What will be the "big happening" of 2017, Sup Forums?
Race wars?
Civil war in America?
What will be the "big happening" of 2017, Sup Forums?
>peace between USA and Russia
>will lead to common goal of actually destroying ISIS
>destruction of ISIS will lead to "stability" of sorts in Middle East
>allows migrants to return to rebuild
>mass exodus from Europe
>Trump/Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
screen cap this, it will happen.
Nah, we're still gonna go to war with Iran
And why the fuck do you wanna go to war with Iran?
Trump assassination
This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. We could do some shadow warfare to bring about internal dissent. Iran doesn't have the capabilities to fuck with the US.
I dont but most of the Trump cabinet and washington establishment does.
Iran cant fuck with us but going to war with them would still destabalize the middle east
I hope not. Then Europe will be 30% and counting forever.
Rapefugees need to turn it up to 11. That way everyone is pissed and we can get this bloodbath over with.
A black man will be shot by a white cop, mainstream media will cover extensively, chimp outs will ensure. Forecast for late spring through summer.
There is a large percentage of likelihood that mexico will collapse, trump prevent refugees, and maybe a small race war in the mid west part of the usa. The last one is definitely guaranteed
Chynas economy massively collapses
Revolutions accross mainland china break out
Hong Kong and Macau declare independence
Norks get invaded in a blitzkrieg now that their daddy is dead
It isn't going to happen. If Trump were going to carry Israel's water for them he'd have started with Syria.
See, Iran is Middle East but of all the nations they really don't contribute a whole lot to the general conflict. Yes they occasionally fuck with Iraq but if we could overthrow their governemnt in reinstate a democracy then that could be beneficial for the Middle East as a whole. People will die, but it is necessary.
With any luck it would happen towards the tail end of the year, after populist candidates across Europe take power.
>our coruppt behavior
I know the tea party hates them some Dems, but what was the Obama corruption, exactly?
>risk WWIII
Putin was the only tinhorn manlet dictator shrieking that he was going to use nuclear weapons if anybody resisted his invasion and occupation of Ukraine. He was also the only tinhorn manlet dictator shrieking that he was going to use nuclear weapons if anybody investigates his war crimes in Syria.
Putin even threatened to drop nukes in Norway, for fuck sakes. That's how you provoke a world war.
Everybody who doesn't work directly for the Kremlin should have read the ThreatConnect and Crowdstrike technical reports that are really compelling compelling evidence of Russian hacking
Those that do work for the Kremlin are here on Sup Forums reading off their social media scripts and shrieking "proofs! proofs!" and then completely ignoring the mountain of hard evidence.
Just like the birthers who fell for the mere hint of a rumor that Obama *didn't* have a birth certificate,even holding the original copy of Obama's Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth will never be enough evidence.
It was easy to turn the right wing against America because of their Koch-sponored hatred of government and their white supremacist-sponsored hatred of minorities, immigrants and women.
The Kremlin trolls are the new birthers and the confirmation-bias conservatives are their new disinformation targets.
Fair enough.
But in he long run, what are the downsides of better US/Russia relationship?
I genuinely don't know. It sounds like a good thing on the surface, but are there hidden dangers?
What will be the "big happening" of 2017, Sup Forums?
Race wars?
Civil war in America?
Iran is too stable to remain as it is.
i love how proxy shills and nobodies talk about the USA like you live here, or anyone here gives a shit about you. Worry about yourselves 9gag faggots
>Trump/Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Which they should both take and immediately throw on the ground and spit upon.
Civil War might not happen but you could easily imagine states spilting from the union if Trump loses a the popular vote in 2020 but gets reelected
>the mountain of hard evidence
my cousin is CIA and he says you're full of shit
>imagine being this autistic
People give a fuck about one of the most influential countries in the world, big shock!
Very little of note will happen in 2017, certainly nothing close to the extent of Current Year+1.
But tensions will rise, and everything will be prepared for the happenings of the following few years.
2020, or maybe even 2021 is when shit will really kick off.
>mass exodus from Europe
Those rapy fuckers aren't going anywhere as long as Germany keeps them NEET. Someone needs to do something about Merkel.
There won't be a "big happening"
The happening will be a long, drawn-out whimper.
Our lives will slowly devolve into that of slaves as financial institutions steal our money and devalue our currency.
Our children will live in squalor. People will starve in the streets. And all the bad things (random terrorist attacks, etc.) will continue to occur while this happens.
The happening will be a devolution, not a cataclysm. It's already happened.
