Why are Muslims oppressed so much?

1- Decent birth rate but constantly losing land every year.

2- Majority in a big part of the world, but the borders are drawn so that they become minorities.

3- Considered stateless citizens in many nations, nationality often stripped and exiled.

4- Constant effort by outside forces to keep dumb leaders in power.

5- Their lands are often targeted by settlers, so that they become a minority in those areas. Example being Kashmir and Palestine.

6- Countries most invaded in the recent years.

7- 25%-30% of the world, yet they hold little to no power in western politics; especially America.

8- Most people know nothing about their religion, except the brain washing by the media to filter out muslim crime to the front page- creating a sense of greater frequency.

List goes on. But honestly the world is definitely biased against Muslims, many times just because they value their religion.

I have met hundreds of Muslims in my life, All of them were chill and none of them tried to convert me.

Other urls found in this thread:


Religion holds people back and it causes war between people all due to a "belief" they can't prove

Religion is the problem in this situatin.

They don't integrate well, are easy to spot, most muslim countries are crap, breed like rabbits, and have really really bad PR considering they run around killing people shouting their stupid catchphrase. Beyond that the "moderate" ones might not try to convert you but they sure as fuck aren't protesting against extremists or show any solidarity towards the countries that took them in even if they didn't need to. They are entitled and arrogant guests who overstay their welcome.

Muslims are retarded due to being raped by Arabs and turks, being incredibly inbred, and hating all forms of learning beyond muh Koran. that's not to mention how violent and radical they are. everything else stems from there.

how have I not observed this in any muslim I ever ran into? is your opinion based on media or actuality?

There are intelligent and well meaning middle easterners though, but for some reason those happen to be almost all to be non-religious. I wonder what that's about.

Yeah I'm sure you're some kind of expert because you talked to a muslim once at some college drum circle and then some girl told you that she chooses to wear the hijab and it's not all about her being group pressured into it.

your personal anecdotes are the exception, not the rule.

I'm from fucking Cologne btw. I'm sorry to break it to you, but dispite what you might think you don't have the kind of numbers to make general judgements about the effects of islam on one's culture once they approach majority numbers.

you should believe him yo

Germany knows this shit right about now.

It wasn't "once at a college drum circle", it's 100s of them. Seems to me like they just have zero voice in our media and politics, this is why they get targeted so much.

Take Iraq for example, 500k+ dead because of sanctions.

Millions dead because of war.

Both were done to Iraqis over WMD, WMD never existed.

Doesn't all of this seem like a really fucked up thing to do? from a humanitarian point of view? Muslim countries are yet to declare war like that to non-Muslim countries, meaning they have zero interest in domination or conquest.

We are even contemplating going to war with Iran, Iran that has done nothing to us.

>1- Decent birth rate but constantly losing land every year.

I didn't realize Palestinian mudslimes where the entirety of the Islamic world

>2- Majority in a big part of the world, but the borders are drawn so that they become minorities.

What the fuck does this even mean?

>3- Considered stateless citizens in many nations, nationality often stripped and exiled.

Yeah, being a terrorist shithead who has dual citizenship with a modern and backwater state tends to have the modern one do that, and rightfully so

>4- Constant effort by outside forces to keep dumb leaders in power.

Is this about the fact the middle east literally needs dictators to not be an anarchic shithole that's even worst then it already is?

>5- Their lands are often targeted by settlers, so that they become a minority in those areas. Example being Kashmir and Palestine.

Those examples are the literal only ones, and one isn't even Islamic

>6- Countries most invaded in the recent years.

Tell that to Germany.

Though on a serious note, maybe if you didn't start shit with other nations that wouldn't happen.

>7- 25%-30% of the world, yet they hold little to no power in western politics; especially America.

So literally the only way things rationally should be. Good, we shouldn't have sand niggers controlling politics in nations they aren't welcome in.

>8- Most people know nothing about their religion, except the brain washing by the media to filter out muslim crime to the front page- creating a sense of greater frequency.

