Is it really wise for the US to ally with Russia?

Is it really wise for the US to ally with Russia?

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We have to remove kebab and out gook the gooks, so yes.


The cold war is fucking over. Literally only Jews want war with Russia.

The Eurasian confederacy will dominate the third millenium, bruh

Considering they want to challange US as world rulers id say no. Of course so does China and US trades with them like crazy so what do i know.

dont worry bruh

sooner or later one of those faggots will try to outjew the other one, and it'll end in one giant blood bath.


U.S and Russia need to ally and just conquer the rest of the planet already so we can advance to our space colonization phase.

Americans and Russians are the obvious alpha males on this planet, other peoples need to submit or be exterminated.

No. Russia is only out for itself and the Jews.

First, let us dispel the 'Putin is based' narrative. Putin may appear based but he, and many Russians, still glorify Communism. He is happy to open Mosques and Synagogues in Moscow, and degeneracy of all kinds (sex, drugs, crime) is rampant in Russia. Not to mention that Russia has the largest Muslim population Europe, and even if most are native, ethnic Russians are in decline.

Putin is a cuck for the Jews, too. He purged many Jewish oligarchs upon taking power but merely replaced them with Zionist Jews. And here we see a divide (not that either side is good). Zionist Jews are now in the ascendancy in the US thanks to Trump, as opposed to secular Jews. So Putin, Trump, and Israel will all be on the same side. Just think for a minute what this means for the geopolitical situation.

America the home of the SJW and anti white sentiment and Israel's biggest ally, is alpha how?

I think yes. Putin seems red-pilled.


Bismarck though it was a good idea, then again we're not Germany.

Nope. This is going to backfire badly.

I don't see why not. We don't get much from our current so called allies so why not try something new.


Last time the 2 Christian Empires decided to fight it out while Radical Islam was growing, it didn't go so well for the White Christians

Also the people against Russia are not our friends, they are Neo-Cons & Globalists


1. We fuck with each other via the Internet until it escalates into kinetic warfare.

2. We become allies and work towards our common interests.

Come on user, it's 2017! The cold war has been over for 25 years.

>anyone who doesn't fellate Putin is a shill
You're a faggot who probably hasn't been here for more than a year. I know actual Russians. They recognise his achievements in helping the economy but they don't ignore the corruption and Jewry that goes on behind the scenes.

Was Napoleon an autismo? He looks like it in this picture.

"Putin says foreign foes use radical Islam to weaken Russia"

It's ridiculous to suggest that we shouldn't ally with Russia.

>he thinks radical Islam is the enemy
Russia is only out for itself. They are nothing more than an ally of convenience.

The Jews are the enemy, never forget this. And the Russians are thoroughly kiked.

Soros and Putin are deadly enemies. Don't try to tell me Putin is hangin' with the elites.

perhaps, just maybe

maybe muslims are russia's enemy?

so I guess they can stop blaming the west, cuz we aint going to ally with them and make their enemies ours.

sorry ivan, you stirred this shitstorm with your whole soviet "union", now sleep in it.

shouldnt have listened to the kikes

I think we should ask the jews themselves how comfortable they are with Putin.

"Why Jews Fear Putin As Prime Minister"

>Soros and Putin are deadly enemies.

But Soros is not some master orchestrator of events. He is a front man, a scapegoat. He is a secular Jew.

As I said. Russia, and now the US, are controlled by Zionist Jews. It's still the Jews.

Is it wise to start a land war in Asia?

Geography lesson: Most of Russia is in Asia.

>Brother Nathaniel a Jew trying to convince you that Jews hate Putin. Never trust a Jew.

Do not fall into the trap of thinking Russia is based simply because Hillary and Soros, et al hate Putin.

I will stay open minded on this. Every time I dig I find surprises.

Yeah and you're gonna get raped first, just like last 5 or 6 times.

Im ready when ever you are

fucking kacapie

I'll fucking slaughter you, worse than a muslim

Here's more info on how Soros is a front for a bigger beast.

Any ideas on who is at the top? Is purple war real?

Rothschilds! The family net worth possibly close to a trillion!

I think so. I support rollback of American global empire. USA government should exist to serve citizens. We should not mess with foreign governments. no more invasions in the name of democracy.

Rothschilds, probably. But Jews in general are never good news.


Tavistock? Or is that an old name?

Maybe, but I doubt it.

I'll have to have another look.

Their interests are opposite/same.

They can't be ally.

Of course.

Good, let Russia take Finland, those cucks need a strong ruler

nah, fins are okay.
the only 2 countries in the world with i really want to see a war is sweden and canada. damn this seas of liberal tears gonna be so sweet.

The Rothschild's without a doubt.

More like 500 Trillion between the entire lot.

I'm findind a lot of chatter that Putin is working against the Rothschilds but no mainstream articles.

Well, I'm still a Putin fan but I'll keep an open mind as I watch things unfold.

Why, how are these jews so fucking powerful?
Can't anyone stop them?

HaShem protects and nourishes them, due to old has nothing to do whether they are worthy, good, bad, or has to do with a promise is a promise & he doesn't break his unless you can destroy God, no one can do shit....


Why does he shit allover us?
Aren't we his children to?