Haters gonna hate ;3

Haters gonna hate ;3

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I don't care

This is only going to be triggering to people residing in one of your two non-countries



Fuck off cunt

You care enough to leave a comment ;3

Here (you)

cute :3

Disgusting, both of your ancestors would hang you by your think necks for disgracing two cultures that AREN'T MEANT TO BE.

Oh look a burger who is a product of more than two nationalities talks about culture
inb4 US does not even have the ministry of culture kekekekekekekkekekekekeke

ahhh nothing more heartwarming than old enemies standing together to repel muslim menace

>US does not even have the ministry of culture
is this true


I don't get it, why would a Croat care? Surely only a Bosnian would care?

Amen Esperanto

right listen, i am two nationalities thank you but the Irish and Danish never had any beef. Croations and Serberbians shouldn't be together. The whole war of the 1990's was fought so you two could have your own slices of the pie.

>the Irish and Danish never had any beef.
Brian Boru rolls over in his grave... ;)

No it was fought so that all of us would become economic colonies , also the fact the Yugoslavia was the 4th most powerful country in Europe as far as military goes , and was the only socialist country that started embracing capitalism. Also I am a half Serb half Croat so you can go and shove a cactus up your ass. I'm not a commie so pl0x don't think of calling me that.

Why are so many Serbs on pol today?
Don't you guys have Christmas today, don't you have families?

I'm having 20+ people in my house atm , and they are here since 6am most of them drunk as fuck , and watching football. I'm here to relax a bit until I have to start escorting people to their homes half drunk and vomiting.

it takes a while for your mother to give me one considering her age.

what's there to dislike here?

now you can partition bosnia

most of the serbs on Sup Forums are redpilled, which is the polar opposite of serbianism.

if you're redpilled, you don't care about serbia, even if you are serbian

>if you're redpilled, you don't care about serbia, even if you are serbian
Disgusting attitude. Shameful.

* * *

S rozhdestvom, Pravoslavnie bratya!

Only if she becomes Orthodox. You're playing with fire sir.

read a few books and check their authenticity. you will realize that serbia is not a real nation.

the language we speak is croatian. our flag is the inverted russian flag. our genetics is balkan indigenous and turkish more than slavic. i'm the only one i know with iq over 100, blond hair and blue eyes. why should i care about these people again?

i am a white nationalist, and i care more about other white people than serbs. we are objectively trash. this is why i'm looking to leave this place and get naturalized elsewhere.

Why are some Serbs so swarthy?

>posting on Sup Forums rather than spending time with his family on Christmas
we really are a different species

some serbian women look straight up south american stock or puerto rican even indigenous, its weird. Its the influence of Montenegro on the region.

why does serbia shitpost so much? are yall fags turning into the leafs of the balkans?

turkish genes m8 not gonna lie

baby hapa genes don't produces thicc women.


You disgust me, fetishising your stupid chance coloration over the community that created and nourished your very being. I myself am an Englishman with dark hair and eyes, full of pre-English genetics like almost every other Englishman, and embrace every swarthy countryman of yours over narcissistic twats like yourself. Europe and the white race has no need of ingrates like yourself. Family is everything, and your nation is the greater family, itself being a subfamily of the race. You are missing vital steps in the system, avowing 'white nationalism' in this stupid way.

Every time I see a map of Yugoslavia I can't help but notice that Macedonia looks exactly like a ballsack. I can't unsee it.

careful if you don't let the autists have their roleplay fun you'll have another hitler.

This is stupid bullshit, like when idiotic Russians have been brainwashed into thinking their North-Eastern European appearance is the result of Tatar rape. Some Balkanites are dark because they have ALWAYS been dark. AND some of us cunts from up in the extreme North-West of Europe are dark too, you fuckwits! Am I to blame some bashi bazook for my dark hair I get from my Irish grandfather and brown eyes I get from my English grandmother?!? Madness.

>this is why i'm looking to leave this place and get naturalized elsewhere.
Yeah, Turkish genes confirmed. (Protip: if you're looking to leave your shithole "just looking for a better life", e.g., da gibs, then you're definitely not white.)

>People on Sup Forums

I only care about Croatia because literally one player from Croatia that has potential to be really good in on my preferred NBA team of choice

Because we tan.

serbia is not a nation. two different serbian communities have very little in common.

for example, a community i grew up in was atheistic and racist, but most serbs are extremely religious and crypto-sjws.

my community cares about morality and decency, while most communities simply don't. you have grandmothers teaching granddaughters how to manipulate men with sex.

no, i would like to be a part of some culture that sees the world like i do. serbia and russia are definitely not it.

I certainly hope that you are a croatian proxyfag, and not a literal cuck. Show some proof that Serbs have turkish blood before you start pleasing your cuck online.

Back off. Croatia is ours.


Well, that is actually good. Balkanic peoples should seek peace.


We just had a fucking balkan shitflinging thread
One is enough for a day
Fuck off you niggers

tak nie ma

>two cultures
only differance between serb and a croat is their religion and regional dialect+accent
we are the same people

Have nothing against the guy but the girl is a slut who betrays her nation and deserves to have her house burned down.



Destroy all Serbs

>white people in a relationship and will probably make children

I wonder whos behind this post

100% Croat right here guys

Expert in burning down people's properties

Is it me or is Serbia getting friendzone hard in this thread?

Serb posts
Croatian ones
She is giving you the cold shoulder, get a clue Serbia.

i think they look like a cute couple OP

now its their duty to have as many white children as possible!

