So why does this gorilla get so much praise compared to other First Women...

So why does this gorilla get so much praise compared to other First Women? Literally every time she so much as sneezes I see it plastered all over my normiebook feed with YASS QUEEENS and SLAAAYYYSS

Is it just because she's black?

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Women always go for a big strong man.

>Is it just because she's black?
pretty much. Also he's the first (((lady))) to actually use technology (albeit poorly as his IQ is south of 97)

she wanted to make the little fatties not fat in the US that proves she has balls

top kek


>Is it just because she's black?

It's because she is black same reason obama got so much praise.

Obama was also a good speaker, which is also why he swayed so many and people thought he "won" debates.

I never understood that one. He's a smooth talking crowd pleaser when the crowd is on his side, but it's not very engaging and the act falls apart but fast when the crowd isn't egging his empty platitudes on.

She's the Beyonce of politics - the most overrated thing ever because she is black and literate

He isn't a decent public speaker at all, just reads from a teleprompter. This is what happens when his teleprompter malfunctions and he has to rely on his own words and vocabulary.

This guy is a real idiot, never would have been President if he wasn't half Jewish.

People have been brainwashed to worship apes.

>Obama was also a good speaker

I remember at first before I knew what teleprompters were and they kept them off camera I was like, "what the hell is this guy's problem constantly looking first to the right and then to the left?"

My favorite part though has to be when he erupted in to



You generally can tell when he's ad libbing in interviews, because he starts flailing his arms in outward motion.

Millenials are amazingly brainwashed to believe that black women are inherently intelligent and powerful, when all evidence is to the contrary.

Beyonce is literally treated like a God by a significant number of the population, and I'm not just talking about little girls but I know college-aged men who literally revere that lip-syncing cunt. If you say anything negative about Beyonce in a social setting you essentially have committed social suicide.

All that for a cunt with literally no discernible talent.


>when all evidence is to the contrary

Idk man black 'women' are pretty strong


Nice one we all know obamas a fag.

dunno, but why does she get so much hate from the right?
