Why does Sup Forums hate Islam when they preach literally everything you people want?

Why does Sup Forums hate Islam when they preach literally everything you people want?
>death to jews
>death to gays
>against drug use
>death to degeneracy in general
>puts women in their place
>adultery is punishable

Islam is the ultimate red pill.

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the best thing about Islam is that they are obsessed with killing other muslims

obligatory reply because op pic is big tits

because Sup Forums is the ultimate hugbox and has no ideals or morals, they only care about white skin

you can literally be a
>child rapist
>animal fucker
but as long as you look handsome and white Sup Forums will defend it

they dont hate muslims because of their ideals, they hate them because they are brown

They don't preach nationalism and this copy-paste threads are getting stupid.

you forgot
>death to islam
still makes your post legit though.

really made me think op

Islam is the dumbest cult ever. Worship a cube 5 times a day because some shitskin who fucks a child said so

Gee I don't know maybe because they want to destroy western civilization and Sup Forums is comprised of westerners?


No it doesn't

It's also a scientific and engineering dead end.

Because they lower your salary, rape you if they don´t fuck woman and all of them are living by leeching welfare.
If they don´t get money fast they could kill you.

>agains drug use


>death to degeneracy

Literally they raped kids, men and grannies lately because young white women don´t want to be close to them.

Basically they are this generation gipsies.

>they dont hate muslims because of their ideals, they hate them because they are brown
i have never denied this

Nationalism is actually forbidden in Islam.

They are satanist kikes denying divinity of Christ. They are barely better than fedoras

Need a big bunda muslim gf

Islam is the last thing your country needs, branch hanger.

Because they're the durk durka, ooga booga shitskin version of it.
Compare pic related to footage of Germans in the 1930s under Hitler, where everything is clean and beautiful, not like shit-tier dirty Muslims.

You forgot a pretty key important piece there huehue

They also want to genocide anyone who doesn't practice Islam.

Have fun wiping goat shit off your dick though.

Also all they do is pray and cry for money while insulting everyone.

And their children are more behind than syndrome down people in studies.

well christianity sounds just as dumb and degenerate:

worship an invisible deity who sent a ghost to the world to literally cuck a jew by impregnating his woman to give birth to his "son" so that he may save us from a plan he ellaborated in the first place IF we worship him too... oh and all this is true because it says so in the book inspired by "him" who holds the universal "truths".

Fuck religious faggots, retrograde bitches.

Agency and freedom to bend the rules when necessary.

Theocracy does not allow that. Hitler didn't want 24/7 Totalitarianism, he wanted liberty for his people as well.

Because they are anti-freedom in every sense of the term.

stfu kike

Horseshoe theory

They're also the most inbred people on the planet.

Because they are savages

wew lad


This is well known.

>A BBC report discussed Pakistanis in the United Kingdom, 55% of whom marry a first cousin.


This but South American monkeys are too stupid to understand that. An ideal society is one with a small government where the social norms are mostly conservative. Proper etiquette, etc. The US lost part 2 and is trying hard to lose part 1. Islam was never going to have part 1.

>A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called "consanguinity") and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent.

They're just integrating with British culture

I hate Muslims because:

1. Their views are not based on wisdom and experience, but on some sandnigger bible that was supposedly sent down by God to some rapist war lord 1400 years ago.
2. They may say they hate Jews, but they are my country's biggest consumers of Jewish-owned pop culture.
3. They may say they hate gays, but pederasty and the abuse of little boys by members of their family is rife in Muslim communities here.
4. They may say they are against drug use, but they rule the Western European drug trade and make up a significant share of drug users.
5. They may say they are against degeneracy, but when they can rape a half-conscious white girl in a back alley they will. And they watch a lot, a fucking lot of porn ('Arab' is now one of my country's top porn searches and they're 5% of the population).
6. They are not nationalists, but internationalists, seeking to spread their stupid sandnigger bible wherever they go. And the small amount of nationalism that they do have usually results in them murdering each other over nothing.
7. Adultery is not punishable at all in practice. If a Muslim woman cheats, her family usually threatens or bribes her husband to keep it quiet. That is because Muslim morality is based on what others know of you, not on what you actually do.

>Islam is the ultimate red pill.
The ultimate cousin fucking pill that will kill you if you change your mind.


they hate those who have the guts to get what they want, white people wish really hard for things but that's all.


>low hanging fruit joke
They marry their FIRST cousin at 70% rate in Pakistan.

Because they also preach death to our civilization

Skin color is irrelevant, Sup Forums values certain phycological traits which hapoen to correlate with having white skin.
>le racist are stupid and hate you cus you have more melanin den dem
Is a straw man that only leftist retards believe. If the amount of melanin is our skins was the only genetic differences among the races then racism would not exist.

They also preach death to us.

So they gotta go.

