Racemixing thread

Sup Forums approved racemixes


filipino + _______ = female = yes


I don't care at all as long as they're not white. I could not care less what other races do with themselves.

put your fucking leaf back on

my jaw has descended to the floor

Aussies need it cause of their criminal and low iq ancestry. So any race really. Aussie + abo would be better for aussies and worse for abo.

>be 24
>get a an engineering job after college
>company is building a fab in china
>from 2011-2012 go to china probably like 30 times
>"rich" American in Shenzhen
>fuck like 100+ asian chicks
>they literally walk up to you and you can just put them in your cab
>got several pregnant
>meanwhile my GF now wife has no idea
>Asian bitches can never find me they have no clue who the fuck I am
>we are now trying for our "first"
>wife has no idea i have half a dozen bastards running around China

Feels good man

>tfw currynigger
>tfw you don't find members of your own race attractive
>tfw you want your children to have identity
>tfw you gave up your previous cultural identity to integrate better into Canadian culture
>tfw Trudeau said Canadian is post-national and all the normies bought it

whites and niggers and the jews of races

I fucking love the replies I get from that webm. I've never actually watched it myself past the first 2 seconds.

God bless whoever made it. It makes for good ammunition.

Impressive Jawline, Strong Chin...

literally improving chinese genepool


They've probably been stomped to death in the street by now. Or sucked into an escalator

no skin off my nuts, but I cant help but hope they are okay.


I wouldn't even call it racemixing really, but it's okay to fuck japaryans, since they are white.

>cheating on your spouse is bad, women are whores
>but it's ok when i do it


Every girl I've ever dated besides my first gf (Dominican) has been pale as snow. Current gf is full German.

I am Puerto Rican and Native American.

They call me Bailando con Gringas.

Stay mad whitebois


>Asians count

I feel the islams have this one right, mongrel sub-humans dont count.
