Why do non commonwealth in Sup Forums uses english fluently?

Why do countries that never got invaded by the british empire speaks English so well?
Like Netherlands, germany, scandinavia, italy, france, russia etc.

I mean I completely understand if the commonwealth nations like mine speaks english because we're British territory once but to think non empire countries uses them so fluently (literally perfect english and actually criticize incorrect grammar like they really want to be english) is just ridiculous.

Its like you're willingly acknowledging you're british territory once even though you're not. Is this the ultimate version of being a cuckold?

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International business. We need some language to communicate with and english is easy af to learn and everyone speaks it

The entire civilized world has been cucked into submission by the ubiquitousness of first British, then American culture.

Feels good not to be forced to subvert your dignity by learning the tongue of a filthy foreigner, as an American I can go anywhere in the world that matters and be able to communicate well enough to get by.



i learned english by playing league of legends mostly

why do brits that come to your country have no need to learn your language to speak to you?

I really, really, really, really like this picture :)


Koska Suomi on yksi vaikeimmista kielistä opetella jos tulet latinaan pohjaavista kieliryhmistä. Kuka vittu jaksaa venata 5 vuotta että joku urpo opettelee sanomaan "Moi, mitä kuuluu?"

schools they call it Malaysia, schools!

I have just the webm for you!

parce que tu n'auras jamais les capacités d'apprendre la langue de Molière putain de niakoué

Can you go to the ghetto & communicate tho ?

It's the most spoken language internationally, so it's not surprise people will want to learn it. Here we are a territory of the USA, so English is taught here. Mandarin may have most native speakers, but it's due to the large amount of population, not entirely due to having international reach.

Nekeriit ja liberaliit ulos ja rajat kiini


'Fluent' is a relative term, but I think people who speak Germanic languages (Germans/Scandinavians) end up speaking English very well because they can speak at the right tempo.

You say Italians and Russian speak English well but they don't. I know Italians who have lived in England for most of their lives and their English is still dog shit, yet the average 18-ear-old Dane speaks English as clearly as I do.

Asians have a terrible time speaking English. You all need to slow the fuck down by about 200% and learn how to pronounce the words vaguely correct.

Sup Forums speaks in Ingles only, kinda acts as a nice filter against the bydlo :^)

Langue anglaise, connard. Est-ce que vous le parlez?

>Why do countries that never got invaded by the british empire speaks English so well?
English is similar to Dutch so it's not that hard to learn.
>Its like you're willingly acknowledging you're british territory once even though you're not. Is this the ultimate version of being a cuckold?
See reply by perkele

Gz you got 3 words right

dites-moi quelque ville en france qui n'est pas envahi par immigrés svp

I'm planning to spend some time in your cuked country

Why not? Doesn't hurt to know more than one language. Plus I need it for my job.

English is very easy.
Even an autistic person can learn it.

It's because so much pop culture around the world is American, programming languages are all written in English, etc. Also the British cucked half of the world for hundreds of years.


I want to improve my french.
Mon fran¢ais c'est la merde et je voudrais l'amelliorer.

He probably wants to get away from cartels that want to chop off his head, but I doubt it'll be any different in your country :^)

Because history and culture, French user. France doesn't have to simply mean Paris (and as bad as that city might be now, I can guarantee New York is filthier, browner, and more crime ridden).

I want to obtain c1 certification. I currently have b2

How easy is French anyway?
Is it even worth learning?

...because the americans and the brits are too retarded to learn another language, so it's easier for us to just learn english

its because I'm a socialist cuck who wants to get dominated by america sempai's BBC ^__^

why do only english taught in your school and not anything else?
is norway british territory once?

Nah its cause the world revolves around us

Are you Mike by any chance? Just interested to know.

Easy for latinfags, very hard for Slavs.

English isn't that for a foreginer to learn. Most of these people probably have thick accents and computers usually have spell checkers, etc.

Not for long. You fuckers better start learning chinese.

Poland and most probably other eastern states consume a lot of anglo media and entertainment. This is where we learn the language for the most part.
There was a huge amount of kids who learned english when video games became popular since most of them weren't translated but people wanted to play them anyway. English became even more popular after the rise of the Internet.
Most of us also learn english in schools but it doesn't really work out well.

I know English pretty well (at least better than the average bydlo), will that make it any easier?

Here are the cities and places you should visit:

>Basque Country
>Loire country

Get the fuck out Paris and especially the fucking doomed city that Marseille is. Also the mediterranean coast is shit.

if english is so similar to dutch why do very little brits and americans speak fluent dutch?
Also I am able to speak english btw but i still have problems when trying to read anything in dutch. It should be an automatic process

Because those who don't speak Engish have nothing to do here
What are you sliding this time, Shlomo?

Since my first language is spanish, it wasn't too difficult to gasp the basics. After that you have to move into lucutions and increase vocabulary. But i don't know about how hard could it be for a russian guy .