Mudslimes are the number 1 source of terrorism in the world, with communists being a distance second. After that everything else combined other then those two aren't even enough to warrant being mentioned.

Just look at the US. Even if we ignore 9/11 and only count things after that point, Muslims STILL made a majority of the deaths relating to terrorism in the US, despite being only 1% of the nation's population.

That's before we even touch upon crime stats.

>Seems to me like they just have zero voice in our media and politics, this is why they get targeted so much.

They had enough voice to get Fox to ruin 24 because of complaints by a Mudslime group that turned out to be a terrorist funding front.

Where did you meet hundreds of them? Over what timespan?

>Muslim countries are yet to declare war like that to non-Muslim countries, meaning they have zero interest in domination or conquest.

That just isn't true. Saudi Arabia for instance pretty pretty agressive in terms of extending it's influence and utilizing whatever leverage they have. If they don't start a war it more about them not being able to get away with rather than them lacking the ambition.

Same goes for many youths in Germany for instance, who don't have the numbers or means for open revolt, but are pretty agressisve in terms of extending their gates communities and just replacing the natives.

Besides that the whole middle east tried to kill off Israel mutliple times and got stomped in the process. Doesn't matter if you like jews or not. If you have talked to so many muslims you probably noticed how many are antisemites.

It's the ideology of islam combined with the muslim's inherent low IQ. You'll notice that no intelligent, civilised people trust the ideology, and a glance around the world at the societies it builds makes it painfully obvious why.

Islam has no place in the West.

they believe everyone who is not a muslim is infidel

no different than jews believing everyone who is not a jew is goyim.

same shit, different parts of the desert, no thank you.

They're worst then Jews when you think about it. The Jews at least want you to be able to make money for them to screw you out of it.

Most of your post is "typical piece of shit" logic. But I will reply to some of the things you said.

I didn't say only Palestine, it is happening in Asia (Myanmar, Kashmir, China) etc. Governments pay people to live in Muslim areas so they remain a minority. Either that or they exile them.

Israeli citizens are terrorist shitheads too, with dual citizenships. Israel was considered a terrorist state because both their founding parties were terrorists (wikipedia it).

Middle East needs a dictator? just like Africans needed a master amiright.

Yeah I am sure Iran and Iraq etc all started shit.

Terrorism? so I am guessing dropping bombs on people's heads is not terrorism neither is going to war with countries over oil.

the islamic world is islamic through conquest and war, their religion is extremely violent, always calling out the muslims to fight every non-muslims.
if they have some shit happening to them, it's because they deserve it, how many wars did we have to fight while outnumbered 5 to 1? and how many terror attacks have them committed in our own land, targeting civilians, while we give them shelter and rights like the idiots we are. What happens when another war breaks out? how do you fight a war against a majority Arab country when you have 10% Arabs in your own country?

Inherent low IQ? so the conservatives in Christian countries are smart?
Christianity as an ideology leads to more war and bloodshed now than Islam. Bush called the Iraq war a crusade. Most of these people find reasons to go to war with Muslim countries but they are just veiled Christians with their father's dinner table speeches guiding their foreign policies.

Hey man, not justifying the murder of innocents, but what the fuck do you expect if you fire missles at people you don't like then hide in some hospital to drag as many innocents into your bullshit as you can?

>I didn't say only Palestine, it is happening in Asia (Myanmar, Kashmir, China) etc. Governments pay people to live in Muslim areas so they remain a minority. Either that or they exile them

Well in the case of Burma it's due to how Muslims act there, in Kashmir it's not the case and in China, well they do that to literally everyone who isn't Han Chinese.

>Israeli citizens are terrorist shitheads too, with dual citizenships. Israel was considered a terrorist state because both their founding parties were terrorists (wikipedia it).

Genetic fallacy, using that logic most nations are terrorist states. The difference is most (including Israel) stop once they gain independence. Can't say that for genocidal fascists like Hamas.

