
The downfall of the West at the hands of the Kike-Cunt alliance.

Write her name down for the Day of the Rake.

The downfall of the West at the hands of the Mudshit-Cunt alliance.

How would Sharia law treat this poor innocent woman?

pic related.


Yep. Day of the rake alright

when will white men stop being cucks.

Why doesn't the ex-bf kill the ex-gf and judge himself?

opinion discarded, snownigger.

pic related

>implying thia isn't the same thing

It is the Jewish strategy of rewarding the wicked.

>women can turn you into a vegetable and get away with it because of pussy pass
>complain about male privilege
fuck this world bruh

time to take justice into our own hands.


>woman moves to the Bahrain
>expects to be treated as human

Darwin reward

>going to court in fucking yoga pants
I'm glad they don't allow that shit here. The bailiffs won't even let you into the building wearing that.

Dykes, not dikes

award, not reward

homosexual, not heterosexual

Kill for drinking.
Kill for driving.
Kill for having boyfriend.
Kill for injuring boyfriend.

I have a feeling that if this happened in California, she would be given the key to Los Angeles for her bravery in the face of extreme patriarchal pressure while the man would be charged with public intoxication and attempted rape


sounds fucking great.

Translation: Would treat her as she truly deserves.

>Lomas was given a two-year jail term suspended for 18 months and was ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work. She cannot apply for a driving licence for two years and must take an extended driving test.

>The judge Miss Recorder Samantha Presland told her: 'I am going to give you full credit for your guilty plea, however, this is an extremely serious incident and both of you were very lucky.
>both of you were very lucky.
>get turned into a potato

WTF. fucking clickbait?

>MFW i got a DUI over 4 years ago for being 0.07 BAC but being 20
>MFW i'm still paying for it years later
>MFW drunk women can strike men with cars and leave them retards without repercussions

desu if it was me that was hit, i would make it my life mission to strike her with a car too

Shouldn't you know these things beforehand, OP?

Not even a drunk driving charge? what a kek'd system

>The judge Ms. Recorder Samantha Presland
wowie, i think we all know why that cunt got off the hook so easy

>only 2 years

Womens rights was a mistake

Sounds just.

>be me
>26, clean driving record for 8 years, no accidents or claims
>be involved in minor collision w/ no injuries and non-cosmetic damage to both vehicles 7 months ago
>technically at fault
>plead guilty via letter one month before trial, fined for that
>sentenced 2 days ago
>threatened with curfew via electronic tag by judges
>12months driving ban
>hefty fine
>100 hours unpaid community service
>threatened again with tag after expressing difficulty to reach community service place
>see this

I know I should be mad, but I can't muster the effort to feel angry anymore, why wasn't I born a woman, I'm a good goy who doesn't do anything

Fuck me Britain is a shithole now

They arrested the right person.
In Islam woman is worth half a man, this stupid show knew who she married.
Hope they lock her up and make her think for once in her life before she makes any single mom kids.

women shouldn't be allowed to drive in the first place

women need to be protected from the world, that's why we shouldn't let them drive and encourage them to wear less revealing clothes, or even stray too far from home without someone to accompany them.

i feel sad for this woman, being blamed for lack of self control when women don't have any in the first place

Jesus christ, that font rendering is fucking disgusting.

>plead guilty via letter

You're a fucking idiot to do that.

Explanation: British women are like radioactive waste and you should avoid them at all costs.

Ya it's the world we live in today. I had a problem with 2 girls in the lab I work in recently when they started blaming me everytime they failed at their work saying that I was sabotaging their experiments. I had to go under investigation for about a year while the University investigated the claims made against me. Endless meetings with police, professors, counsellors, and technicians eventually found that the two girls simply were breaking their machines and messing up their experiments due to improper use and it was impossible for me to have been responsible. No evidence was ever provided against me throughout the entire investigation besides them saying that they knew I did it. After all of this one of the girls continued to keep spreading slander about me even after the case was closed and would laugh at me with others in the lab each time she past by. I mumbles "fucking bitch" under my breath one time and she freaked out and started yelling and chased me down the hall. Afterwards she called the police and I was kicked out of my lab. An administrative hearing was held where I was found responsible for causing a disruption under the title 9 vawa initiative (a very fat irritable old women was the vawa hearing officer) and I was banned from my lab perminantly. Be careful around bitches most are amoral and will try to do anything they can to fuck you over if they don't like you.

Top kek, based inbred goatfucker

>women don't go to jail
The shock.
What I'm really interested in is if she also dodged paying for reparations for ruining the man's life.

Women are self entitled children who think anything that works out in their favor is "right". The sooner you figure this out the better off you are.

dumb bitch wouldn't be driving in the first place.

dont worry im visting the uk soon. im brown enough that is going to be nothing but a normal for the uk .

Not really, it was my only option.

>interviewed by police 2 months after collision
>technically at fault, though damage to both cars isn't enough to prove I was involved
>solicitor tells me it's all or nothing, minor cases like these that lack evidence/eyewitnesses are usually thrown out due to low priority
>only choice is answer all questions which definitely implicate me as guilty or say no comment to each one and make the police either throw it out due to lack of evidence or make them determined to get that evidence
>no comment everything, because my excuses don't break the fact that I was technically at fault
>hear nothing for 3 months
>court summons letter at december
>early pleas of guilt apparently they go easier on, due to lack of runaround to do

Even if I didn't plead guilty I had nothing to defend myself with in court due to my police interview. It was plead guilty early and hope for lenient sentencing, or do nothing and definitely get fucked.

Got fucked either way, but as said it was my only real choice.

(((juistice))) in every country means how much dosh you pull on bribes and lawyers. There is no such thing as justice anymore.

>retards being retards

who cares? i don't see any reason why our valuable police and court resources need to be tied up with the stupidity of the pleb class. let them treat one another to the mindless idiocy they breed without thought.

t. a true patrician who has all but elevated himself beyond the concerns of the horde

Thanks for the rage

>british women
I rather be a negro

>Lomas was given a two-year jail term suspended for 18 months and was ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work. She cannot apply for a driving licence for two years and must take an extended driving test.
She gave someone permanent brain damage.
She will never step into a jail cell.
She shows no remorse.
Some how you believe this to be justice?

What were the 5 word?

she was drunk so obviously she couldn't consent to drive or hit him

he basically raped her by letting her hit him with the car

Let me guess you didn't even get a fucking lawyer.

Here's a tip from someone who has spent a decent amount of time dealing with the judicial system.

Get a lawyer for fucking EVERYTHING. No matter how god damn minor it is. I can almost guarantee you any decent lawyer would have gotten you a much better deal than you got or even had it thrown out. You're a retard and I hope you learned something from this.

In the British justice system women are considered mentally incompetent to make their own decisions these are their stories

There's a fucking reason even the best lawyers have a lawyer buddy help them out when they get in trouble instead of representing themselves because they know that other lawyer might catch something they missed or didn't think about.

If you don't have decent representation the judge/prosecutor WILL notice that and they will throw the fucking book at you to make an example of you and to make their career look better. That's exactly what happened to your ass.

As much as I want to laugh at cases like yours it's just sad cause I hear of shit like this from time to time then I talk to someone else who had a clear-cut DWI or something thrown out because they got a good lawyer.