It's estimated that there are hundreds of kids like that in the Netherlands, but authorities do not know of them because their parents lock them up at home from birth and never register them out of shame.
But even without that estimate, they make up a lot of the "special needs kids" in the Netherlands. Turkish/Kurdish/Moroccan kids make up about 15% of kids in Amsterdam, but more than 50% of all kids at day cares for severely handicapped kids.

>they only care about white skin

i'm a trump nationalist and love all people, i am in fact do not care if whites will be a minority. in fact, i think it will get rid of identity politics in america if that happens, so we can focus on real issues like free trade agreements.

you don't see too many identity politics in brazil or mexico, one of the positives of latin america.

Islam is not a pillar of western civilization, it's nothing but a barbaric cult of pedo worshippers.

It also teaches that Christianity should submit to Islam.

Not if you are us.

Join islam brothers

What about a source on those titties my good man

>they dont hate muslims because of their ideals, they hate them because they are brown

Why not both?

>love all people
Uhh don't love them too much.

>I do not care if whites will be a minority

Yeah right, yet sure you will try to track whites when looking for a house

>so we can focus on real issues like free trade agreements.

What is so hard to understand? "minorities" want to live leeching mostly white people. It´s hilarious how racist the whites are yet literally every race are desperate to live with them.

they hate that because of a fucking book written by a child rapist, if they were a group of people who concluded that all mentioned is wrong all by themselves there wouldn't be bombings, beheadings and so on

well i would not adopt black kids but i do love minority supporters of trump

at the end of the day, if you are for trump, you are my friend, regardless of your skin color

You are making it harder for the rest of us you faggot

How fucking stupid do you gotta be to actually believe that Islam is red pilled?

Fuck off Texas

i l-l-love you too user

I will explain in a way that shall answer all questions.

A large, gigantic even, amount of Muslims are Niggers.

Holy shit kill yourself.

>you don't see too many identity politics in brazil or mexico
Because they're literal shitholes with drug cartels to deal with, you want to turn America into a shithole because identity politics makes you uncomfortable?

Then how the fuck does Bektashi Islam exist

It's cool if we say Islam is heresy right? Since Muslims are so tolerant I'm sure criticism is met with intelligible discourse.

damn, how is it that a lot of middle eastern girls are hot tho? there are a lot of ugly ones tho too, it's like the distribution shifted to the extremes some

I thought if I get married it will be to a nominal Muslim girl, 1st immigrant generation... so not full Muzzie but enough to have traditional values and respect her husband but not full durkaburka and mosque shit

I dunno man

Because they are religious.

Muhammed was a backstabbing pedophile. Whatever other benefits of the religion, it's inherently tainted by this disgusting founder who was made integral.

What a retarded observation. Muslims are cancer incarnate, pedophilia and rape is accepted, gays and rape victims stoned to death, science/civilization is lowest possible priority and they will never reform.

White christians are peaceful and civilized and don't force anyone to convert or die/blow up mosques. Nothing to do with race, Islam is a medieval religion that preaches forced conversion or genocide to the rest of the world.

Just happens that white people are by far the most civilized and morally upstanding race and arabs and roaches are subhuman scum.

>Sup Forums is one person

>muslim women
>literally our gynecologists complain about the lack of hygiene of muslim women
>their level of obesity are getting higher than the gipsies women

Good lord leafs, I swear you live in another planet.

Pipe dream. Muslim women CANNOT marry non-muslim men. There is 99.9% agreement on this in the muslim community. When Huma Abedin wanted to get Weinered they spent a long time looking for a cleric, because there were only 3 in the US willing to perform such a blasphemous ceremony. The only ones who would have passed the "traditional values" bit already.

brazil and mexico have strict gun laws, if they had a culture similar to ours which stressed self-reliance and self-defense, you would see less of that

>Pray to Satan 5 times a day
Pick one

t. Nigger on welfare

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

>you would see less of that
Go ahead and explain.

>death to jews
They hate Israel first and foremost. Israel is the ultimate redpilled middle east state
>death to gays
murder squads never helped society one bit. one needs to set the social norms and let is happen naturally
>against drug use
that's the problem. we like our drugs,
>death to degeneracy in general
LOLOLOLOL muslims are all degenerates, from uneducated degenerate families
Nope. they are not nationalist. the are a nihilistic cult, wanting to set the world on fire to usher in the apocalypse
>puts women in their place
more like women murderers. how's that a good thing
>adultery is punishable
you never could get anybody else, anyway

>you can literally be a
>>child rapist
>>animal fucker

no you can't

all those will be getting roped, including you

more guns = less crime

areas where citizens are armed, you see less criminals trying to rob them for fear of self-defense

because european traditions, heritage and culture matter to Sup Forums and much of that culture has been based upon the rejection of all tyrants be it Gods or men in pursuit of personal freedom and happiness.

>Sup Forums is one person
The the fucking shit already faggot. Fuck I wanna cut your goddamn ears.

>more guns = less crime

Explain Europe and Australia because that's purely an American phenomenon.

Don't see how more citizen owned guns affects drug cartels since they don't rob people.


I hate arabs, but not muslims.