>Middle East needs a dictator? just like Africans needed a master amiright.

So you're saying Iraq after Saddam has been all nice and peachy?

>Yeah I am sure Iran and Iraq etc all started shit.

They've been shit for centuries, though in the case of Iran they where less shit before the Islamists took over from the Shaw.

>Terrorism? so I am guessing dropping bombs on people's heads is not terrorism neither is going to war with countries over oil.

Don't attack civilians of a first world nation and you don't get shat on. It's natural selection.

You did not fight them 5-1, your country had far superior technological support from western countries.

Second, it was not Israel defending, they started the war (wikipedia it). The war was started with attacks against their air fields.

You give them rights? you think of them as rats and rodents, hate them and think of them as a pest. "Rights" are never enough for people, they want equality.

Another war against an Arab country? it would never happen.

Only solution to Palestine is to buy them a piece of land and move them there, be done with it. Take the whole area and make it part of Israel. Bu that would make Israel look bad, so instead they will draw this on for another 200 yrs, slowly taking up land and demonizing the entire arab, muslim and asian world to keep the support on their side.

>Inherent low IQ?
Well a thousand years of incest does that to a people. Just look at the Saudis, they have such bad night vision compared to Europeans their air force pilots aren't willing to fly at night. And then there's Pakistan, where 85% of relationships are incestuous.

you are proper retarded. Like 1400 years of inbreeding retarded.
It's always so easy to spot the muslim...

> You did not fight them 5-1, your country had far superior technological support from western countries.

that is simply not true, more then once did the arabic forces have equal if not better technology, we simply had better training, more morale [enemy forces were conscript farmers with minimal training], and shit tons of luck.
as the years went on, the gap of technology did continue to grow, but as was their desire for war, the arabs made a shift from conventional war to terror attacks.

> Second, it was not Israel defending, they started the war (wikipedia it). The war was started with attacks against their air fields.

ahaha, yeah right, before the six day war Egypt blockaded our ships from the Red Sea, Egypt kicked out a UN rep, and tensions were growing, there were many signs and the arabs thought they can finish us off, the pre-emptive strike was the only reason why we won that war.

When the UN gave a partition plan to Jews and Palestinians, the Palestinians refused it while the Jews accepted it, the Jews declared independence and 30 minutes after all the neighbors declared war on Israel, we eventually gained more territories then the UN originally planned, and to this day butthurt palestinians are claiming that we took it illegally, you made a gamble, you lost it.

No it's not. Read the history of those countries.

Israel hasn't stopped, they shoot up Palestinians everyday. You don't think it terrorizes those people?

Why would it be nice and peachy? France had a revolution that was far bloodier and lasted 200 yrs. No one equated french revolution to Christianity. No one equated Holocaust to Christianity (6 mil+ dead right?). The trans-Atlantic slave trade etc.

I wouldn't call Iran shit. But I guess if you don't see women with big tits sucking dick you define said country as "shit".

Collective punishment? over the actions of buffoons that no one has control over? sounds to me like it's against human rights laws.

If you are such a believer in natural selection than natural selection justifies any act of bullying, harassment, genocide, intimidation etc.

You are just not a nice person then are you.

The leaf speaks the truth on this one. Marriage between cousins is more common than in Alabama and has been going on for a lot longer than Alabama existed. Even if its not as bad as straight up incest the effects are pretty much built in already due to long practice.

The british royal family is known for incest. The American south is an incest hotbed. Are you really using incest as an insult?

I like how you wrote two paragraphs to circle around what I said.

1- yes, they were in fact far more superior in technology. It was an American sponsored effort.

2- They did start the war, when you start something it is not called "defense". The 15 mil+ Jews migrated there illegally, that is why it is considered illegal.

Next time a Jew complains about Holocaust I will tell him the Nazis had more power and to stop being butthurt.

Filthy Arabs think they can Taqqiya better then the Jews.
of course most of us will treat them like Rodents, you think we are this cucked that we will forget all the shit they've done?
and there is equality, we have arabs in our parliament.


