
Who else /unemployed/ here?

I am white and still I have no job. I know it's because of all the foreigners. German companies stopped hiring ethnic Germans because they want to be diverse. This is why I cannot get a job.

What about you, Sup Forums?

Go to a trade school and learn a form of skilled labor

I'm 16 year's old, i still need to graduate so i can get a job.

Tell me what kind of education you have.

>German companies stopped hiring ethnic Germans because they want to be diverse
No, they don't hire you because you have no skills.

I wish I was unemployed.

come to the us white man


Just move to Germany. They'll hire you on the spot. I hear Canada is pretty welcoming too.

I haven't been unemployed since a month after I graduated high school. There's no excuse. Go wait fucking tables if you have to while you look for something better.

I see white people in Germany are no different than white people in the US. Blame all your shortcomings on brown people

Right here. I'm 18 and a highschool graduate.

Lies. Stop blaming other factors.
Go to an airport and look for any job there. There's always need for check-in personnel or luggage crew. NO EXCUSES.

You can have my job. I plan on retiring in next year.

>I know it's because of all the foreigners.
kill yourself lazy piece of useless shit

I hope ahmed goes ficki ficki with your gf

Now that is just painful. How can you be an ethnic German and end your education there if you can get Abitur and a subsequent degree literally for fucking free. Kill yourself.


Oh wait, you're serious?


This. Also Sagume a qt.

just quit my sales job. horrible just horrible. should have turned away as soon as i saw i was the only non-black.

Climb out of your depression or whatever you are going through and get a service job. Service jobs are always needed, and anyone can do it.

>hab Abitur
>nicht schlau genug fürs studieren
hab ein Jahr 2 verschieden Jobs gehabt und bei beiden wurde ich gefeuert
ich hab keine Lust wieder ein NEET zu sein

>Blames migrants for his unemployment
>not his fucking garbage degree
Even then you can still easily get a apprenticeship, you just need to go where industry is.

Migrants are a problem, but your only problem is that you are probably fucking retarded



fuck sorry for dissapointing quads

I know your feel germabro. I do work a part-time job and recently the company opened up 12 new full-time jobs. I applied but was refused for
>muh diversification

Fuck those niggers we should hangem in the streets right? The 12 new "tanned" people as we call them can barely do the work of 2 or 3 white people! It should be illegal if anything to hire those tanned skinned people!!

no excuses, i could have a job but i choose not to because i don't want to pay for others' free shit and feed this cuck government

KEK just predicted the next terrorist attack! BEWARE!

I work in the warehouse of a rock salt company with 15-20 Mexicans. Before that I was unemployed for a month and thought maybe it was because I volunteered for Trump's campaign that they wouldn't hire me.

No you don't, you fucking prick.

pls no
kek have mercy

Youre jobless because youre an inbred faggot with skills that are less than even sand niggers who cant speak the language.

I can't get a job but partly because I live in a small town and have too much college hours that employers don't want to employ me, think of it as an opportunity bro. Like right now I'm doing work experience in the job that I'm studying to become, if you are really stuck ask for work experience in something even if it's a minor job like bricklaying. Apprenticeships and 8 week courses are actually brilliant, employers see that you are wanting to be employed and are not applying for a job cause your dole is gonna get cut.
Hope this helps, you might have a hard time getting a job but not everyone is hired in a interview, some people have to work their way up from the bottom

>says the burger, who's country is the epitome of shitskin catering

>tfw lost my job that i loved because my boss was a psycho bitch

she never liked me, she hated men, then found a replacement and came up with a bullshit excuse to fire me

Expats like me are subsidizing cucks like OP through atrocious taxes.

I don't understand why its even difficult to find a job, hell even a minimum wage blue-collar job. I can't stand being out of work for more than a month, as long as you have a decent prior-work history and some references from coworkers/managers you'll be fine.

Country is ruined thanks to Eu euro mass imigration and far keft facist leftwing media.

Use your vote next year.

I'm unemployed right now because I just got out of the military and I'm really just killing time until the fall semester starts so I can use my GI bill.

So fucking bored.

i wish. nothing is worse than working, wasting your time doing bullshit to make some jew more money.