I was actually impressed by the MSM covering the retarded white guy getting fucked up by a gang of niggers. They actually discussed black on white racism.
>Just like the birthers who fell for the mere hint of a rumor that Obama *didn't* have a birth certificate,even holding the original copy of Obama's Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth will never be enough evidence.
Investigators just proved Obama's birth cert is completely false and it's not even a good forgery.
USA leaves NATO and creates new NATO with RUSSIA.
Then we build bridge from Russia to USA. And mexico pays for it.
holy shit that comic is 100% how I feel about all this Russia talk from Obama
the big report just said that Russia favored Trump and wanted him to win
So what? every country has their preferred candidate, we do in other country's elections, so why is it so wrong when Russia does it
Hillary was such a bad candidate, they are just trying to shift blame
Muh feels
Yea, the only mass exodus from Europe will be actual Europeans getting fed up and leaving.
It can only be WW3. All other happening are just lulz.
Why don't leftists want this? I can understand the fear of Russia being essentially the only nation that could beat us in all out war. But isn't it better to be friendly with that nation than to antagonize them wherever possible?
Trump will be shot dead.
and then pence will start the 4th Reich.
>a democracy
how about a dictator that we can deal with?
what do you mean? leftists love russia.
Major earthquake/tsunami combo that wipes out the American West Coast.
Kek promised it to us about a month ago.
Fuck off with your Jewish tricks, kikes.
Let me ask a question about the russian hacking real quick
If liberals agree that the US also has influenced elections in other countries to benefit their own agenda, don't they think the US gov also will influence the elections in their own country? Or are we supposed to believe that the us itself is like a "democratic sacred zone" that the government won't interfere with?
>high confidence
>we aren't gonna show you the evidence tho
>trust us
Leftists hate Russia now. Keep up with the times, Mathias. They sure their election and the US needs to declare war asap. Also wikileaks is bad now because it hurt the DNC.
*stole their election
maybe american cuck leftists.
Oh yes, I'm referring exclusively to American leftists. I should have made that clear.
I think it's fucking hilarious that, 10 years ago, Reddit loved Wikileaks for exposing Bush administration war crimes. Now they all hate Wikileaks for exposing DNC corruption.
praise kek
you will see
>implying European Leftists aren't even more cucked than American Leftists
Even more populists and right wingers will rise to power in Europe. I think that at least one more country will hold a referendum about leaving the EU. Not sure that it will pass, but probably will.
If another refugee wave happens, Poland and Hungary will close it's borders, but I'm pretty sure that this time Croatia will do it too.
New attacks will probably happen. I predict a big one during the summer tourist season. Italy is thinking about leaving the EU, so an attack in a touristy place on the coast during the summer will be the final straw.
As far as the US is concerned, I think Trump will not be president by the end of the year. My prediction is that he will resign, or be forced to resign. There's also a small chance that he will get JFKd by the secret services.
There will be no race war, but mayor conflicts will definitely be more common. As soon as it gets warmer you can expect more big demonstrations and movements like BLM.
I don't give a fuck about the rest of the world. I hope somebody nukes India because fuck that place, but that probably won't happen.
What is your beef with dotheads, pineapple?
Pineapple? ...what?
Look at your flag
I'm sorry on behalf of Americans. Most don't eat fruit so don't know what they look like.
A rainbow is not a pineapple fellow burger
(((globalists))) are far too contemptuous to ever allow it. Besides, US/Russia cooperation on intelligence matters would expect expose their crimes totally.
I know a delicious pineapple when I see one, cuck
>I don't understand global geopolitics the post
Even if we destroy ISIS another organization will take its place and bring instability to the region. Those migrants in Europe are never going back and even if we could get them all and send them home they wouldn't rebuild anything because they don't know how to.
>man who brazenly kills any and all political opponents including but not limited to, homosexuals, reporters, businessmen, and politicians nominated for Nobel Peace prize
So this is what alt-right fantasy land looks like
Ayoo hol up
I expect a false flag at some point as an attempt to Bushify Trump.
So fuck it, let's just let our wives fuck a black man then while we watch in the corner, eh cuckerberg duck? We're primed to win a fight, you want to see what a real, true war looks like? Give us a year libcunt, it's time to grind some meat and really unleash the dogs.
Basically that our two countries two ideologies do not coexist.
At least not in the current state that Putin would have them in. On top of that they are bordering a failed state and are attempting to drag the rest of the world down other them. This leads to a parasitic relationship no matter what kind of "friendly" ties we have. In every situation it will just be Russia using a and abusing the United States because they have nothing we with or need.
