How do we fix men, Sup Forums?

How do we fix men, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>doing the marry jew

>her father's name
the patriarchy wins again

You sure you want more rice krispies, nip?


Maybe his wife's name was Rothschild or something similar. I would too.

Of his last name was something sad like Gaylord it cox

I'd take my waifus name

>Gaylord or Cox

top kek

By letting a bull penetrate them with their bbc until they can make a man out of them again.

>taking her fathers last name
>articles says one of his reasons was "to create a family name"

nigger if you wanted to do that you would be truly alpha by creating an entire new last name and force all who marry your children to take it.

Cut their dicks off and turn them into women.

>nigger if you wanted to do that you would be truly alpha by creating an entire new last name and force all who marry your children to take it.

>Hi can I make a reservation for 2 at 8pm?
>Sure thing, name?
>Last name?

Personally I'd do the same desu
I hate my last name

People lack creativity these days. I might go with something like:

All would make excellent new family names

My father was a complete prick and I despise my name because of him. Only reason I haven't changed it is because my grandfather was based as fuck and I'd be disrespecting him by changing it.

so ting pang instead of chong ching?

does it really matter if you all look the same anyway?


How is this related to politics??


But I took my wife's last name when we married too, it made sense.

>grandfather was based

We'll, there's that and also the fact that you'd be a colossal faggot for doing that.

What if some day your son gets butthurt at you and decides to punish you by cucking you out of a legacy entirely like you are doing to your own father. That's fucking terrifying, makes death seem even more permanent and absolute.

My brother took his wife's last name. I won't even talk to his faggot ass anymore. It's changed him and made him into such an insufferable little bitch that even the rest of my family, who originally were furious at me for turning my back on him, have started to come around and are slowly wedging him out of our lives. Don't be that faggot, absolutely no one, from your own family to your in-laws to your kids and wife will all think you're a disgusting cuck.

ok, dwight

That picture tells me they didnt have sex that night. She sat in the huge bed at the honeymoon suite browsing instagram and complaining that she never looks good in pictures Ashley takes.

>more brave men is now dead for (((the greater good)))

Okay, Goldbergu-San.

My last name is Americanized Polish. Abhorrent looking as fuck imho. And my paternal grandfather isn't even biological, he was a textbook definition cuck who gave my father his surname, and thus, me as well. I feel I deserve to be able to change it if I deem it necessary; my father treats it like some grand family name, but it only extends back like two generations. And as I implied I'm not Polish.

I'll probably stick with it ultimately, but it's just something to think about I guess.

Makes you wonder how a guy like that gets with a girl like that.

You could just marry other men
Just saying



He's not my actual father, really. He died before I was born. I was adopted and took his name at 2 years old. Hate that entire family except my grandfather. Barely associate with them anyway. They don't deserve to have their name carried on. Fuck em.

Would this be acceptable to do if you were interested in changing your name to prevent past acquaintances finding you easily anyway?

>tfw my dad's biological father knocked up my grandma and left her when she was young
>tfw he has my grandpas (the guy she married and had the rest of my uncle's and aunts with) last name
>tfw I like my last name
I wonder if I would have liked my biological grandpas last name more, don't even know his name


Hello inverse me

All the kids should take their mother's last name. You never really know who the father is.

>t. Jaykwon Nzongomongo

I know a guy that did this. He hated his family due to alcoholism/abuse/drugs. Essentially made his life horrible for 18 years. When he met his fiancee's family for the first time he was shocked at how welcoming and gracious they were. He loved them and they loved him, so he adopted their name when he got married. I can't blame him. I probably would have done the same.

Hey fuck you man Gaylord is a nice town, Gobblers has some good turkey.



>How do we fix men, Sup Forums?

From the sound of that headline she already had him fixed.


Southeast Michigan , used to go camping at Otsego lake every year with my parents. They moved up there after they retired.

If you read the articles you find that he's Jewish and one of the reasons he changed his name is because hers sounds more Jewish.

The problem will fix itself, eventually. Those men will be cucked by their wife, not pass on their weak genes and pay for the tuition of their wife's son.

I a poetic sense, you could say they heard the primal call of mother nature which is asking them to not reproduce.

This isn't necessarily bad, it just depends on the reasoning. One of my friends let his wife keep her name because he had four brothers already with wives and children, and her recently deceased father (who he respected) sired no sons. Allowing his children to carry her father's name was an honorable thing to do, and offers no risk because his family's bloodline is already secured.

But if this guy just did it to make some statement about sexism, then he's a cuck.

Exterminate corporate media?

>I like that it sounds more Jewish (bonus)


>wife doesn't look happy or excited

she would be happier if he drew a line in the sand forced her to change her name.

Did he wear the dress too?


he's also super fuckin cucked too

"She wanted a change of pace, which our new city offers. She wanted to own a house, which we could afford after the move, with her savings and my job change. I do the dishes in our house."

>tfw my last name is Lipschitz

1. Stop spamming this shit

damn, i bet you got bullied a lot, Lipshit

Jew changing names is like a woman changing shoes. Also this is just about signaling: Look I took my wifes name: I no longer is called Silverberg, but Goldberg

S-stop it!

haha lipshits

Tbh I'd take my wife's last name because I have a shit-tier one

Julius Caesar's father took his wife's last name. It was not uncommon in those times if you were marrying a wife of higher social status.

You don't fix other men. You become a great man, a great husband, and a great father. 90% of these nu-males aren't going to reproduce even if they do get married. Be an example to those around you, your children, and the world.

She's not, in this case.
I mean, if you're one of us anons and you manage to bag a countess, then yeah I can see that. his faggot changed his last name because he "wanted to show that his wife was his equal".

Does it even matter then? If neither has a last name worth mentioning why not just create a new family name? Then you're not getting cucked by your father.