1- Decent birth rate but constantly losing land every year.
2- Majority in a big part of the world, but the borders are drawn so that they become minorities.
3- Considered stateless citizens in many nations, nationality often stripped and exiled.
4- Constant effort by outside forces to keep dumb leaders in power.
5- Their lands are often targeted by settlers, so that they become a minority in those areas. Example being Kashmir and Palestine.
6- Countries most invaded in the recent years.
7- 25%-30% of the world, yet they hold little to no power in western politics; especially America.
8- Most people know nothing about their religion, except the brain washing by the media to filter out muslim crime to the front page- creating a sense of greater frequency.
List goes on. But honestly the world is definitely biased against Muslims, many times just because they value their religion.
I have met hundreds of Muslims in my life, All of them were chill and none of them tried to convert me.