So they have a hostile attitude towards us, have a conflicting ideology, and offer us nothing. These are not things you build a strong relationship on
germany get allahu akbar'd pretty hard with 100+ dead
What are you gonna do? Somehow round up all these migrants and kill them all? Because that's what you are probably going to have to do I order to get them out and to have them stay out.
And if you think that's a real answer to the problem you ARE living in a fantasy land.
>But in he long run, what are the downsides of {{{better US/Russia relationship}}}?
Because that's not at all what it is.
It is a Putin controlled puppet in the White House with a cabinet beholden to the Kremlin in exchange for promise of personal treasure. It's the worst kind of corruption for America and it has all the right-wingers clamoring to suddenly be Soviets instead of patriots.
>imblying white american manlet cucks can start a civil war
Mutually Assured Destruction and nuclear winter.
I'm sure if Poland had a civil war you'd find somehow to lose it regardless.
>calling anyone else cucks
Yeah nah
far in the distance there's a fisher singing
its voice is a woe to sleep
Better be a 99% white and catholic country right now, than your shithole with jews running the whole country and shitskins gangbanging your women.
Because the mudslimes are so smart to have all their zealots stop attacking the US once we put up a wall and control immigration. They're just going to stop attacking civilians and go back to being peaceful and working hard? Nope, they're going to keep kicking the hornet nest because their stupid religion calls for it, they'll call the fire down on themselves. America first, will be our policy, when Americans are not safe at home, guess what's gonna happen? Don't know how old you are, but when the white man has had enough, people die. Whole civilizations are put in danger, lookup Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If there was a peaceful resolution to this islam problem, I'd be all for it fellow Burger. But, there isn't, there is only one option left. Can you guess what that is? I voted for Trump, I voted for Americans, I voted for survival. I know whats in store...
Flynn and Bolton wanna bomb iran. Mattis hates them as well and Exxon(Tillerson) has oil interests there. Plus our pays Saudi Arabia want them gone.
Problem is we've done similar things and usually what happens is that theres a power vacuum for extremists such as ISIS to take over. Plus that also provides Saudi Arabia a huge opportunity to expand influence over the region.
Damn, how'd you know I'm a Jew? Good job.
Everything you've said has nothing to do with geopolitics. If Putin and trump destroy Isis and every remnant of their movement they'd at least be nominated for bringing peace through hellfire
Yeah well my dad's a green bean and he says you have to wear a wig while I plow your ass hole faggot!!
Obama administration has lost 6 billion dollars, set race relations back 60 years by picking a side on something that shouldn't have been national news, fought proxy wars with Russia because Obama's ego won't allow him to accept putin is better, pay for play, money laundering, arms deals with rebels who end up killing us in said proxy wars, expanding domestic surveillance tenfold, passing unconstitutional executive orders and unconstitutional detainment, all while also condemning republicans for being war hungry he is a cunt his administration damn near ruined this country.
There's ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE RUSSIA HAS HACKED THE ELECTION, this has more traction than pizzagate yet way less circumstantial evidence which makes me ask why but I already know the answer.
Putin is actually doing something against isis while we're over here questioning his methods because Obama can't stand Putin personally.
All 3 starting with the 3rd and going to the 1st.
What the fuck are you talking about...
The Arab immigration problem is almost solely relegated to Europe. These people that you are going good to be attempting to send back aren't extremists but they are ignorant, highly religious, poor, and angry. As such they cause problems in their host countries even if they aren't radicals with plans to kill people. These migrants are still people though a day people tend to have a pretty strong will to live and having giveno so many of them now the opportunity to live in Europe away from the conflicts and death of the middle east more want to go there. If you round the all up and send the back they will just try to come back again and again and again.
This leads us to one of two possible solutions to the problem
1. Kill them all, they will stop coming back if they are all dead. By all of themy I mean literally ALL. Every single person from the eastern border of Iran to the Mediterranean needs to be dead this would stop radical Islam and the immigration proble in western Europe.
2. Do actual nation building in the middle east and try to improve the quality of life for the people who live there. When George W. Bush invaded Iraq in the early 2000s he had quote about how we would do "no nation building" this cementing the fate of the region as an unstable shit hole for the next 50 to 100 years. If you want to to actually get people to stay somewhere that place should be livable and comfotable. Unfortunately due to the fact that the vast majority of people living in the middle east are uneducated and do not have the means, knowledge, or funds to build the infrastructure necessary to make the environment comfortably habbitable. So the soul turn would be to step in as a rich educated country and build them infrastructure, show them how to maintain it and build more oder it themselves and thenot supply them with the tools to live comfortably.
