form he starts by stealing 100 and changes 70 of that into 70 dollars worth of grocery assets and is returned 30 of the stolen money in this situation money can't be created or destroyed so now he has 30 from the store in cash and 70 from the store in groceries
Gabriel Russell
>steal 100$ from store income >with said money acquire 70$ worth of goods >then he gets another 30$ as change
The 100$ won't cover the 70$ of goods and 30$ of change because it came from the store pocket.
Nolan Carter
$70 stock and $30 cash
Leo Wood
$100 He stole $100 Not hard
Jaxon Kelly
Evan Ortiz
$100, I'm not playing your game and separating the value of currency from the value of the goods.
You trade money for goods. $70 in groceries and $70 in paper money are in essence the same thing.
James Watson
100 dollars.
Brandon Evans
The dollar sign goes in front of the numbers you faggot e.g $100.
Daniel Reed
Its a pretty retarded thing to ask, you should do as your pic and hang yourself for being a moron.
Caleb Lopez
100$, since the groceries are of value, too.
Thomas Reed
The store lost 100 dollars.
By paying for 70 dollars of goods with stolen money he essentially just stole 70 dollars worth of goods.
Cooper Williams
100$ minus the margin the store put on the groceries
Jaxon Harris
None at all. The thief was actually the Jewish owner making a insurance fraud. So he only gained!
Thomas Taylor
The store lost everything because the jews took it all.
Xavier Ramirez
but what if they expired and the store had to throw them away
Jeremiah Anderson
>The store lost $100. >"WICH WUN UR FINAL ASNSWER??" Come on man, you can read
Asher Hughes
>nobody is even bothering to ask why the cashier would do business with the dude who just stole one hundred dollars from them
Easton Edwards
the store bought the groceries for lower price, than it sells that shit. lets say this particular store has stuff, that was bought for 150$. the thief will come and steal a 100$ bill from cash register. than comes back and buys groceries for 70 bucks, but the store bought that amount of stuff for like 57 or something. that means, that the store, in this particular example, lost 13 dollars (70- 57) less, than it would seem
Matthew Price
If you knew anything about accounting youd know the cost of good bought and the cost of goods sold is very important to a balanced book. I thought the alt right were smart?
Hunter Cooper
what does he care
Tyler Nelson
it seems as if everyone is arriving at the same answer which proves the point that this place is nothing more than a hivemind echochamber
let's see some original thought in here
Ryder Morris
a 100$ was stolen from the store, what other reasoning do you need?
Connor Robinson
>being such a bad thief that you only manange to swipe a single $100 bill
Zachary Gomez
Anthony Hall
don't forget about VAT
Thomas James
i forgot to say, that the stuff, which was bought for 150 sells the store for 200
Christopher Gomez
>the guy walked up to the till >"Mornin lads just here to pick up 100 stollen USD" >"Sure thing pal" He was probably never identified
Levi Green
The grocery loses 30 dolla plus what they paid for the groceries ( an unknown percentage of 70 )
The 70 dollars they got back cannot cover the groceries price cause they already covered the price of other groceries when they were received at start, before being stolen.
Praise Kek.
Connor Ross
Jesus christ are you guy fucking retarded:
>Steals so -100 >Comes and buys good worth 70 bucks >Lets just think that they are woth 70 bucks because i dont know what the store is selling
The Store lost 170 dollars
Parker Morales
>thief steals 100$ from a store Yeah, don't care what nogs do
Also $100 dollars, $30 + $70 in goods
Matthew Gutierrez
>Provide base information and ask a basic question >Expect a detailed answer taking into account multiple variables that would have to be assumed
Don't be retards, obviously the whole thing is dumbed down to make a point.
Dylan Allen
now this is the kind of original thinking I was hoping for from the alt right
Xavier Lewis
>ask brainlet questions >expect brainlet answers
just fuck off to then
Jayden Ortiz
>it seems as if everyone is arriving at the same answer which proves the point that this place is nothing more than a hivemind echochamber
thats also what i told my teacher when everybody thought 2+2 was 4
Thomas Morris
be sure to cherrypick when you post this on ledid
Dominic Edwards
>straightforward question with obvious answer >ALL OF THE ANSWERS ARE THE SAME OMG ECHO CHAMBER
fucking kill yourself >but the goods are only worth X so resale value is a lie fucking kill yourself twice
Jack Rogers
I don't think anyone has ever said the alt right is smart.
Carson Rivera
They lost 30$ and 70$ worth of groceries, which might be equal to slightly less then 70$ because stores can order food and other goods from distributing companies for cheap prices. They also loss whatever interest that 100$ could have possibly made had it been place somewhere useful. So how much did they lose? Between 50$ to 110$ realistically.
Liam Lee
>the store bought the groceries for lower price, than it sells that shit. It's irrelevant. It's a store's goal to make profit. The unrealized profit is still a loss to be added to the effective prejudice.
