SWE POLITICS / 609 days left edition

NPD at 1.5% of constituency votes in the most nazi hating country happend..

SD är endast en skenmanöver från globalisterna!

Ps. tack för fina bilder


Didn't even know about that.

Fuck it all then, no hope for Sweden. RIP.


Did you learn NOTHING from Trumps campaign? Cucking yourself for the media is not the way forward. It doesn't matter if you're seen as a racist, neo-nazi, sexist, right wing demon, as long as you NEVER apologize for it.

SD can go fuck themselves. They throw out people from the party simply for saying that immigrants rape. What the fuck? How can they be the opposition if they let media control what they do?

Fuck the traitors to our nation! SD is the enemy.

There are no democratic parliamentarian solutions. That ship has sailed. We're too far gone to solve this peacefully.

You stormfaggots who shill for a non-existent cause are retarded. Besides, if SD is so cucked by the kikes, then why did they ban SD from attending one of their meetings in Israel, to which every rightwing party was invited to? The result of this ban was that every other party declined.

SD wants repatriations, investigations into already handed out residenceships so that those on false grounds can be torn up and deported, immediate deportation once the temporary residenceships are up (most since mid2015 are temporary) reduced gibs and help by virtue of their numbers push even more stronger anti-immigration agendas onto the cuckservatives desperate to hold onto influence.

If you dont vote SD, you're practically a traitor yourself, because you're wasting your vote and thus implicitly helping the cucked leftists.

this is what controlled opposition looks like, attempting to drive away votes from the one hope Sweden has.

You should shoot yourself.

>then why did they ban SD from attending one of their meetings in Israel, to which every rightwing party was invited to?
Because the kikes still hate SD and no matter how much SD lick their boots they'll always hate them.

The controlled opposition is the one who work together with the illegal leftist intelligence agency EXPO. In other words SD. I'd rather cut off my dick than vote for those fucking mongrels. Death to traitors!

>Because the kikes still hate SD
The lack of logic hurts my brain.

>The controlled opposition is the one who work together with the illegal leftist intelligence agency EXPO
you're doing it without being need to be told to do so. if EXPO gave orders to shills to discredit the nationalist movement, they would be orders to do what you're doing now. you're fucking retarded.

>Besides, if SD is so cucked by the kikes, then why did they ban SD from attending one of their meetings in Israel, to which every rightwing party was invited to? The result of this ban was that every other party declined.


if SD is controlled opposition, then why is top party officials time and time again caught posting on Flashback deeply anti-semitical posts?