>Use your vote next year.
What's the point in using something useless? Hmmm....


Let's all use our talents and skills to create and build a new business we can all work for.

Too bad you can't live on welfare like a neet huh?
Get apprenticeship on some hard job like construction and work like me.
Or better yet join bundeswehr and become the soldier of the fatherland.

Not if you're ugly and introverted. I've never lasted in service jobs, that's why I work in construction.

20 here, have put in many applications and had multiple interviews and still can't get hired.People call me a loser for living with my parents (True) but how can I move on if I can't get the cashflow?

>People call me a loser for living with my parents
that's normie tier in spain

muh brother

>German companies stopped hiring ethnic Germans because they want to be diverse.

I think, its because the brown clown is cheaper to employ than your pale ass is.

>not working after 17

oldfag here. unemployed at age 40. Two years of little gigs here and there and been on the dole for a year now and it fucking sucks.

Did all kinds of work during college, graduated (semi useless MA), had a solid white collar job, quit, started my own business which went under after 3 years. I lost everything after that including fiancee.

Been struggling ever since. I'm actually too old and overqualified for a lot of jobs. I applied for more than 100 jobs last year, a lot of blue collar and retail shit as well but never get invited for an interview. I wouldn't mind moving boxes or luggage or some shit but I'm at a point where I'm so jaded I don't even care about shekels and a somewhat normie life anymore. I mean, I'm middle-aged blogging about my shitty life on a millennial Cambodian sweater knitting forum.

>mentally disabled so I can't really learn any valuable skills
>too physically weak for manual labor
>too unmotivated to get in shape for the sake of doing grunt work
I'm starting to think there just isn't a job out there for me

Wrong dude just Wrong. At this Point you can got to the nearest Baker or any other Manual Labour Provider and get work in Germany. I guess you re just a lazy fuck. Nobody hires the Foreigners

happy to say I am no longer a NEET :)

you can make it dudes, don't give up

What kind of work is there even in Latvia?

I work 8 hours a week at retail.

white, college educated.

too qualified for shit work, not qualified for good work.

i'm a 'liability' to low wage companies because they think I'll leave for better work if they hire me, but good jobs won't hire me because I don't have experience.

>entry level position. 2 years experience required.

say fuck it. apply. at interview

>why did you apply if you don't have experience user? We can't use you.

Get an internship you say? That sounds fantastic. Will you pay for my rent and food while I work 40 hours a week FOR FREE?

college is a meme.


Join Erkenbrand

Not much of good ones...
There always is some gruntworks and factory works but jobs which need good degree is almost dead and when needed there arent alot of peple since all "smart" ones leave to bongistan or krautland...
Pretty depressing desu

I have a job but they have yet to give me any fucking hours. Cunts

I have been trying since I was 18, i'm starting to think it's because i'm a white male.

There may not be a job for you. If not, change yourself or make a job.

Otherwise I guess it's your job to end it.

> Yfw you had to work at the same time as going to school
>and after finishing high school you go and work on construction

This so hard.

Same situation, recent grad, see nothing but posts for entry level work requiring 2 years of experience OR a Master's degree.

I guess now that you have a lot of time you can learn the skills to make yourself invaluable.

That's brutal, i feel you

I did a 2 year "internship" that resulted in no job. My foreign boss decided to hire a Visa Indian and a Visa Canadian when I graduated instead.

I was not incompetent and performed well. But he never seemed to like me, so I failed in that area, should have been more of a kiss ass.

it has crossed my mind actually. Might go to a meeting soon.

I honestly don't understand why it's so hard to find work these days.I'm not that fucking bad looking am I?

Bye Mohammed

>adventure time
Seppuku yourself

There is so much unemployment because capitalism is automating things so not everyone is needed at work. It should be called freedom.

I'm not really into the show anymore, I mainly wear it for the compliments....

Eight year vet of airforce special operations, degree in network administration, cant find a job where I live that pays more than 11 an hour, cant move because of family and lack of money. Wish I had died fighting like my brothers life sucks more every day because I survived.

Tradefags say don't fall for the trade meme. Maybe life is just shit and we're larping as nazis because we want to be a part of something exciting.

also ich habe einen job vor paar monaten bekommen, erst als leiharbeiter und werde bald übernommen und verdient dann +2000€ im monat

Move to north korea.