Tellme one bad thing about a better relationship with Russia other than the whole "if we cooperate with him we're no better than commies" nonsense you're going on about
>What will be the "big happening" of 2017, Sup Forums?
Trump will probably get shot during his inauguration.
Would never happenin a million years
OK so few things 1. Thinking that the US and Russia can work together is not going to happen no matter how hard Trump wants to suck off Vladimir one will always be the dominant and at this point it is clearly Putin
2. Eliminating ISIS is literally impossible. Outside of killing every single man, woman, and child in the middle east wince, like a hydra, when you kill one radical it creates one or two more to take his place and I don't think genocide gets you nominates for prizes
If we cooperate with him he gets to leach off of the US and give us nothing going in return while simultaneously subverting our political processes and weakening us as a country from within
The big happening of 2017 will be the collapse of the economic property bubble, it will burst and inflation will be higher than what Greece's economy went through.
>Thinking that the US and Russia can work together is not going to happen no matter how hard Trump wants to suck off Vladimir one will always be the dominant and at this point it is clearly Putin
Based on what, The current Obama administration where they immediately were at odds at tm each other because of clear personal vendettas? We got along with Russia during the Bush years so yeah it's possible to cooperate with them. Obama has more power than Putin but he doesn't know how to allocate resources or strategize his military which is why Putin is outsmarting him
>2. Eliminating ISIS is literally impossible. Outside of killing every single man, woman, and child in the middle east wince, like a hydra, when you kill one radical it creates one or two more to take his place and I don't think genocide gets you nominates for prizes
Eliminating Isis is like killing the main groups and freeing the people from their control allowing the host country to take it back, I don't mean killing everyone ourselves but we definitely can set their operations asunder.
Shieet if he really did knock out Isis he'd have done more for world peace than any other nominee
Then Mike "You Suck Cock, you get Shock" Pence becomes President.
>If we cooperate with him he gets to leach off of the US and give us nothing going in return while simultaneously subverting our political processes and weakening us as a country from within
He can help us with Isis as a global threat and it doesn't hurt to at least befriend the second largest nuclear power in the world.
>subverting our political processes and weakening us as a country from within
We've done this to countless countries I won't even acknowledge that aspect. How did he undermine our political process even Obama said he didn't do it so what are you on about
western civilisation slips more and more left despite recent happenings
young white men carry on getting targetted by (((bias attacks))) and (((men)))
Reptiles reveal themselves.
> Overthrow government
> reinstate democracy
You already did that once in Iran. Look how it turned out, Islamists took control. Now it's fading but still, leave your overthrowing and reinstating, you don't do any good
$ $ $ $
Next Vidya Crash :^)
I'd love that
In case you have forgotten recent history the US and Russia haven't been on good terms for quite some time, not everything is Obama's fault if you can believe it or not.
you seem to think that ISIS is this organized military force with a ridged structure like our military that would fall apart if you take down a few groups. Spoilers it isn't
ok so first
>global threat
ISIS is a localized threat to only a small region in the middle east
their global reach is limited by radicals that have no real connection to the main force and act independently with credit being taken for their actions by ISIS as publicity.
they are no threat to the united states or any other major country for that matter and they are barely even a threat to the middle east itself as Israel alone would be more than a match for them.
>global superpower has subverted political proccesses in smaller countries for our own personal gain so its ok when Russia does the same to the worlds #1 global superpower
thats not how being the world police works. We get to throw our weight around because we are the biggest and strongest on the planet.
If this were on individual terms and you were the biggest kid on the playground you would beat the shit out of the second toughest kid for trying to fuck with your personal affairs. CIA has stated there is evidence and there is an ongoing investigation to only current medelings
imagine what happens when we literally just open the door to him and say "hey remember the last 80 years of our country beating up on yours because the soviets tried to compete to be the worlds #1 superpower and lost so you made yourselves our direct enemy that we defeated and destroyed? yeah how about we just be friends now and you forget all that, also be totally aware that we won't look into your blatant corruption and cronyism when we start to develop closer ties."
yeah thats not gonna be a "friendly" relationship
>religious tensions and reprisal attacks between Muslims and Europeans in Europe
>massive black protests and white retaliations in the US
>shifting to the right of Europe
>collapse of China and Mexico
Believe it