Why do democrats and liberals hate Russia?
Why do democrats and liberals hate Russia?
They hate nationalism. He refused to bow to globlalism.
democrats hate him because he is against globolism and they need they someone to blame for everything bad in the world,
liberals hate him because he doesn't like gays. thats the only reason. no really. any liberal normies you know why they dont like russia, that will be their first response every time
because they seek legitimacy for the existence of liberalism and neomarxism. By diagnosing the threat, you are able to keep the ideology going
Russia is a deflection from the DNC corruption that was exposed in the Seth Rich / Wikileaks emails that revealed DNC strategy to steal nomination from Bernie Sanders.
They're the "bad guys"
>Why do democrats and liberals hate Russia?
Because Putin hurt their obobo.
what do you mean he refused to bow to globalism?
Do you mean he refused to allow people to tell him how to run his country?
they hate that russia is no longer communist, and that they actually stick up for christians and don't allow faggots to recruit/brainwash little kids.
that's basically it. leftists are very sick hateful people
They are controlled by jews who want to destroy a white Christian country, and possibly our own white christian country in the process.
There sure are a lot of Russian shills on Sup Forums today.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.
I stand with Israel.
The alt-right will not stand for any Russian subversion. We must remain strong.
you are a faggot
Anyone who calls the Sup Forums the "alt-right" is a shill
Fuck off back your oven schlomo
Russia said fuck marxism and socialism so cultural marxists are mad.
Notice how they are also mad about Eastern Europe which said fuck socialism before Russia.
Because the democratic government is full of gay people. Russia is anti-homosexual.
>everyone that disagrees with me and globalists is a shill
What is Putin (like right wing, moderate, far, or what)
The left has been butthurt at Russia ever since Moscow abandoned communism.
>Russia said fuck marxism and socialism
Russia is marxist and socialist. Russia is a police state with state controlled state, like it was during tsarist times with Oberprokurator. Russia is just like the West, only Pootin is fooling some Russians that he actually cares about the faith
state controlled Church* I meant
Republicans hate him too. Especially now with this whole hacking shit.
Literally the only person in government shilling on behalf of him is Trump.
t. McCain.
Also, people like Brzezinski and Globalist corporations want to break up and control Russia for its huge landmass and rich, abundant resources (with only a small population to defend them) regardless of what Putin is like