>But i don't know about how hard could it be for a russian guy
That's why I'm asking, I never really studied any kind of Romance language after all.

they're already pushing it in most high schools here. chinese will be the new spanish in the next decade

>thinking British territory speaks English well

Lmao go to fucking India, Pakistan or the Caribbean. You cannot fucking understand them at all.

merci m8

i remember when i visited paris 10 years ago and even at that time i loved it. Probably that paris will never come back.

China is fucked because their government has been trying to prop up domestic industries for decades now. They are completely reliant on US demand for their products to keep their potemkin village of an economy rolling.

Actually, most people don't speak a lick of English here. But those who come to an English language forum obviously speak English

It's the language of the world's greatest literature, greatest plays, greatest movies, greatest music, greatest universities, greatest financial centre and plus it is so easy even a dumb nigger or beaner can learn it in a year or two

As I've said, the language barrier keeps the bydlo away from this site.

Also it's economy is shit and it is so polluted you can get cancer just for breathing.

We got invaded by Hollywood movies and British television.

The internet and various English media plays a big role. I've played games with and taught lots of different people English words.

We're just intelligent enough to learn other languages,Ping-pong

Similar doesn't mean exactly the same.
English is the most spoken language in the West, Dutch isn't (it used to be though). So learning Dutch doesn't help you at all with international business.

that pick made me audibly kek

Paris is Muslim utopia desu
do you know some good French youtube entertainment channels?


Easy and useful to learn

please delete this.

it's simple, you not gonna get a decent job without knowing english.

Self selection bias, obviously.
You aren't gonna find Italians who can't into english on an english speaking board.

if youre not a sheltered pussy then yeah.

Afrikaans is gewoon Engels met Nederlands gemixt maar dan heb je downsyndroom


my mistake, you squatnigger

>I know Italians who have lived in England for most of their lives and their English is still dog shit

I can write in perfect English and I understand loads of spoken accents but whenever I try to speak it myself my tongue gets all fucked up and I sound like a literal retard.

Granted, I don't get much practice, but still it's really annoying.

>maar dan heb je downsyndroom
Het blijft lastig: correct Nederlands schrijven...

Ok então, vamos todos falar nossa lingua natal.

waar zit het engels in afrikaans?

afrikaans is bijna hetzelfde als vlaams dialect, daarom dat vlamingen afrikaans kunnen verstaan en nederlands niet of met moeite

Engelse meme formaten zijn moeilijk om in het Nederlands te maken

Jodete. Soy aprendiendo Espanol.

ga meer naar de nederdraad in Sup Forums

na een tijdje ken je de lingo wel, meme is miem btw

Because English is an amalgamation of German, Spanis, French Italian and other languages so it makes sense it would be the dominant one

I'm Parisian. The rest of the country is shit, save for this chick I banged from Bordeaux.

Do you speak other languages other than english and french? How about german or spanish? They're your border neighbours east and west

It's because english is lingua franca and basically if you want to communicate with other goyims, you have to talk english. And Why English is linguage franca? Because it was a fucking huge empire once and colonized every bit of the earth. Also, the british east india company was important figure in trade durin 19th century. Were there other lingua francas before english? Yeah, French was lingua franca once upon a time. Now, French is cucked. If you go further, you ll see that the latin was a lingua franca.

>Soy aprendiendo

Hey I never said I was good at it

I dont think people from there speak dutch.

>what is lingua franca

I speak English, Spanish, French and italian and I'm not even in Europe anymore. Trying to learn German to appease Hitler

Lucky that the bar is so low or you'd be fucked, whitest country in South America.

My friend told me english is spoken by 6 billion people around the world because of hollywood and american rock.
When you make the best entertainment, people will bound to gravitate to learn your language. he also says in future, japanese or korean will be the second most spoken language after english because the rising popularity of anime and idol culture.

They probably don't speak it as well as they can write, but this is an English speaking board after all so obviously people are going to put an effort in to get their message across without making spelling or grammar mistakes. I'd also hazard a guess that there are quite a few who don't post too much because their English isn't great and they don't want to make themselves look dumb.

La langue française est la langue des maîtres et tous les blancs qui ne la parlent pas sont des fils de putain. Les Anglois ont va vous niquer vos mères bande de sales mongoloïdes à la dentition pourrie. Sainte-Hélène on oublie pas les perfides traîtres putain.

How do you actually get good at it?
Duolingo and then shitposting on Hispachan or what?
>Asia Pacific Region
Shitposting from the ocean by any chance?

Most germans simply pretend not to speak english if you don't even bother to try speaking german to them

>speaks English so well

atleast someone who speak the truth


We feel pity for minorities, mr 47%

Here's an English proficiency index, if anyone in the thread is interested. ef.edu/epi/


that one made me die inside


What's with this meme?

enjoy your Alzheimer's.

They teach English and French in our schools. I went to a bilingual school staffed by Americans from Wisconsin though.

It's the hot meme of the hour brah