>>death to jews
>>death to gays
>>against drug use
>>death to degeneracy in general
They go too far. Fags should be in the closet and jews deported to Israel. Not throw everyone off buildings. People shouldn't be drinking and getting shitfaced every weekend, but beer is a part of European culture. Nothing wrong with a pint.

Arab nationalism is not European nationalism.

>>puts women in their place
You should put women in their place by being firm with them, by teaching them to be proper women, and by shaming bad behaviour. Not throwing acid in their faces or cutting them to pieces for shaming family honor.

>>adultery is punishable
Adultery should be punishable by throwing her out on the street and leaving her to sell her body to survive like the whore she is. Not by raping her to death or having a stoning party.

Like I said, not the durka burka ones, ones that are muslim by name only but are immigrants from a less morally corrupt and decadent society

I'm a Russian immigrant and there's literally no Russians here, I'm not a practicing orthodox even though I was baptised but I'm disgusted by the whore culture here and all the Jew and nigger shit in the media

I kinda gave up on getting married but thought maybe they have a similar way of seeing things... Shouldn't be so quick to dismiss them because white women are fubared here

europe and australia are fairly peaceful areas though, they have good laws and strong culture based on greco-roman values or anglo values depending on the country

if europeans and australians could own guns, you would probably see even less crime

Those don't exist famalam. They lose the tradition, and integrate with leftist culture.
They're like Christian sluts, Holy Hoes, except they believe in some Mohamed shit that it's ok to stone each other. They're objectively worse than nihilistic millennial teenagers, they have cognitive dissonance for breakfast lunch and dinner.
T. Old muzzie poonani hunter

Because the majority of them do not follow said rules.

>>>death to jews
>>>death to gays
>>>against drug use
>>>death to degeneracy in general
>They go too far. Fags should be in the closet and jews deported to Israel. Not throw everyone off buildings. People shouldn't be drinking and getting shitfaced every weekend, but beer is a part of European culture. Nothing wrong with a pint.

yo this exactly... they got the right idea but they go WAY WAY too fucking far man

we should fight back against degeneracy but not fucking just genocide them all... gotta stay lofty and take the higher road instead of cutting people's fucking heads off and throwing acid in people's faces

cuz they anus

>europe and australia are fairly peaceful areas though, they have good laws and strong culture based on greco-roman values or anglo values depending on the country

So how the does that apply to Brazil and Mexico at all? How does this mean that Cartels are robbing people? How does this mean turning America into a black majority shithole is a good thing?

Don't tell me your one of the "I hate niggers not black people" faggots...

>if europeans and australians could own guns, you would probably see even less crime
It changed nothing in Australia.

It would be the most redpilled religion if it wasn't 99.99999% subhuman adherents. If you could genocide all brown people on earth then it would be a perfectly suitable religion.


>Worships a zombie kike on a stick


This toothpaste got it right

Are you seriously trying to say that the USA has a small government? Lol

This meme again. Can you goat fuckers come up with something more clever?

Islam is relatively red pilled, but it is still a sandnigger supremacy ideology.

They already kill off actual niggers, and most whites in muslim countries just get kidnapped and dissappear. Nevermind that white women will just get raped and murdered. Muslims only follow their religion when and where it suits their interests. Same thing with Christianity. Why do you think the books are such long messes full of contradiction? Islam is the front of Arab cultural supremacy, Christianity is a front of white [and occasionally (((white)))] cultural supremacy.

I respect Islam for all the reasons you listed, however we must uphold our own culture in opposition to them, as they must uphold their culture to oppose us. Peace with Islamic countries is possible, but it needs to be a peace through strength.

but damn

Because europeans are cucked and don´t realize that when our welfare ends they will start to slaughter us.

This is just a farm where we are working for Mohammeds and gipsies have their children.

Also the propaganda induced so much self-hate that a lot even accept being treated like shit, atleast in Spain case go to whatever College and they are glad that the government give houses and money to immigrants, they don´t even care that they won´t get any pension (until they are old and see how stupid they have been)

america isn't going to be majority black, i think whites will still be the biggest group, just a plurality instead of majority

it won't matter though, we are only slightly majority white and are still quite powerful, and elected trump.


They don´t clean their asses with paper so good luck putting your dick inside that. You leafs can take all the muslim women we have here, seriously.

>Because europeans are cucked and don´t realize that when our welfare ends they will start to slaughter us.

I disagree, Europeans are share common rivalry through so much war and fucking with each other that it's literally an uncool meme to go war or kill other europeans now.

But cultural marxism fucked that all up.

Yeah, that's why there's so little crime in Afghanistan, where literally everyone has fully automatic rifles that are banned in the USA, right? Afghanistan is a perfectly safe and orderly society because they value independence :^)

I'm only here for the memes and bantz. I don't care

>Europeans are share
Man I'm tired.

>much of that culture has been based upon the rejection of all tyrants be it Gods or men in pursuit of personal freedom and happiness.
Lol, that is what destroyed real European culture and tradition you stupid nigger