Proof that Bernie could've won against Drumpf in a LANDSLIDE
Drumpfies LITERALLY on suicide watch right now
(((Trump supporters)))
How would he respond if you brought up when those niggers stole the stage from him, and that's in the vein of why you voted for Trump?
>Bernie ''''socialist'''' ''''use the donation money to buy houses and cars'''' Sanders
>turning anyone into anything besides cuckolds, ever
>2011 + 10 - 4
More like DNC btfo for pushing Shillary.
>Bernie could have beat Trump
>Bernie couldn't win a primary
>this is Trump supporters faults
At least they're consistent
It's sad how the every single democratic candidate from now on is going to be a dude free shit due to this fucker
It's even sadder how he can move young people around
>Proof that Bernie could've won against Drumpf in a LANDSLIDE
here is the thing, Trump is going to be the President.
Not bernie,
not shillary
not ryan,
not st. patrick.
Trump won.
Now what you losers can do is 1) come together and build america.
2)keep being butthurt about it for the rest of your life because you will never find what went wrong and how to rectify it.
The problem with lefties is that once people realize how retarded their policies are, people will no longer vote for them, but the left has a problem of never accepting their defeat and then shoving their mistakes in others toilets.
lick your wounds, find what you did wrong and then fight another day after preparing. If not you will be punched down like the retards you are.
you can only move the goalpost so many times before people catch on to you.
The only appropriate response is as a whole we white people to apologize for slavery, all suffering and for all the injustices the people of color still face to this day.
We must do everything we possibly can to redeem ourselves from this despicable sin.
"Trump supporters"
On npr yesterday I hear them interviewing some cuck boys housing a refugee here in the US. They, and I quote claimed that "the house leaned conservative and we're voters for Hilary or Johnson"
The cognitive dissonance of liberals is staggering.
Turn into progressives?
Like vampires turn their victims into vampires and zombies into zombies?
That sounds dangerous, better purge all progressives right now
His support of Castro alone would have cost him Florida.
>The cognitive dissonance of liberals is staggering.
These are the same people who alienated their voters by 1) illegally stealing seat from bernie.
2) when campaigning they called the supporters of the other person as misogynists, religions zealots, rapists.
You don't fucking alienate a huge group by name calling and trying to shame them.
This is an invisible ballot, not gender studies class that people will give in.
>couldn't beat the woman who Trump beat
>would've beaten Trump
Pick one.
How about you try be a slave for a day and then lets talk
This isnt news any idiot would see he wouldve lost against literally any other candidate that wasnt hillary
You do realize people other than whites held slaves, right?
.t faggot
Young people don't matter that much. Most of them will be too high to go out and vote and/or not find a ride like they failed to with bernie sandwich. Though generation Z is looking to be a different story. Democrats have a gigantic problem on their hands and they are retarded and don't listen so its likely to not ever get fixed.
How will Drumpf and Sup Forums recover from this?
proof of a hypothetical situation.
I never thought of it that way
>bunch of nu-males, fat people, minorities, fat minorities
I expect nothing less than weakness from them.
If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
That's how drumpf got their votes in the first place though
Oy Vey!
How's Bernie's book doing?
How about them 3 summer homes bought with campaign money? How about those nice exotic cars?
Sanders is an old prostate infected nobody who didn't have a job until he was 40 and he had no fucking plans to do any of the shit he was talking about.
He catered to the new entitled America that we live in today. "FREE SHIT HERE, FREE SHIT THERE, FREE SHIT EVERYWHERE."
With that being said, no shit he would've destroyed Trump. Hillary wouldn't have won against any of the RNC potential candidates.
>runs for party's nomination
>more popular than party anticipated
>party conspires to ensure he won't be nominee and disenfranchises his millions of donors and voters
>instead of speaking out against this blatant corruption, he shills for said party's nominee
And you want this guy to be your country's leader? He literally has no balls.
>How about them 3 summer homes bought with campaign money? How about those nice exotic cars?
That would really make me think if it weren't complete and utter bullshit
He's a Jew he's in it for the money just like Stein.
Yes, and they voted for the strong candidate. Now they fuck off and die like the weak-valued plebeians they really are.
Socialists are quite good at winning debates, not so much at actually makes a nation's economy run well.
>shoving their mistakes in others toilets.
