>1960: 90% white
>2017: 58% white and falling
Honestly it's impressive. Whites genociding themselves and all you can do is complain on a chinese anime forum.
>1960: 90% white
>2017: 58% white and falling
Honestly it's impressive. Whites genociding themselves and all you can do is complain on a chinese anime forum.
Other urls found in this thread:
Technically 68% if you count white hispanics with no indio genes
>Whites genociding themselves
You mean Jews genocing Whites
I'm not saying that isn't true, but do you have a source?
We still have more white people than any European country, even if the percent is that low. Not that I'm saying we shouldn’t be trying to raise that percent
If you stand by you're complicit, and like 30% of guys and almost half of all women are.
>White Hispanics
Is this like the 5th America hate thread today? Why are Euros so buttblasted?
You just posted one you fucking retard
Ted Cruz
Leafs are fucking stupid
there's 180 million white people in the US
>Ted Cruz
You'll be more buttblasted than them once you become Brazil 2.0.
It's still about ~63% non-hispanic.
One small independent source that doesn't get a response from 9/10 people said 56 or 58, and euro pol has been shilling hard for it to make themselves feel better.
Idiot they didnt Genocide themselves they let everyone in Whites arent getting fewer in the US they have birthrates over 2.2 so theire getting more. Ist just that they let themselves get swamped by the trash from all over the world. It s a South Africa situation
couldn't have anything to do with that 1965 immigration act goy
You're officially my bro now. You krauts ain't that bad at all.
It was 220 Million in 2015 actualy
What's next? Blacks are white?
1. Minorities aren't monolithic.
2. Whites will be a plurality.
3. White people always win.
Hispanics are related to Spaniards genetechally.
>post a fucking leaf Hispanic
t. Paco
Except that most of us do actually look like the pic on the left...
I'm not joking dude, I'm being legit. Just because my country loves kikes doesn't mean I am a kike.
>Obama is white
>White people always win
pay homage to the ones that inspired the greeks and the romans.
Obama is black not Hispanic silly Aussie. Niggers have no Neanderthal DNA.
Ancient Egypt WAZ KANGZ
Obama is half white, so by your logic he's white just like the spics.
can confirm and most of the white people in the US are old and dying and nobody having enough kids anymore
so in about 10 years that 58% will go to like 30-40% very rapidly before your eyes
almost everybody is an immigrant in this land
He has no Neanderthal DNA, hispanics do. So no I don't count him as white.
>white hispanics with no indio genes
lol fuck off
Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you dweebs take it to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
He does.
Wow, another white thread. Yawn.
If you aren't pure you aren't white.
Go ahead and post your face, Ahmed. I've showed that I am white, now let's see if you are.
I got news for you, the man who overtook rome with elephants and left. Romans biggest adversary, had black heritage too.
But Anglos aren't white either, they're blood sucking demons who drink aryan blood. They're satans creations
I missed you John
Educate yourself, OP:
>Representative (((Emanuel Celler))) of New York proposed the bil
That fact that Ted Cruz is like the most White person from Canada really says it all about Leafs
LOOOL. Then why on 4 Chan ? I Smell a liar
Was never 90 percent. Blacks have always made up 12 plus percent. Not accouting the hispanic or asian immigrants which have been coming pre ww2 either.
You forgot
>60% white and climbing
>have birthrates over 2.2
no they don't dumbass. whites in america have been below replacement fertility since 1970s. theres more white deaths than births for the last 5 years, meaning boomers are starting to die off and the white pop. is declining
>1960: 158,831,732 88.6%
>2010: 223,553,265 72.4%
Another of you History Revisionist Assholes ? God you lefties are breeding somewhere in here. Gotta get the Flamer for you. Hannibal was Phoenician descent (From Lebanon for you fuckwit) so he was more like an Arab. 80% of his army was made up of Celts and Iberians (French and Spaniards so you know) The only ones who were Black were the Nubian Mercenaries. Which were Fighting slaves even at that Time.
>If you aren't pure you aren't white
Pls stop reading wrong statistics. It drives us Germans crazy if someone farts out wrong info
Are you admitting that you're not white?
Russia must have more? Or about the same.
russia has 160 Mill compared to the USs 220 Mill. But the Russkies are well under replacement level
sorry Russia is at 143 Mill not 160 mill
Yeah but they're 95%+. So in a better situation. Also have loads of ethnic Russians/Russian speakers beyond their borders.
Exactly. You're just another fucking nonwhite sandnigger. Fuck off back to your sand, Mohammed
Who cares really, ill take america over any yuro country any day, even those nordic countries they suck dick about. I live in a /comfy/ midwest upper-mid class white suburbia. And now we got fucking Trump, why trade the next 4yrs of lulz to go live in some shithole?
ancient meme is ancient
what the fuck you can't even check d*bs on this board?
I'm actually white though pls no bully.
Fedora lords, edgy kids and Leftists in disguise, refuse to acknowledge the importance of spiritual resistance, and instead post dank memes about transhumanism or "da jew"!
They'll literally go down with the sinking broken ship that is their "logic", when it's really more a emotional attachment spun into them by pop culture and the Marxist media of the past 30 years.
Yes, there are white hispanics. Although we ignore that Al Aldus and Moorish fuckery. Still white.
>implying he's even going to stop the million/year legal we get
>not realizing the white population has actually increased since the 1960s
>not realizing the country has been flooded with third worlders since the 1960s, making it look like there are less white people
Hispanic is not latino
You already fell for that classic trick. Remember back in grade school when you did those tests and you had to fill in the bubbles of what your race was in a separate category what your ethnicity was?
Remember how there was either a separate category of Hispanic vs. Non-hispanic, or that the label for white was specifically non-hispanic White?
Hispanic is a term like Anglo or Germanic and moreso refers to central american culture than race.
But its used as a catch. In crime, obvious latinos get labled as white. In diversity statistics, white people who might have a spanish grandma are hispanic and people like you think that means latino.
I bet you also fall for D&C like "Irish/Slavs/Mediterraneans can't be white".
john isnt white
It's called autogenocide.
So 62% of the population in the USA is white. But then, there are 11 million illegal immigrants. The U.S. Census also includes Arabs (3,700,000 population as estimated by the Arab American Institute 2016) and Persians (roughly 500,000) as white, as well as Slavs, Irish, Jews and Catholics who are debatably white.
Therefore the U.S. white population is much lower than 60%.
calcified pasta
America : getting replaced by latinos
Britain/France/ect : getting replaced by africans and arabs
fuck off
And not even all of us can be considered white.
I myself have black hair and brown eyes.
>caring about what color people will be after you die
Pretty autism if you ask me
>60% white
If my post ends 1-6 I am white.
so close
Says white history
Why don't we all just form an underground white colony in a heated dome under the ice in Antarctica?
I mean it, would be comfy desu.