>Israel hasn't stopped, they shoot up Palestinians everyday. You don't think it terrorizes those people?

People who chose a genocidal fascist civilian targeting human shield using group are surprised that they have to deal with the people they want to genocide using force to put an end to their shit? well I never.

>Why would it be nice and peachy? France had a revolution that was far bloodier and lasted 200 yrs

The French Revolution was 20 years you nimrod.

>I wouldn't call Iran shit.

That's because you aren't comparing it to a civilized nation

>Collective punishment?

Hey they're the ones who voted in terrorist who use them as human shields.

>If you are such a believer in natural selection than natural selection justifies any act of bullying, harassment, genocide, intimidation etc.

You know the only bullying and genocide is coming from Muslims, right?

>You are just not a nice person then are you

At least I'm not a Mudslime, which means it could be worst. I could be you.



>The british royal family is known for incest. The American south is an incest hotbed. Are you really using incest as an insult?

Yes, because it is. The American South having incest is a meme, in Islamic nations it's a reality. Even the Royal Family doesn't have shit on you people.

you forget that the USSR was also sponsoring the Arabs, during the wars many times there were american tanks and russian tanks on the arab side

> migrated there illegaly
> 15 mil+
the fuck are you on about? we have 8 million residents in israel and that's not even all jews
this land is Israeli far before there was even Christianity, with cities such as Jericho which are theorized to have one of the oldest walls known today

TL;DR: Wahhabism, the burka and bomb-vest clad counterpart to zionism.

Muslims are like younger, more radicalized Christians, and the parts of their society that aren't compatible with even the most primitive white societies REALLY aren't compatible. Frankly, I'm fine with muzzies so long as they aren't the westernized "we're compatible" cunts or the radicalized wahhabi "death to the infidels" types. The mid-point between them is usually pretty based and red-pilled.

>not wearing a black trash bag

and despite all I've said and BTFO'ed you on every argument you have made, you still stick to your point, so you are either a nu-male or a shitskin

Rofl. You actually believe those lies about using human shields? more like small civilian neighborhoods got bombed because some bufoon fired some rockets. It's all "fake news" stories.

Oh sorry, I got a historical fact wrong. I must be stupid.

Yeah, an uncivilized nation that has not gone to war with another country in two centuries.

Is it? because they are far less in numbers

Everyone thinks they are better than everyone else, the truth is often quite the contrary. Considering you go to the effort of typing "Mudslime", I highly doubt you have anything going for you, let alone be better than a God like me.

White Pakis are so beautiful. Polar opposite of the poos.

Yes, inherent low IQ down to the muslim inbreeding, with the frequency and long history of cousin marriages it's a huge issue. Not to mention muslim cowardice, muslims are awful cowards, look how they abandon their families and friends in war torn countries to try and save their own sorry hides by running away to the West for welfare handouts. Cowardly leeches to a man.

Because the muslims in America got here by plane with permission from the U.S. government to immigrate. Therefore they need to have some valuable skills. The muslims in Europe just crossed the border to get there. So their muslims are like our mexicans, and vice versa. Except our mexicans don't explode

There's a difference between middle eastern and Muslim. Used to be tons of other religions in the ME, especially Christianity, but the almighty Jew and it's west helped push them out. The problem with Muslims is class. If they're educated and wealthy, they're great people. If they aren't, they're probably some of the worst of the poor people, even worse than the dirt poor Indians. So their issue is religion x class. If they have no class, they're fucked

Jews. Jews that are now arab jews and arab Muslims, most of them converted back then to christianity and islam. Both religions have forced conversions.

European jews are mixed race Europeans. Just because Europeans deny them an identity as a European does not automatically make them any closer to the Jews thousands years Why the fuck am I arguing about Israel and Palestine? I don't give a shit about those countries.

My thread was about Muslims and Islam, they are not intellectually or morally inferior to other religions.