Ryan Rivera
An incommensurable amount. The store lost face by being tricked by the thief. They will never be able to buy back respect. Honorable sudoku is the only option left.
Thomas Howard
> hivemind echochamber Is math an echo chamber? Is logic an echo chamber?
The trade you engaged afterwards doesn't matter. Anyone could've gotten any groceries with any hundred dollar bill for $70 and gotten $30 in return.
Charles Walker
>-100 >-170 >-70 >-100
Brandon Brooks
Less than $100 of actual money spent, the store didn't pay $70 for the groceries purchased with stolen money, however they did lose $30 dollars of liquid currency and $70 of (earning potential + cost of merchandise). So yes there are several ways of looking at this. Happy merchant is indeed pic related.
Christian Howard
He stole 100
Used 70 stolen to steal another 70.
The 30 in change doesn't change anything.
Almost 200$ worth he stole.
Leo Rivera
Put me in the screenshot I want lots of upboats.
Also you're a nigger, so include me calling you that too, demonize me.
Chase Hill
>money >$ federal reserve notes isn't real money
Andrew Hill
100 dollars, 70 dollars worth of goods and labour and 30 dollars of currency, depending on inflation and deflation that money could be worth more or less.
Carter Jackson
$170 plus the wage per hour of the person ringing him up.
Jackson Reyes
$170 plus the wage per hour of the person ringing him up, security staff to discover he stole to begin with, management to explain this to superiors and superiors to explain to corporate or the owner.
Thousands of dollars.
Ryan Gomez
Are you fucking retarded.
Also bait.
Nathan Brooks
The 30 in change doesn't change anything for the equation. Do any of you know how change works?
He used 100 stolen on a purchase of 70$. He got 30 stolen back. He didn't steal another 30. Only another 70 in groceries did he steal. Y'all are fucking dumb as fuck.
Nathaniel Gomez
This isn't some retarded trick you try to use to justify the common core, r-right?
Evan Lewis
Without considering the price of producing goods and selling them or other weird variables. Lets rephrase: >Imagine the cashier gave away $70 in goods and $30 because he is a good guy and hates his job too. So the store loses $100 here. >You then steal $100 because you are a cunt. The store has lost $200 here.
>You see a documentary about niggers stealing so you decide to go back to the store and give the $100 you stole back because you are not a nigger. The store wins $100 and has now only lost $100 Caching!
Evan Jones
kill yourself
Ethan Collins
The right answers. This isn't so much about math than it is about word problems.
Nicholas Adams
Nice political thread leaf. Really impressive.
Answer is you need to wipe my ass.
Alexander Wright
Nice. Keep thinking so.
Christopher Brooks
it would be the first time an Indian has ever wiped their ass
Colton Hernandez
meant to reply to
Nathan Martin
not all of the 70$ is profit. shops have to pay for goods too, so your riddle is uncertain and gay
Eli Smith
He stole jailtime nigga!
Grayson Bennett
Matthew Barnes
Also. Alt-right is just a MSM meme and it doesnt exist. Shu shu shil!
Cameron Martin
Shit how is it going there bro?
Leo Johnson
Pheww. I was intrigued by that answer, just about to type "What did he mean by this?"
Sebastian Clark
Okay well lets make the numbers smaller so even a monkey can understand what i'm going to write down:
You have a friend ( he is black ). He comes to your house and steals your 3 Dollars, So you had 3 dollars and he had 0 dollars so now you have 0 Dollars and the negro has 3.
He cmes back after some time and wants to buy a watermelon from you. The watermelon is worth 1 dollar,
So you give him the watermelon and he gives you 1 dollar.
In other words looking what changes is:
You Nigger 3 $ + 1W 0 0$ + 1W 3$ 1$ + 0W 2$ + 1W
You lost 2 Dollars and 1 Watermelon
Same applies to the market
100 + 70 0 0 100 70 + 0 30 + 70
Joshua Sullivan
Jonathan Perry
there i think i got it
Camden Anderson
> how much money has the store lost?
Not as much as you've lost on your worthless philosophy degree leaf.
Robert Morris
Under standard accounting rules, and assuming the store is a retail enterprise and not a manufacturer, the store lost $30 dollars plus the cost of the sold merchandise. (Not the market price at which it was sold)
Samuel Sanders
Forgot to mention...
t. Accountant
Also, if this is a big retail chain they might just write off the whole thing as these chains just dismiss a fixed percentage of merchandise as "stolen or lost merchandise" every month.
Easton Price
x = -r is wrong
Daniel Price
What stupid nigger only steals $100, plus if the store only had $100 in the drawer it would be in multiple denominations and the kike wouldn't have to give the nigger any change ffs
Jonathan Fisher
That's not correct at all you fucking retard. He didn't make $70 appear out of thin air. It went back to the store, so they probably lost around $75 ($30 that he kept, and the $70 in goods he purchased that probably only cost the store around $45).