Where did you hear about toilets? This site?
yeah as far as I know he only has one humble $600,000 summer home
Literally Google Bernie Sanders summer home
Shut the hell up, Java
Seriously though, I can't understand Bernouts falling for that level of cuckery. I mean, they were literally disenfranchised. Not "muh racist voter ID laws" disenfranchised, or "muh not enough time to early vote" disenfranchised. Like, literally "your votes don't mean shit lol Hillary is going to be the nominee" disenfranchised. And their dear leader said nothing about it, and in fact he got up there to shill for the group that disenfranchised his supporters. It is a level of cuckery not before achieved in America. It's nearing Sweden levels of cuckery.
He has two more in Burlington, VT and Capitol Hill, DC.
He "reportedly" only reported having $750,000 in assets in July of 2015.
>2011 + 10 - 4
Fuck no, give these animals an inch and they'll cut your throat.
If anything it's time to accept and realize that whites and blacks can't coexist in the same country. America tried and it's obviously not working, so ship all the niggers to Africa where they can be KANGZ and QWANZ
>wwaaahh if my candidate didn't lose, he would have won!
Don't have time to watch the video but the comments reek of "I am a first year sociology major and let me tell you how the world works".
>"Is this Trump country?"
Wow this is sure to be unbiased and fair
This and literally anyone could've beat Hillary.
Carrot Top would've beat Hillary.
>"Bernie could have beaten Trump!"
>got destroyed by Clinton
>who was beaten by Trump
Really makes you think.
Sanders couldn't get minorities to turn out for him in the primaries, and he would have had the same problem in the general election. The map might've been different but Trump would have still won.
If you talk to anyone who voted for him they'll say the same "he speaks his mind" or he "isn't afraid to tell it like it is" cult of personality shit. The guy won with the most undeveloped platform in history, and if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
>Bernie refuses to attack hillary on her emails to be nice
>trump uses the emails to win
Bernie is a fucking hack with no political sense. He could've won but he doesn't have the heart to survive a political campaign.
>implying im responsible for the actions of dead white people
I want Bernie to try and bluepill me. I'd like to see him try. I will shove the redpill down his fucking throat if I have to.
He underestimated people. The elite are not clairvoyant geniuses, Hillary was a major fuckup thankfully.
Oh I'm sure niggers would've went out and... ah I'm just kidding, they don't wake up in time to go out and vote.
thats the poo i like
Not only this, he would've gained younger voters but lost older voters. You know, people who lived through the Cold War.
The man openly praised and supported the Soviet Union. On television. Talk about a "Russian agent".
First I hate it when foreigners care about our elections.
Second, Bernie probably isn't that bad of a person. Thing is he's a very old school socialist. His spending habbits or lack thereof make his type of socialism doable. I still reject his shit because the type of regulated capitalism we have. It's because of our capitalism a guy can work for himself. He can say what his products MSRP without government involvement. I like to use farmers as an example to why socialism is bad. Farmer a has shitty crops. Farmer b has worked harder, has great crops, and decided his produce is worth three times as much. In a true socialist system, there both getting regulated and being told what to do.
I don't think Bernie would socialize anything other than healthcare. Never know though. As a gun owner I do feel, though he would want to ban "assault weapons", he would not allow bullshit lawsuits. He's got a good sense of accountability in that regard.
He really could have one. I voted for trump because I could not stand another Clinton in the White House.
that's loser talk
Sanders is an old kike commie. He didn't have a chance. He and Clinton were the worst candidates the DNC has ever come up with.
That's part of why I would never have voted Sanders even if I did agree with him politically. He'd just be horrible, horrible, horrible at diplomatic relations of any kind. Too weak to assert himself in that way. He couldn't make it through his campaign unscathed; no way would he make it through four taxing years in the White House.
Rachel Maddow's sister
They should put Bernie up against Rand Paul. I wanna see how that would go.
This nice young man was with Bernie.
But this nice young man voted for Her with the rest of the losers.
They both want to stop spending on a lot of issues. Look up how bernanky got double teamed by both at the same hearing. It's hilarious.
I clicked a random time and he was getting btfo by normies on minimum wage. Thanks for the proof he would've lost and his campaign was purely fueled by teenagers and foreigners.
But didn't
no he couldn't. he COULD NOT have? Why? Same reason he DIDN'T.
Because the political elites didnt want him to be president and he didn't have the balls to fight back. This guy rolled over and slung hillary's dirty diapers like they were trump tower taco bowls. He showed his true colors, and it turns out he's a gigantic pussy. Well, even if you like bernie's polcies, no real change can be made in this counry by a wimp. There are structures of opposition that have stood the test of decades and have trillions of dollars behind them. What was his plan? To ask nicely?
Poo post best post
>calling the OP the first post 1 minute and 17 seconds after a 55 minute video was posted
at least they figured out the post IDs
based hellenic youtuber spreading the truth