And this free society that you brag about so much, the idea of secularism was brought to Europe by a muslim arab scholar. His name was Averoes.


but it's okay, I am sure that entry will soon be changed via the propaganda machine.


>You actually believe those lies about using human shields?

Yes, I do believe the literal video evidence on the placement of rocket launchers within Gaza.

Launching them from schools, hospitals and apartment buildings is a textbook example of using human shields. Not that an inbred muslim would know what a textbook is.

>Oh sorry, I got a historical fact wrong. I must be stupid.

That is pretty fucking stupid you retard, 200 years would have made it the longest sustained war in human history, and it would have ended after most of us here where born.

It's not a small mistake.

>Yeah, an uncivilized nation that has not gone to war with another country in two centuries

What is the Iran-Iraq war?

>Is it? because they are far less in numbers
Top Kek, you are master of trolling, no one is this genuinely stupid.

>Everyone thinks they are better than everyone else, the truth is often quite the contrary.

The difference is that us in the West can prove it mathematically. You need that toilet paper you call a holy book to make yourselves believe it's the case despite your being inferior to us even at the biological level.


Haha good one Ahmed


most of them are inbreed

when i glance around the world all i see is western civilization. if you do not like what you see then do the world a favour and kill yourselves.


There were no Syrian refugees before the war started. And the war had no chance of starting if it weren't for western animosity towards Assad. You think those people like being refugees? rofl man look how racist you are, you actually think those men prefer to be refugees in a foreign land by choice. I am not going to bother discussing who is cowardly and who is not, but your opinion is based on news headlines, I doubt it has any credibility.

>Why are they opressed so much?
>a fuck load of them just got let in into the whitest parts of europe
not my fault their religion is so violent and their overall culture is such shit.
fuck off nigger

>muslims oppressed in Kashmir
There have been massacres of the Pandits there constantly. Kashmir is a land occupied by muslims and in needs a good muslim purge for fucks sakes.
Also, the answer to all your points is that islam is a disease that makes everyone worse off, including muslims.

Yare yare daze

if you are so superior then why are albino women mating with Africans (your polar opposite) in tremendously high numbers?

>2% of the population is tremendously high in my low IQ mind

Hey dumb fuck, 98% of ALL relationships in the West are within one's own race. What makes it even more hilarious is that cross-race relationships are more often white guys with a minority woman at that (in the US the sinlge most numerous cross race relationship is a white man and a nigger woman).

I know you inbreeds are bad with numbers, but holy shit firs being 900% off for how long the French Revolution was and now this?

Pandits that were shipped off there. Google it, they were settlers.

I like how you are using historical knowledge as a measure of IQ. That and the "mudslime" term guarantees you are a miserable imbecile. I think I just found your mother on the internet.

do not blame false things for that war in iraq. bush may have called it a crusade but does not necessarily mean christian in the modern anglo saxon language. bush did explain why he waged that war. it was for DEMOCRACY. the fact that you blame christianity and christians is nothing but an attempt to let western civilization off the hook. the problem lies with western civiliation itself. whatever way of life/religion they follow, they seek to impose on others. they have always been this way and will always be this way. this is because their way of life is slavery of their master and by imposeing their way of life/religion upon others, they seek to increase the salves for their feudal lords.

if waging agression in the name of islam make it evil and waging aggression in the name of christianity makes it evil, then by that logic waging war in the name of DEMoCRACY also makes it evil. in truth the western races have been waging war in the name of secular ideaologies for over 300 years now. some time they call it bringing civilization to the savages and other times they call it human rights, freedom, capitalism, communism etc. this is exactly what the creation of nation states around the world was about. the UN us a tool of the west to impose its slave race morality upon the people. the western races openly declare and pass resolutions in the UN demanding that people follow their religion, albiet a non-theistic religion.

once again put the blame for the iraq war where it belongs. if democracy was a thing that did not allow waging of aggressive war to impose it, why did bush use its name? if you are going to say that bush was retarded, then why did his whole govt. and western intellectuals let him do it. why did their media go along with it. more importantly when bush sought to sell this war to other democracies what argument did he use? did he not beseech them that it was their duty to spread democracy, since they are democracies?

