California Finally Goes Full Retard

Well congratulations California!

You've just spent $100,000 of taxpayer money to turn this...murderous thing behind bars...into a woman.

Consider yourself on double-secret probation from this point forward. Don't even try to apologize.

The breathtaking final result!

Funded by California taxpayers or...?

This is going to lead to more delusional faggots committing crime so taxpayers will pay for their surgery.

I hope some nigger puts him out of his misery.

California leaves the US when?

Can't wait for the grand total tax payer money spent to keep Chuckie Manson alive.

If I was an honest, law abiding cock tucker, I would be pissed.

Glad I moved out so my tax money's don't go to this degeneracy.

So, will it go to men's or women's prison?

Being moved to a women's prison according to the LA Times.

Here's another pic of the classic beauty.

I saw this on the local news last night and screamed.
Not only do my state taxes go to this fucking creep but the feds reimbursing the state for this faggotry

You do know both Britain and Canada already funds trans treatment via tax money right? It's considered a mental condition requiring treatment via healthcare.

Hopefully the other violent criminals in that prison won't take too kindly to it

Seems like it will have a good time.

They did this years ago, talk about recycling outrage.
Besides, why are you wanting to make more men gay OP?
This means there is now a pussy in jail.

Every day I wake up and pray to God that California will sink into the ocean

You act as if the people of California voted on this before hand. You can blame our ever progressive and cucked politicians.
I hate my state sometimes, I'm just glad I live in a red county.

So you're the proof of man made climate change.

Proud Californian tax payer here

Glad the money is going to good use

now he gets to go to a womans prison too doesnt he?

Red county or no we still have to deal with the taxes, the early release of criminals, the moronic environmental policies


Wow Cali. That was better than spending on like water infrastructure or something like that.

They didn't do this years ago. They approved doing this years ago, but the first inmate who was going to get the actual surgery got paroled the day before the surgery.

This was considered a tactical parole just to avoid actually doing this. pic related, it's the first beauty queen who was going to go under the knife at taxpayer expense.

But this is the first one to actually receive the surgery, AS THE STORY CLEARLY STATES.

There are 4 more inmates who have been approved for the surgery.

Why aren't anorexics/bulimics treated by removing whatever fat they have left. Remove the whole digestive system?

>sex change
Wait, doesn't that mean that Bubba will be happy for getting some fem penis?

>double-secret probation from this point forward
I'm ok with this

not soon enough.

>Gender Confirmation Surgery

OMG the fucking doublespeak

Give me a year or two to leave this place first, user

isn't this the bad guy from Die Hard 3?

>a wig and some face tattoos

That's all you get for 100k?

Insane. You could feed a bunch of people with that money for quite some time. You could provide important meds to poor bastards for quite some time. Or numerous other things. But instead the money is spent to comfort a delusional murderer. Wew.

>“My dad begged for his life,” said Farida Baig, who tried unsuccessfully to block Quine’s surgery through the courts. “It just made me dizzy and sick. I’m helping pay for his surgery; I live in California. It’s kind of like a slap in the face.”
No kidding.

>if you live in california you could end up paying for the sex change of the person who raped/killed/robbed/assaulted you your family member
He's also getting transferred to a women's prison

There's no time, I hope you know how to swim.

The future of prisons in California:

Intake: "Are you a gang member?"

New Inmate: "No."

Intake: "Well you seem a bit scrawny, you probably won't survive unless you join a gang...or get gender-confirmation surgery of course, in which case we can transfer you to a women's prison. Would you like to apply?"

"gender confirmation surgury"

Lol it's true they just get loonier and loonier if you don't stop them. It's no longer even a transition, it's simply a confirmation.

>He's also getting transferred to a women's prison
Well, I was expecting something retarded as that to happen. No matter, he'll probably get raped by manly ass STD ridden dykes, I doubt he's getting away easy.

Which do you choose, the brain or the DNA?
Are you a thinking man or lump of physics?

Women's prisions like their bathrooms, are worse.

Yeah sure, feed, like people actually support welfare here after failing to make a point.
We'd just dump it into more arms to provoke Russia into fighting you again,