All Croat girls want superior Serbian benis, that's a fact. Stay mad crocucks!

croatia can say what it wants, i'm moving to finland or denmark. with blond hair, blue eyes and very pale skin that doesn't tan, i even look more nordic than serbian.

>chetnik proxy
Stop trolling, Zoran.


>promoting race mixing
Kill yourself
Both of those nations have tiny populations and cannot afford to be throwing away families to mix with foreigners

What lame cum made you lol

God willing

>Russians aren't rape babies
Oh m8 I am laffin

>serbia gets southern dalmatian coast
>croatia gets bosniaks and bosnian serbs


>The Serbian flag is just the Russian one upside down
>The first Serbian flag is red,blue horizontal bicolour listed in a treasury of King Vladislav in Ragusa.
So basically the same as today minus the white.Wew.
The records of the nation clearly exist,so it's a nation don't know how you got that idea.
>Serbian is Croatian
This is true,though it ain't much different from original Serbian.youtube.com/watch?v=V6tvEh83mu8
>I'm the only one i know iq over 100,blond hari blue eyes
T.Southern sub-human cumdumpster village faggot
And so if you are Southren that means you are surrounded by Serbinized Albanians and Dinaric sub-humans.Checks out.

>blonde,blue eyes
>self hating
>Self-proclaimed over 100 iq

Well than i have some good news for you than.There is this place called people Germany filled with people just like you.And do you know who the second biggest minority is?Well it is yugoslavs,since the Germans used to count them all toghter.
Wait!No way so that means that all these Sub-humans can go to Germany if they learn German?Than surely you the blue eyed,100 iq human(who can read guise!) can learn German can go there and mingle with 73 million of your brethren!
And so,it's time to GTFO to Germany,since believe me nobody in Vojvodina or Croatia wants you.

So why are you guys loving Russia so much?
They stolen the romanian national treasure so that's why I can't stand them.
If you are befriending them blindly just because of the slavic connection, then you serbs are just a bunch of white trash people that are easily manipulated by every scum that pretend to be a friend.

Love trumps hate

In a nutshell,they bailed us out of almost every failed war.

At least they're both white.

I don't think the Irish get pissy when a Brit lad pops across on a ferry to get his willy wet. And vise versa.

There is nothing wrong with this.

International relationships are perfectly fine, Interracial relationships are not.

Both of them got brutally murdered only three days after the picture was taken. That dude got both of his eyes gouged out while being flayed alive and the girl got decapitated... We truly are the niggers of the white race

>So why are you guys loving Russia so much?
most serbs remember every war russia helped us win, but conveniently forget all the times russia betrayed us after getting us into a war, or even when they supported greater bulgaria. in fact, they only sided with us when they had something to gain.

>then you serbs are just a bunch of white trash people that are easily manipulated by every scum that pretend to be a friend.
this is true.

There is no arguing with him, he is your typical Serbian cuck, our "cultural marxist", they are so naive.

I dunno lol


Stay mad cuck!

International relationships on their own are fine. Provocations like this, on the other hand, tend to occasionally get people killed, as was the case recently when some diasporafag in Germany stabbed a Serb for muh diking his sister.

Where are the proofs?!?

Also unrelated question:

A Serbian friend told me that as part of a wedding celebration you shoot guns in the air or some shit? Is he having me on?

>Where are the proofs?!?

He's LARP-ing.

Haters gonna hate ;3

>There is no arguing with him, he is your typical Serbian cuck, our "cultural marxist", they are so naive.
i'm not a cultural marxist, on the contrary, i have discovered that marxist world view is an integral part of the serbian culture. some things we never even question.
i just think that serbia and albania particularly are two of the bullshit nations that will never be great due to nothing other than their backward culture, so the only logical thing to do if you realize this and are one of them, is to leave.

I'm just messing, made it all up

But yeah the customs here have us shooting rifles in the air or shooting an apple hung on a tall pole... But that happens only in smaller rural areas these days

>shoot guns in the air or some shit


Go to 3:10

The fuck

fuck faggots
gays are ok, but fuck the faggots


dat regal

If slavs cared about their counties and government as much as they did their sports they would be in a better place.

In my opinion, Serbs and Croats have to unite and destroy that cancer between them.

That is why I said "cultural marxist" with the "", you are our version of a white guilt, faggot.

So that everybody knows: you westerners have BBC, cultural marxists/neomarxists, we have neoliberals that dream to drown in glorious high brow, modern, hip Saxon cum.Worthless specimens that never stop whining, easy whores that will fuck you for wearing a foreign band shirt(ur not into grand WOW u so modern).That spergs out whenever a foreign exchange student comes in(fuck serbia, le seljaci le turbo folk u scandi fags are so superior muh metuls, please fuck my family with your sophisticated cock).They are the other side of the coin that is the cancer that is memeing Serbia into Africa.
They have the notion that the west's history just magically stacked like block's a lego, there is no blood and sweat, no chaos.Their naivete is boundless.

Now you, specifically, want to attach to other people's glory, like the worthless parasite you are.Go, leave Serbia and live in the magnificent west where nobody has to work, everything is done with just a press on a button, where money grows on trees.

I laugh cause you fake

>tfw when there are more and more Cro/Serb muts in the region
How can we stop this lads,if we continue like this we are gonna have Yugoslavia 2.0 and the non muts will be rulled by muts.