So should women be held responsible for the decline of western civilization?
So should women be held responsible for the decline of western civilization?
No opinions, eh.
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day
How does it feel knowing that even a weak man could kI'll you with his bare hands if he wanted to?
>whether you like it or not, females are conquerable
seems like copypasta lad
>Voted Trump
Sory hunny but your not fooling anyone and gues what i am man with 89IQ.Dont try to fool anyone eaven i with my mental capability of 2 digits can figure that out.So stop this shitpost.
I'm willing to bet a weak man could also kill you with his bare hands if he wanted to. I mean you are posting on Sup Forums after all
Partially, but it was men who decided to give them the right to vote in the first place. Really, it was the Enlightenment "all men are created equal" bullshit that fucked over most of the West
>I won't show you my tits
Here you go sir.
Such a based cunt. Why didn't she make a half dozen white babies instead of some fucking feminist retard?
What the fuck is the deal with krauts and BDSM
keep your mouth shut spanish colony, and enjoy the hot chick.
I regret not buying a month during the advent sale.
Am a woman. Who wants to eat my asshole?
Absolutely, yes.
The ideal future has no ovarian jew in it.
>I have an IQ of 146
>but I can only express myself in short sentences
A woman allright.
no. jews and weak men should be. women are going to be women
anyone else seeing this??
Possibly, but if so I have to admit that we are the architects of our own torment if so. We spent so long telling women they are special that they started believing us. Only too late have we realized that "empowering women" is code for "entitling bitches".
It's just your stupid brain schizo. Now answer the question wanna eat my ass or nah?
Me to.
Lady no one has time to do it i dont whant to and no else whants ,post tits or GTFO.
Hairy tits ughh woman need to consider to start to shave there tits.
Women are only part of the problem, universal suffrage was a mistake. The only people who should have a right to vote in america are white males with children.
Tits or GTFO. You know the rules, nobody, really NOBODY cares about you.
Both men and women need to be held accountable .
I'm doing my best, keeping myself bodily and mentally fit. Maybe it will work out with my fiancé. Maybe not. We have to try if we are to continue .
t. lonely neckbeard typing out his daydreams
i love me some fresh pasta for dinner
they are either signofocant contributors or responsible
Dis is me putting my tits to good use
all these retards falling for a pasta..
>personal chef
>Sup Forums for 8 years
>146 IQ
>personal chef
Shave your neckbeard and move out of your mother's basement.
Not on their lonesome, no. But through the egging on of the elites, ((celebs)), and the mainstream ((media)), they have become one of the greatest cancers to Western civilization. They never should have been allowed to vote. But, it's too late to fix that now, what with how ingrained feminism, and everything that comes with is in today's society.
you never had sex in your life.
women havent really held that much power in western civilization so why should they be blamed for its decline
Retarded pasta at that
>Ann Coulter
>bitch has an Adam's apple
Who is she to represent the female gender?