There's about 1400 people near me that have had a bad experience with Muslims. Oh, then there's that soldier of ours who had a neck and head injury in our streets while having a nice conversation with one. Oh, and even more on top of the 1400. Then there was a few people on a bus back in 2007 that had a bit of a to-do with a Muslim. Then there was a few people in an office block back in 2001 that had bit of an issue with a few of them. Then there was that nice German boy who found a loving Muslim in a swimming baths cubicle. Then there's that magazine that got a strongly worded letter by them. Twice. Then there's the ones that found a wonderful hobby in walking around our streets and enforcing quintessentially British rules, what good chaps they are.

The media is just blowing it all out of proportion user, don't listen to it.

You thought one of the most well documented wars in human history that was the single most critical in creating the world as we know it ended just 20 years ago, of course I'm going to call a retard a retard.

Syria is not safe because the men who are supposed to fight for their countries would rather flee because they're muslim cowards. There's no war or food shortage in Turkey yet they still jump in boats for Europe. The word muslim should become synonymous with the word "coward" and "traitor" from now on.


Nobody cares about racism

Tremendously strong arguments.

>Losing land every year

Have you seen Europe lately?

>Someone mentions numbers

Kill yourself

Try getting into a college here in US. That number is 92%.

"Superior" lol.

I have nothing left to say to you. Your post tells me a lot about your current mental state.

>You think those people like being refugees?

Yes. They get more money from European governments than they could ever get in their own countries. Of course they like to be refugees.

you first.

"Superior lol"

I didn't realize colleges in the US represented the whole population. Oh wait, they don't, less then a third of people went to College or university.

Sorry dumbass, but there's a reason why only 2% of the US population is interracial.

>I have nothing left to say to you. Your post tells me a lot about your current mental state

Yeah, that I'm not an inbred Muslim who's compensating for his inability to fuck women by pretending his inbred ass is oppressed and superior.

Because violent barbarians struggle to thrive in the modern world. What a shocker.

I have fucked more women than you ever will. But dream on, kid.

you disgusting piece of shit make me sick. a mudslime is shit, whatever "class" he is.

Keep telling yourself that. We all know you're no Chad, Chads don't come here.

Not an argument

israel is the most obvious example of what i say. they justify the theft of other people property and oppression against them on the bassis of the fact that israel follows the western religion. whenever israel does something they are quick to point out that israel is the only democracy in the middle east, implying that they can do what ever they want to those who do not follow the western religion.

i was once watching an interview with joe biden and the reporter asked him about something israel had recently done. i think this was in 2006-07 before biden became VP. biden was qucik to respond that what israel had done was not bad. he said there is no comparison between israel and other neighbouring peoples. israel is a democracy, so there is no comparison.

now imagine this scenario. a muslim people invade a small part of europe, kick out the inhabitants living there and occupy the very homes where the europeans lived. then they create a slave refugee apartheid like situtation, slowing genociding the local europeans who stubbornly refuse to give up. now imagine some other euro power complains to muslims and the muslims respond with the logic that the sultanate is islamic and therefore their is no comparision with the other europeans. that the sultanate is the only islamic shariah state is all of europe and that the muslims of the mid-east refure to accept any criticism of the sultanate, until the rest of the euros also convert to islamic shariah states. how would the euros feel about that situation?

the europeans are a race of parasite conmen. do not expect any noble truth from them. even when they appear to speak the truth, they only do so for appearence sake. they are liars by blood. they do not even believe that the abstract concept referred by the word "truth" even exists. they have convinced themselves that words/sounds do not refer to meaning but are meaning in themselves.

>he idea of secularism was brought to Europe by a muslim arab scholar
holy shit, you're delusional. you need to be sectioned!