I work 6 months of the year, the rest is E.I. make around 40 K. Can't complain, but thinking about going into the trades for electrical.

what compliments? other dudes tell you you have a nice ass? i mean, it's cartoons for faggots

Actually, a lot of chicks dig it.Not making this shit up either.

I'm probably gonna quit my job by February 1st, regardless if I have a job lined up or not.

I'm fucking sick of working customer service, and new boss is a cunt and cut my hours to like 40 A MONTH, for the last 3 months.

I have a phone interview Monday with a tech company, may the Lord in his infinite grace give me the job.

Good luck brother, genuinely hope you get it

>blaming your problems on x
Nice meme

Adventure Time is pretty lit man. The dark ass back story and psychedelic references really make it worth watching for me.
Truth. Having a chick dig something you're wearing enough to compliment it makes it really easy to continue talking and likely achieve a number if you're not a complete troglodyte.
But on to the fact that you're having difficulty getting a job. Shave the beard. Dress business casual. Lie about your resume and have your references be friends of yours that are actually competent enough to bullshit on the phone. Bam. Employed. Then you can grow your beard back. I mean for fucks sake dishwashers make 10$/hr. You got this kohai

x = you'reself
what's the problem?

I would have been fucking gone af. They clearly wanted you to quit and you're just now figuring out the message. Quit now dude. The fuck is 40 hr a month gonna do? You'd be making more money if you went and jizzed in a cup and donated plasma

Ecstasy causes long term brain damage dude. Why wouldn't you think that's an issue? Fucking 12 year olds

NEET, 19

t. DEA officer

I'm actually part time with the CIA but my real passion comes from working with the remnants of CTR. Lot's of us decided that during our downtime we'd come here and shitpost and slide all real content. Btw Spain isn't white

The ages ive seen in this thread...
jesus christ get back to work you entry level dishwashers.

Quit a couple weeks ago been chilling living comfy af

That's the thing, I home schooled so I am kinda socially awkward.I'm not autistic awkward, just shy.So I kinda never made any friends.But i'll keep looking for jobs like dishwashers, considering everything else hasn't worked.I just want to go back to college and do something in IT or something so I can finally get my fucking life started and move out.

Restaurant work is easy. I started in a low end place doing dish. Stayed a little under 6 months and got cross trained on all of the positions on the line. Went and applied at a fine dining joint with a totally made up resume and bs references. Got hired to do pantry (salads,desserts,baking) for 13.50 an hour. Washed rinsed and repeated. 17$ an hour as a sous chef for an even nicer place now. The thing with situations like these is you only need to have the bare minimum amount of experience and knowledge to pull it off. They're going to train you either way but you just need to seem competent enough not to get fired while you gain experience and knowledge. Do you have an amzon warehouse in your area? My sister works at one. Loves it and it's the easiest job in the world to get

" I try to run my home I to the ground and ruin my childrens future for a living"


They really are useless in the majority of cases. In my work, the more brown people, the more pressure is put on the white workers. It really is like a microcosm of society. These companies that hire too many diversities will not survive, it just cannot work economically. In a very short time these people will make our countries just like theirs.

A country is only as good as the people within it. The framework of Western Civilsation is not enough. If it's full of monkeys, it will become The Planet of the Apes. Civic Narionaliam is the biggest lie. It only works if the diversity is in single digits. They are still a burden obviously, but society can still function. We are all fucked at this rate.

Is this fat Canadian pretending to be a burger??? Anyways, you haven't told me I'm wrong, so that feels good. Spain is onioney at whitest

I left my job of 4 years because of an opportunity.

Made a lot of money in 3 months but they said "it's not working out".

Now my old job won't take me back.

That was 35 days ago.

I get interviews but I can't seem to seal the deal.

>i was the only non-black
tell us a job related story

It's kind of implied that you're wrong

My mans, KFC isn't considered a sales job. Great fool

I'm not sure if we have a amzon warehouse in my area.I don't know if Georgia just has a shitty unemployment rate or what.But you're right, i'll start looking for jobs in that area.