
Hey Irish anons how are things in the land of saints and scholars? What are tiur acerage people like? (Based/tired of migrant bullshit or cucked/crypto fags) how is National Party doing, are they gaining support? Is there hope for Ireland?

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*the average people
t. Phone posting fag

I though it was Irish also checked

The average Irish person looks like the picture I have attached, Most people are decent but there's a sizeable gypsy/gypsy descended underbelly which is causing havoc in cities and in the countryside, they tend to do petty crimes such as low value theft but it has a lot of people on alert.

I assume the party you are referring to is 'Identity Ireland' and it's going terrible. The leader has as much charisma as a plastic bag and while the website lists based policies in interviews he shy's away from them claiming stuff such as 'no we arent anti muslim we will let in good muslims but many people from the islamic world might not qualify under our screening'. They got 183 votes, that is 0.0086.

For example listen to this radio interview. his voice is so unappealing it's unbelievable.

>identity Ireland
No I'm talking about National Party a new party that just started in your country, they want to cut immugration, possibly deport slavs, ban muslims and more. Its led by pic related, Justin Barret

The average Irish person knows the migrant thing is trouble so it goes unsaid when it gets brought up. The rolling of the eyes and stone reception to that topic, we would never outwardly say it was shit unless pressed for the answer, this is mostly cause we immigrated to America on mass and it would be seen as hypocritical. The most minorities in Ireland are the Polish and we like them. There is hope. The people here have a sense of humor and our word play with the English language is a way of getting back at the english. It would be hard for you to come to Ireland and not make a single friend.

Irish culture centered around drinking in pubs to socialize as there is fucking nothing else to do here least back then. So we like socializing, work and play go hand in hand. As well as mild racism which is still accepted here. We have a grievances too. Travelers are the scum of the Earth and nobody fucking likes them. Our Governors are more incompetent than they are corrupt and nothing is more attractive to an Irish person than a problem, average person on the Joe Duffy show on the radio can complain from day to night about a simple thing and do fucking nothing about it.

This is the first I've heard of them. From a glance it looks good, they are hardly causing shockwaves yet if that's what your wondering.

Taigs out

Tbqh I think this has the potential to be the Irish equivilant of UKIP but with even better policies. Thoughts?

WTF I love Moammar Gaddafi now.

> this is mostly cause we immigrated to America on mass and it would be seen as hypocritical.

But we Irish-Americans complete integrated and fought in the army to prove our loyalty.

I love it when people virtue signal about the Irish-Americans when I am right next them the whole time.

I wouldn't expect them to yet, they just started in Nov. make sure to get the word out about them

Our Taoiseach has enough sense to not let in loads of Muslims, theres only a few thousand migrants. National Party isn't doing much it'll be a while until they get going. There is hope the problem here is that we aren't terribly bothered by things 'ah sure it'll be grand'.

kek my whole family are irish so i go over there all the time, ive met a ton of irish people and literally NOONE likes travellers

everyone has at least one story about a traveller committing some atrocity

even really lefty irish people ive met just roll their eyes about travellers, they must be the most disliked people in the world

True I also think we'll be grand.

How did Gypsies spring up in Ireland anyway?

Poor Galicia

Irish are cucked beyond belief though. They're population is only good because no muzzies will move there.

No clue. But they're so hated for a reason of course. They're just straight up inbred and retarded. Without them our country would be much better desu.

Very polite country where whites act like civilized folk, compared to the US anyways

Killarney-fag here

How are they cucked? I want to know

The fuck are you talking about? How are we cucked?

What are you doing in the US mein freund?

Every political party claims to be right wing yet are all extremely pro-refugee and multiculturalism. Similar to scotland, fake nationalists everywhere.

They have a few good policies though, banning abortion was good.

>virtue signal
You turn to that person and tell that cunt they don't even know half the story of Irish Americans. Successful races are ones that try not to be a problem for the country they go to.

Fair point, whats your opinion on National Party?

Taigs are potato niggers.

The scottish one? Terrible, probably worse than sweden and germany combined, they are nationalists in name only. Scotland has a 20% poverty rate yet "migrants" get free mansions in the highlands.

You're in the wrong thread boy

>extremely pro-refugee and multiculturalism
I don't know about that. But if that's the case it's probably because we don't really get as much tourists as we used to. Ireland is a pretty isolated country so we don't really know what to think about other countries. Especially when it comes to refugees. Most people here don't want to take anymore refugees anyway. But then again I can't say the same thing for the government.

He means the New Irish one. They are pretty much pol when they go out with normies except the JQ.

No the Irish one, see

>t. plastic paddy

No idea, not heard much about them.


>except the jq
I don't know Patrick, Justin Barret is a bad goy, he has some ties with a "neo nazi group" in germany back in the 90s and they supposedly keep in touch

True, it is always hilarious to watch their face when I then say I voted Trump

>How could you have betrayed your own interests (even though voting Hillary would have led to the extinction of the Irish race)

>it is just like you people to turn around and burn the bridge behind you


>but your people were minorities too (we are only considered a minority and not white when it's time for someone to virtue signal)

Many keks were had

Reminder that Dublinfags aren't real Irishmen and should leave the country along with all your mudslime/nigra friends before you fuck up the rest of the country. Thank you.

Holy fucking kek

Watch out for anyone from Boston especially, they are the Niggers of the Irish-American community.