That cat looks exactly like Toothless from how to train your dragon

There is a thread on Sup Forums. Bunch of white kids wanting to fuck their sisters. And you dweebs are talking about muslims inbreeding?

No, he is using historical knowledge (or lack thereof) as a measure of how little you know about the world. In your mind, the French Revolution, an era in which Napoleon Fucking Bonaparte fired cannonballs at people wielding muskets, ended two years before the 9/11 attacks. It stands to reason that you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about lol



Hell even using 20 years requires lumping in the Napoleonic Wars in with the Revolution itself. Though that can be accepted due to how interconnected the two where, but 200? That's something else.

They integrate when they are in the small minority but the more of them there are the less they integrate and the more they move to forcing their culture. Political conquests if they are not a fan of violence.

Ive seen Mulsims actually reverse integration if more Muslims come to the area.

Interesting to note that when muslim men flee from conflict like useless cowards it also goes to show how little islam regards its women and children. "Fuck 'em, let's just leave!"

Filthy, deplorable religion, entirely suitable for inbred muslim cowards.

And they give me lectures about muslims inbreeding.


That guy you circled as white looks like a fried tomato.

Other religious blocs are not having these issues .

Arabs Pashtuns etc are inbred.

They just aren't that bad in the US and Canada. The first group that came here was seculars and professionals, not poor illiterate village folk brought in to do heavy labor jobs that don't exist anymore.

When an immigrant comes over they'll usually try to center themselves by living and working with their community, that's not really a problem if the community is normal.

None of them tried to convert you because they don't hold any power when they do it will be a different story. This isn't rocket science Christianity has nerfed itself incredibly in the last 100 years and has completely reformed itself. Islam has no such transformation so the beliefs of old are the beliefs of today. Islam is not compatible with the west.

What's with all the pro-Islam/Muslim shilling?

There's definitely a huge aspect of that but one of the truly scariest things about the fact that all migrants pretty much are male is that many of them have women and children waiting for them in their home countries. So essentially their numbers will just multiply once they establish a home base in our countries.

But you're right, many, many of them ditch their children and women for nothing.

Just look at their closest living relatives and everything will make sense. Protip: arabs are semites.

1 - lose palestine in the 40s
gain entire europe in 2010

2 - dont care at all about borders
for muslims borders and nationalities are just made by westerners to keep them apart
they are gonna overbreed everyone else anyway
this way they just spread more
their creed is made so they could fit in better while minorities and then take over when they get numbers

3 - they dont give a shit about those stuff
as I said in 2
they give importance to family so they are never alone or exiled

4 - unlike other parts of the world like the west where only the brightest like merkel and hollande are in power
>dumb leaders
>somehow surprising in a (((democracy)))

5 -
>why are musims not welcome in india
rly you dumb retard?
>2 most retarded exceptions that exist in the universe

6 - that has nothing to do with oil at all, it's definetely about muslims
>if it were the most oil-rich deposit in the world and muslims didnt live there there would be not a conflict at all, everybody would leave at peace and give the oil away

7 - highest growing population in the entire world which is projected to soon control it
>if there are no muslims in places that are literally furthest away from them and have nothing to do with them it means they are weak
>in reality they control the american politics anyway

pls go and end yourself you (((civic nationalist))) dumb uneducated retard

I almost feel bad for writing this long post because of a 15 yrold

>500k+ dead because of sanctions.
>Millions dead because of war.
>they have zero interest in domination or conquest.
This is possibly the dumbest statement I've seen in my 9 years here.

You have to realize, most of the muslims here in America got here by plane and were accepted due to having sufficient education/employment/wealth requirements and are much more likely to be secular and westernized. I too have met many muslims here and they were all chill af. In europe though they received a wave of muslims, which have no qualifications asked of them, that would keep the bad ones out.

I love how OP thinks he's opening with a neutral position and can talk us into loving Muslims.

A low IQ from hundreds of years of inbreeding will do that.

That's not Middle East, that's pre-op Adam Jensen.

This guy got btfo so bad XD