Cork is the real capital anyway.

I wish there wasn't as much heritage faggotry in my country and we could just focus on being white Americans




>WE ARE A WARRIOR PEOPLES (nordic cucks got BTFOed the second they left Dublin)

I fucking swear I talked to you before user. Kikes aren't mentioned on the website though


Well being white is considered racist plus even those general white traditions change depending on your location like the South vs the North for example.

I've heard stories of South Boston. There's a reason we used to have signs saying 'No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish'. Note that Irish are below dogs.

It's not but it's still the second best county under Dublin :)

Fucking awful. I hate this libshit country

I'd like you burgers more if you did that. To much LARPing happens when heritage faggotry occurs.

On the wikipedia about justin barret there was a link about "neo nazi" ties, desu these guys didn't sound like nazis or skin heads or anything
We may have talked before, it was n irish user who told me about National Party

More of a Wicklow thing desu thanks to the show 'Vikings' being filmed there. Pretty shit but isn't as bad as you'd think it would be.


See the problem with them is they quickly became an embarrassment for the rest of the Irish-Americans, managing to embrace every fucking stereotype about Irish people.

>le lets get into a drunk fight meme

And don't even get me started on their "More Irish than the Irish" bullshit





South Boston is actually alright if you avoid the Negro areas and there is only three or four negro neighbhorhoods.

I would too

Apparently Justin barret has stepped down as president of the national party because on of their policies is a traditional marriage but Justin got divorced.

I guess what bothers me more than anything is they could LARP as any Irish Pagan thing and they choose bland Viking Neo-paganism instead.

Battering the insane over there using logic sounds like great fun.

Ulster Scots are better imo. In fact, most Americans today in the South have this heritage as far as I know. It's the Fenian kind that act like niggers.

The 'neo nazis' were Race aware Nationalist so literally Hitler to the left. Justin Stated that he wasn't really aware of who they were and just went because he was invited

>Gay marriage
>Contraception is legal
>Rampant feminism
>Rampant adultery
>Decline in the church
Why the fuck would any conservative like this country

You do know that the Red Hand is an Irish Symbol, right?

The Pale is rightful British clay

Yea, I just wanted to meme the "ONE OF US" bit

It is.

I can even cry about "muh famine" and "muh oppression" to force them to apologize to me too.

It's too easy to manipulate them desu.

Both sides have their niggers from I have seen.

You're cruisin' for a bruisin', m8.

Why would you want it though?

Nah, nothing to worry about. Its just some autistic fad that will vanish in a year or two when 'we ere highlanders n shite' or some shit pops up.


t. Self Proclaimed Lost Tribe of Israel

Good Goy

When did this happen? Who will take his place? Is there anyone with more charisma to fill the role? JB sounded a bit faggy tbqhf

That's good to hear.

Vikings are criminally overrated.

All good points except the gay marriage part since I don't see a problem in it. But aside from that feminism isn't really a big thing over here. Sure it might be slowly growing but still I doubt it's gonna grow so big that it causes much of a problem for anyone.


There is no need to be upset.

What arw you? Irish migrant? American of Irish extraction?

Feminism is womens rights. It is very big here they even have law that specifies that a certain amount of candidates for election.
>Dont see anything wrong with sodomy
And that is why I hate my countrymen

>All good points except the gay marriage part since I don't see a problem in it

Be very careful, give them an inch and they will take a Mile.

The later obviously.


Certain amount of candidates must be women I meant to say

It holds Dublin, we take Dublin and Ireland will be united under British rule as it should be 2bh

You can turn this around its not too late, its been like that for 20 years at most right? Get to work right now, start getting involved with kids, instill irish values and a love if the church in them, like that Gaelic league did a while ago. What was it that Pearse said? "To instill the courage of emmet in our boys and the fidelity of anne devlin in our girls is our goal"

Come home, Ulsterman.

>No Gay Marriage
>No Feminism
>Minorities live in fear
>Church is still strong
>Former First Minister who mocks Islam
>Current First Minister who does not give into Republicans

Use the irish slave trade too. It's well documented in america that an Irish slave was worth less than a nigger. "Indentured servants" was still a think here till about 60 years ago. Honestly have no idea why the Irish would even have a minority card they can pull over there. Fucking hell.

>And that is why I hate my countrymen
Oh relax how the fuck are two men marrying gonna affect anyone? Honestly who cares? Anyway feminism isn't women's rights at all
Really? Like who?

Why would I be upset? The Status quo right now is fine. Not like you guys are oppressing the Irish in the North anymore.

It said on their facebook the Vice President has taken over James Reynolds.

Yea what my fellow american said, we have trannt shit being pushed in our schools, and normalization of pedophilia in our country slippery slope is real

Buckfast is lovely.

About that why were we worth less than the blacks?

>united under british rule

>as it should be

You guys managed to fail to hold on to a bog.

Ireland might be one of your biggest mismanagements.


Yea i'm thinking of becoming a teacher so maybe I can do something there
I would if you didn't worship English """people"""

t.Billy Nigel McIrvine

>Michael Collins
God bless, what would he say of Ireland today?

Oh believe me, I do this too.

Though many Marxists are trying to discredit this as fast as possible so we can no longer use that card.

Really shows their true anti-white colors.

I like it, but dublin is awful.

Kilkenny is great craic.

>I would if you didn't worship English """people"""